Saturday, August 31, 2019
Othello Appeal To A Twenty First Century Audience
In my opinion Othello appeals to a twenty-first century audience due to his themes such as jealousy, deception, racism, manipulation, love and corrupt civilisation which is still relevant in today’s society. These themes are themes that are timeless which explore human nature which is unchanging which still develop and evolve around us. The twenty first century audience would find Othello appealing as the main themes such as racism, jealousy and manipulation are still very prevalent in today’s society.The main theme in the poem which we can still relate to century’s later is the theme of love, which is very prominent in Othello. Love makes the play ageless; as long as there are people on the earth love will always be surrounding us. Othello and Desdemona surrendered everything they had to be together. This resembles they modern day romance novel, play or movie. They did this even though they were aware it might result in serious conflict. Othello bids â€Å"fare well the plumed troops and the big wars that make ambition virtue!O, Farwell, Farwell the neighing steed and shrill trump, the spirit stirring drum, their piercing fife, the royal banner, and all quality, pride, pomp, and circumstances of glorious war! †He tells us he won Desdemona not by magic but by telling her of his battles. Therefore Othello affirms his triumphant success on love by his successful career as a soldier. In today’s society men look for success in a career and for a loving wife and this is what Othello achieves with Desdemona. A theme which is also very relevant in today’s society is one of racism.Othello suffered from this greatly in the play. Just as Othello suffered from this it has carried on through the years, up until 1968 when the black community were finally given rights. Othello was constantly referred to as â€Å"the moor†and â€Å"thick lips†. As this happens it shows a hypocritical society as they would have them prot ect their country but would find it shameful that he married Desdemona. Many felt this way when the first black president of the United States was elected. Iago supposedly Othello’s close friend tells brabantio that â€Å"’you’ll have your daughter covered with a Barbary horse†.He then paints Othello as a crude and animalistic being and insinuates that he is sexually corrupting his daughter the innocent Desdemona. As the play goes on iago continues to go on about the unnatural nature of the relationship between Desdemona and Othello. He tells roderigo the lust between them will not last long â€Å"It cannot be that Desdemona should long continue her love to the moor – put money in thy purse- nor he his to her†. This is a recurring situation today. Our two races are being separated by what each fears of the other.
Friday, August 30, 2019
I hold my duty as i hold my soul both to my God Essay
Polonius’ statement, found in Act Two, Scene Two, reflects the symmetry and order of the society he lives in. He inhabits a world of certainty and medieval convention. The play can be seen to challenge the statement, both in the action and in the characters, particularly in the character of Hamlet himself. It is Hamlet, the ‘renaissance’ man of the play, whose controversial attitude is constantly seen to challenge the medieval certainties that could still be seen in Jacobean society. Value was placed on duty to the monarch and to God; the institution of marriage was sacred and scientific reasoning was absolute and definite. All these things are challenged in Shakespeare’s Hamlet. The social and cultural climate of Jacobean society was such that certainties and conventions were held in high esteem- Shakespeare’s Hamlet is written in the context of, for example, the social hierarchy of the time, the medieval court, and religion. All of these are challenged in the play by both the characters and the plot. Even the very form of the statement challenges these certainties, for the couplet is a chiasmus- the symmetrical structure reflects the very nature of the society in which Polonius lives. In Shakespeare’s time society was beginning to ask some of the questions which Shakespeare addresses through the character of Hamlet. Most people embraced a rational, scientific line of thinking – Elizabethans were not always heavily superstitious. For example, in Act one, Scene one, Horatio expresses doubt at the existence of the ghost: ‘Before my God, I might not this believe Without the sensible and true avouch Of mine own eyes. ‘ They also began to question the old hierarchy and the natural order of things- such as God and ‘gracious king’ upon the dawn of the Renaissance. The idea of society as a fixed structure and everything being ordained in the world was indeed a strong certainty. Hamlet has a clear vision of things as they are – he is a realist, a Renaissance man, unlike characters such as Claudius and Polonius who Shakespeare portrays to be lacking in vision. Shakespeare shows the court to be full of people who think that all these things are absolute simply because they have always been a certain way. Hamlet is also the main vehicle through which Shakespeare conveys his views. Hamlet has indeed been brought up with medieval and religious