Saturday, May 23, 2020
The River and A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery OConnor
God’s grace is offered to everyone no matter what his or her religion, or lack thereof. The real obstacle is whether or not the offered grace is realized and accepted. In â€Å"The River†by Flannery O’Connor an innocent child, Harry, is offered grace. He is clueless to what is going on, but he knows he is not content in the life he lives now. In addition, in â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard to Find†O’Connor challenges the socially unworthy characters, The Misfit and the Grandmother, to find and accept grace. God grants all of his children the opportunity to obtain grace whether they are innocent or apparently socially unworthy. The innocent Harry and the socially unworthy Grandmother both receive grace through violence: however, the socially unworthy Misfit is offered grace but refuses it. God has a plan for all of his children which involves grace. Grace is forgiveness and the only real grace comes from God. He reveals it when he is ready and in different ways. Harry (Bevel) Ashfield in â€Å"The River†is a child that lacks attention from his immoral parents and is treated as an after-thought at best. He â€Å"is at the mercy of his rotten parents who treat him as nothing more than an inconvenience†(Sparrow 1). In his home everything is a joke and he is raised as if nothing matters (Sparrow 1). Although Harry is not materially deprived, he is spiritually malnourished. He lacks the appreciation and admiration that is needed for spiritual and moral growth from his parents (Sparrow 2).Show MoreRelatedFlannery O Connor And Religion961 Words  | 4 PagesFlannery O’Connor and Religion in Literature In Flannery O’Connor’s short stories, she often relates them to religion or incorporates a religious form in her stories. O’Connor highlights Christian themes throughout her writing. From her stories familiar to the bible, to death and religious views, its simple to see O’Connor’s religious understanding of God. She ties in her Christian views through her writing, which have a distinct and unique quality. O’Connor often expresses her views of God throughoutRead More The Authors Character in A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery OConnor1053 Words  | 5 Pages â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find†is a short story written by Flannery O’ Connor. O’Connor was an American writer whose writings always incorporated humor into a sad or devastating situation. Her collections include 31 short stories, two novels, and a couple of letters and speeches. O’Connor is most famous for her short story works. In numerous works of h er, her conscious craftsmanship was revealed and also the devoted role that Roman Catholicism plays in her life (Flannery) O’ Connor was born theRead MoreChild Abuse in Flannery O’Connors Short Story â€Å"The River748 Words  | 3 PagesChild abuse is something that is very apparent in the world but is something that people find awkward to talk about Flannery O’Connors short story â€Å"The River†talks about a young boy Harry who isn’t taken care of very well and has a hard life. Throughout the story it is presented that Harry’s parents are unfit, he is neglegted at home, and everything is joke to the family. Harry’s parents don’t really know how to raise a child. The spend their days partying and drinking. When the sitter firstRead More The Effective Use of Tone in Flannery OConnors A Good Man is Hard to Find657 Words  | 3 PagesThe Effective Use of Tone in Flannery OConnors A Good Man is Hard to Find Flannery OConnors short story, A Good Man is Hard to Find, begins with a Southern family preparing to go on what seems to be a typical vacation. The story is humorous at first because the reader is unaware of how the story will end. The tone changes dramatically from amusing to frightening and plays an important part in making the story effective. The narrator starts the story giving background informationRead More Symbolism in A Good Man Is Hard to Find by Flannery OConnor1038 Words  | 5 PagesUse of Symbolism in A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery OConnor A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery OConnor is a short story that depicts a familys vacation to Florida that turned into an abysmal tragedy when they met with the Misfit, a convict who escaped from prison. This story is meant to be interpreted as a parable, whereby OConnor made skilful use of symbolism to bring about messages such as the class-consciousness and the lack of spiritual faith that exist amongst human. Read MoreA Good Man Is Hard For Find By Flannery O Connor And Women Hollering Creek By Sandra Cisneros995 Words  | 4 PagesDuring a journey a person will come across a crisis or it will be an escape from a struggle or an external conflict. In the two short stories, â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard To Find†by Flannery O’Connor and â€Å"Women Hollering Creek†by Sandra Cisneros, the protagonists are faced with similar crisis of limitations. On the contrary, â€Å"The Swimmer†by John Cheever describes the protagonist to be someone that has no li mitations, which led him to abuse his freedom. Although these three tales show differences theyRead MoreANALIZ TEXT INTERPRETATION AND ANALYSIS28843 Words  | 116 Pagesresolved is one within the protagonist’s psyche or personality. External conflict may reflect a basic opposition between man and nature (such as in Jack London’s famous short story â€Å"To Build a Fire†or Ernest Hemingway’s â€Å"The Old Man and the Sea†) or between man and society (as in Richard Wright’s â€Å"The Man Who Was Almost a Man†). It may also take the form of an opposition between man and man (between the protagonist and a human adversary, the antagonist), as, for example, in most detective fiction. Internal
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
The Effects Of Diabetes On Human Body - 1168 Words
Reflecting on the history of diabetes throughout the 20th century, one can note that the number of people with diabetes is a minority, at least in the United States. Notwithstanding that the diabetic compose only about 10% of the United States population, â€Å"Diabetes is the third leading of death in the United States. According to †¦ If it were included, it might as well be the leading cause of death in the United States. Recent reports [reports made in 2007] predict that 95 percent of people born today [2007] will eventually develop diabetes†(Bernstein 33). Dr. Richard Bernstein’s Dr. Bernstein’s Diabetes Solution: The Complete Guide to Achieving Normal Blood Sugars, a book about the treatment of diabetes, gave background on what diabetes†¦show more content†¦In their writing, they also mention that lethargy, tiredness, confusion may result in a coma. The two doctors of medicine mean that if someone has DKA, they will feel ill, fatigued, and m ay fall unconscious, and they clearly implied that taking a visit to the hospital is essential for the health of the patient diagnosed with DKA. In addition, diabetes may lead to heart diseases, such as Coronary Artery Disease, which blocks the flow of oxygen and other nutrients and molecules to the heart, frequently occurring through atherosclerosis (hardening of arteries). High blood pressure, or hypertension, when combined with diabetes, raises the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Diabetes can also damage the corneas in eyes, which is why it’s the leading cause of blindness. With great diversity of the effects of diabetes, the amounts of causes are just as plentiful. Type 1 diabetes is caused by lack of insulin because of beta cells, the cells in the bosdy that produce insulin, either not producing enough insulin to support the entire body or beta cells being destroyed entirely by autoimmune diseases, where white blood cells and the body’s own immune system attack the beta cells, limiting the amount of insulin being produced. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, a group of researchers providing information on various diseases, which wrote, â€Å"Certain gene variants that carry instructions for making
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Cannery Row Essay Free Essays
Cannery Row Cannery Row, is not just a novel written by John Steinbeck, but it is also a very good example of huge variety of different people and human beings that are presented in most of the societies. This story tells us how people are trying to be happy and take the best out of each situation they are in, even in bad situations. The author gives us the view on the Cannery Row from different prospectives like peepholes so we can better understand the whole idea of the novel. We will write a custom essay sample on Cannery Row Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now While looking from one peephole we can see that Mack and the boys are nice guys even if they steel things from other people. They are just enjoying their lives, they don’t have work because they don’t want, from one side it is very good because most people want to do what they want but not what they should. John Steinbeck is showing to us that if there is a desire people are able to do it. He shows us the Cannery Raw as a small kind of world with its own rules and values of each person living their. Mack and the boys are steeling not because they can not find any jobs, but because they just don’t want. They don’t like when anyone is controlling them, they want to be free and do what they like, enjoy their lives. I think that they are doing the right thing, because we are given our lives for enjoing them but not for spending them on the things that you don’t like. Of course it is not always this way but people must have an aim and go for it. We can see it in the novel, most of the How to cite Cannery Row Essay, Essays
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Educating Rita Frank and Ritas Relationship Essay Example For Students
Educating Rita: Frank and Ritas Relationship Essay Educating Rita is a play written by playwright Willy Russell in the 1980s. Willy Russell appears to be from an educated social class but found a good basis for him to write Educating Rita from his own life. Willy Russell, born in 1947,grew up in Liverpool, and was originally from a working class background and was expected to work in either the docks or a factory. But he knew from the start that he was going to be a writer; his ambitions were achieved against all odds as he became educated and over came social boundaries. Educating Rita mirrors his life very closely; I think Willy Russell changes his main characters sex so as to make the change more poignant, as a womens place in the later 20th century was still to be a housewife and the oppressed sex.This has been challenged during this period as an outdated view, and that women were every bit as capable as a man in the workplace. Educating Rita is a play that uses these contrasted views to its own uses and shows a working class woman proving that she can have an education if she is given the chance, and the means to do so. The whole of the play takes place in just one setting giving the audience a closer and more intimate feel between the two characters as their relationship develops. In Educating Rita the relationship between Frank and Rita is constantly changing throughout the play. In Act one we see them becoming closer and in Act two we see them pulling apart; this is due to the fact that Rita earns her independence at the end of the play. This is perfectly normal as Rita learns how to socialise with other individuals despite the social class barrier and gains confidence; this process is a complete role reversal as Frank is now relying on her. It is in some ways like a parent-child relationship because Ritas character is naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve and innocent to begin with; she learns quickly and is soon independent. Frank doesnt like Rita becoming mature and out growing