certainties too. ‘Or that the everlasting had not fix’d His canon ‘gainst self- slaughter. ‘ A modern audience may very well see Hamlet as being rather tame- a twenty-first century rebel would not acknowledge proprieties such as the divine ban on suicide- but Hamlet seeks more than revenge. He is a melancholy individual, who searches for the answers to some of these questions; through the title statement, Shakespeare challenges his contemporary audience and the modern audience to question these certainties too. Hamlet’s clear vision is in direct contrast to the other characters, in the sense that he is the only character who is prepared to question these certainties and to try and define, in a sense, what the true meaning of life is, what it is all about. Shakespeare challenges the statement of duty to God and king by implying, through the character of Hamlet that life is underpinned by something other than the monarch and the church. Hamlet is totally aware of the beauty of the world yet at the same time has a pessimistic outlook on the gifts of man as we are all destined to die anyway: ‘What piece of work is a man, How noble in reason, how infinite in faculties, in form and moving how express and admirable, in action how like an angel, in apprehension how like a god: ‘and yet to me what is this quintessence of dust? ‘ The character of Polonius is underpinned by values such as duty to God and king- this is illustrated not only in Act Two Scene Two but also in Act One Scene Three: ‘This above all : to thine own self be true, As it must follow the night the day Thou canst not then be false to any man. ‘ This quotation illustrates a simplistic outlook on life. The main way in which Shakespeare challenges this outlook is, ironically, in Polonius’ death. In Act Three, scene four, Polonius is casually and ignominiously killed by Hamlet : ‘O, I am slain. ‘ Polonius expresses surprise as much as anything, while Hamlet ‘s words reinforce the irony of Polonius’ self- importance: ‘I took thee for thy better. Take thy fortune: Thou find’st to be too busy in some danger. ‘ Polonius is clearly at home in this ordered society and shows a passive acceptance of the status quo. He has a simple medieval outlook on life and clearly values his duty to his God and king; however, he dies by ridiculous accident. Although throughout his life he has clearly endeavoured to serve these two entities to the best of his ability, he still dies an unnatural, brutal death. Shakespeare is therefore illustrating the irrelevance that these values have to life, both in Shakespeare’s era and now. The statement which Polonius makes in Act Two Scene Two about duty to God and King allows the reader to infer a lot about the character of Polonius and the world in which he lives- he does not seek new experience. These medieval certainties are also challenged in the character of Claudius. He is obviously not on the side of God- indeed, he seems to contradict the very reasoning of the church by the brutal manner in which he murders the king. It is ironic therefore that he seems to declare himself king by divine right as he actually dies with a guilty conscience: ‘There’s such divinity doth hedge a king That treason can but peep to what it would, Acts little of his will. ‘ Here it appears that Claudius has conveniently forgotten exactly how he became king. Shakespeare is challenging the idea of kingship. He is showing the court to be full of people who think things are the way they are because they have always been done that way, such as Polonius, Gertrude, Claudius, and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. The character of Claudius highlights the corruption of the medieval court. The intrigue and machiavellian machinations of the court are self justifying to all these people; for example, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern deceive Hamlet and go behind his back simply because they are serving their king. In Shakespeare’s time deception and violence were commonplace if they would benefit the king. Although Claudius seems to take the moral high-ground throughout the play he has no good intentions toward Hamlet at all. Shakespeare’s Hamlet also challenges the institution of marriage- it is shown in the conduct of Gertrude and Claudius not be a sacred union but a justification for excessive promiscuity. Hamlet is distraught by his mother’s rapid re- marriage to his uncle after his father’s death: ‘To post with such dexterity to incestuous sheets’. Shakespeare invites us then to question the notion of a stable royal marriage, and the values that society had then and the values we have now. Hamlet is disgusted by their sexual excesses and, moreover feels he has been tainted by them: ‘O that this too too sullied flesh would melt, Thaw and resolve itself into a dew. ‘ Shakespeare is challenging the morality of the royal marriage- the fact that Gertrude marries the king’s own brother shortly after his death seems to suggest the absence of love. In Hamlet, the degree of emotion and true respect in marriage is shown to be weak- it is easily overruled by lust, as the ghost of the previous king states: ‘Let not the royal bed of Denmark be. A couch for luxury and damned incest’. Hamlet is an unconventional