him; like the process parents go through with their teenage child. Ritas character in the play is bright bubbly and loud, this covers up her insecurities on the inside, as she doesnt know how to act. We can see this from her first entrance into the play in scene1. Rita and Franks first meeting in the play involved a rather dramatic and rude entrance by Rita who bossed Frank around and swore drawing attention onto her. The first words she said to Frank were Its that stupid bleedin handle on the door. You wanna get it fixed! To the audience this language for a first meeting seems very inappropriate and informal this may seem shocking to them, as it is the first impression she makes on her tutor. This shows the audience how little Rita knows how to act in formal situations; usually the audience would expect her to act quiet and polite. Ritas use of dialect and basic vocabulary suggests that she lives in the poorer parts of Liverpool, but that doesnt make her any less able as a student. However the audience at this time would think so because the play was a comedy and Ritas character was intended to amuse the audience with her inappropriate comments like look at those tits. Ritas constant swearing and rude language is different from the language and manners of the other students making her different and more appealing to her tutor Frank as he sees her as original. Franks character in the play is cynical and bitter. He has had many failed relationships, which imply that he is emotionally stunted, and drinks to keep his problems away. He grew up from a quite well educated background but prefers not to bother teaching; he knows this and quite openly tells Rita on their first meeting Im actually an appalling teacher. Frank seems to have lost all enthusiasm for anything since his wife left him 15 years ago; Frank tells Rita that he has stopped writing altogether; Frank used to be a poet who used to write about love but it all changed when his wife left him. Hes stuck in a dead end job and the only thing that can make him feel better is alcohol. Discuss how Shakespeare orchestrates the outcome of this scene EssayThis change in Franks character and actions also tells the audience that he is now a dependant on Rita; their roles have completely reversed since the start of the play. A good example of this is when Frank goes searching for Rita; you were so late I phoned the shop. This is also a reversal of their earlier relationship when Rita always used to come to him. Franks reaction to this is bitter with jealousy which drives Rita further away from him. The climax of their disagreements is a huge argument which involved Frank telling Rita his bitter views of what she had become to be educated. Found a better song to sing have you? No youve found a different song thats all and on your lips its shrill and hollow and tuneless This shows the audience Franks thoughts of how Rita has changed for worse in her quest to change social classes and to be accepted. In Act two scene five Ritas reply to Franks insults are You like to keep your natives thick, because they still look charming and delightful. I dont need you This destroys the very little self confidence that Frank has left and drives him into a downward spiral of alcohol abuse. Despite the huge argument in scene 5 there is still a bond connecting Frank and Rita together in the play. In the next couple of days Rita comes to Franks office to apologise, this shows the audience that she still cares about him even though previously she was swallowed up with self pride and arrogance. Frank accepts the apology because he obviously still wants to remain friends with Rita or possibly more because he asks her to come to Australia with him. Why dont you come as well? I think Frank and Rita have truly learnt a lot from each other throughout the course of the play. Rita learned from Frank one of the most important highlights of the play; Independence. Independence has given Rita the knowledge of how to support herself and most importantly of all, choice. Ill make a decision. Ill choose. Rita has beyond doubt gained choice in her decisions in life by being independent; because when you are an independent individual you dont need others to help you make your choices. Rita also learnt to be an individual through Franks harsh but honest criticism of her weak personality in Act one and Two. We evidently see this in the play as she drops the pretentious Rita side of her. I dropped that pretentious crap as soon as I saw it for what it was. Another important lessons Rita learned was gaining confidence. With all the support and comfort from Frank, Rita has learned to have confidence in herself again. It is crucial for Ritas character to have confidence in this play because without it she would have packed it in and never completed her course or be able to be an independent woman. These new changes in Rita are reflected in her new personality in Act two as she sees the world through different eyes. She has become very mature, and can now see through peoples pretentiousness. She used to look up to her friend Trish, yet has realised she is not what she seems I thought she was so cool an together she spends half her life eatin whole foods an health foods to make her live longer, an the other half tryin to kill herself Frank learns a lot from Rita as well, he learns to appreciate things from another perspective Assonance is getting the rhyme wrong. This relationship with Rita has also made Frank see that he should be more independent too because people change for good and for bad, despite Ritas criticism Frank also learns from this. He learns how to improve himself into a better person and change his flaws as Rita pointed out that he was too jealous. Their relationship at Act two scene seven is similar to the one they had in the middle of the play but the difference is now they are both truly independent individuals, they like and only need each other out of choice.
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