revenge tragedy- Shakespeare subverts the genre. Hamlet is reluctant to take revenge whereas Laertes is hot- headed, impulsive and ready to avenge the murder of Polonius: ‘It warms the very sickness in my heart That I shall live and tell him to his teeth, ‘Thus diest thou’. Shakespeare undermines the concept further by showing that Hamlet is not in fact a coward- his ideas are slightly more subtle. He is indeed hesitant about avenging his father’s murder- he passes up an opportunity to kill Claudius in Act Three, scene four, as he does not want to kill him in an act of redemption. This goes against the traditional idea of medieval and Jacobean revenge: ‘A villain kills my father, and for that To heaven. Why, this is hire and salary, not revenge. ‘ This is a challenge to the genre because Hamlet is prepared to bide his time in order to achieve the perfect murder- he wont be spontaneous and impulsive. This is shown by the fact that he passes up an opportunity to kill Claudius. Shakespeare’s Hamlet has a good degree of relevance to life in the twenty- first century. Although some of the major themes, such as the court and incest, are no longer applicable to modern life, we can relate to some of the underlying themes such as love, sorrow and resentment; we can relate to the emotional distress. Reasoning in Medieval Denmark where the play is set nor indeed in Jacobean society is not so different to our reasoning today- the majority of people today may not believe in ghosts but characters in the play, such as Horatio, and some people in Jacobean society do not believe in ghosts either. In Act one, scene five, Hamlet makes this very thought- provoking comment to Horatio: ‘There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy’. We have our certainties today- in the form of scientific reasoning; but our certainties are equally open and capable of being challenged. One of the main themes in Hamlet is death- we are still uncertain about what happens after we die. The character of Hamlet himself has a romantic, post modernist way of thinking; everything is relative and there are no certainties- only thoughts: ‘Nothing is good or bad. Thinking makes it so. ‘ In a sense here Hamlet can be compared to the Romantics. Keats wrote in the context of Shakespeare: †Twixt damnation and impassion’d clay’. (‘On Sitting Down To Read King Lear’) This in a sense is what underpins Shakespeare’s Hamlet- the idea that whatever certainties are held in any given era will always be questionable, and open to discussion. Our certainties will always be challenged because nothing is definite, or absolute. This romantic concept is based on the idea that this is what life is about- challenging certainties in order to try and discover the ineffable truth about this world and the next.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Milne named the character Winnie-the-Pooh after a teddy bear owned by his son, Christopher Robin Milne, who was the basis for the character Christopher Robin. Christopher's toys also lent their names to most of the other characters, except for Owl and Rabbit, as well as the Gopher character, who was added in the Disney version. Christopher Robin's toy bear is now on display at the Main Branch of the New York Public Library in New York. [2] Harry Colebourne and Winnie, 1914 Christopher Milne had named his toy bear after Winnie, a Canadian black bear which he often saw at London Zoo, and â€Å"Pooh†, a swan they had met while on holiday. The bear cub was purchased from a hunter for $20 by Canadian Lieutenant Harry Colebourn in White River, Ontario, Canada, while en route to England during the First World War. He named the bear â€Å"Winnie†after his hometown in Winnipeg, Manitoba. â€Å"Winnie†was surreptitiously brought to England with her owner, and gained unofficial recognition as The Fort Garry Horse regimental mascot. Colebourne left Winnie at the London Zoo while he and his unit were in France; after the war she was officially donated to the zoo, as she had become a much loved attraction there. [3] Pooh the swan appears as a character in its own right in When We Were Very Young. In the first chapter of Winnie-the-Pooh, Milne offers this explanation of why Winnie-the-Pooh is often called simply â€Å"Pooh†: â€Å"But his arms were so stiff †¦ they stayed up straight in the air for more than a week, and whenever a fly came and settled on his nose he had to blow it off. And I think  but I am not sure  that that is why he is always called Pooh. †Ashdown Forest: the setting for the stories The Winnie-the-Pooh stories are set in Ashdown Forest, Sussex, England. The forest is a large area of tranquil open heathland on the highest sandy ridges of the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty situated 30 miles (50 km) south of London. In 1925 Milne, a Londoner, bought a country home a mile to the north of the forest at Cotchford Farm, near Hartfield. According to Christopher Milne, while his father continued to live in London â€Å"†¦ he four of usâ€â€he, his wife, his son and his son's nannyâ€â€would pile into a large blue, chauffeur-driven Fiat and travel down every Saturday morning and back again every Monday afternoon. And we would spend a whole glorious month there in the spring and two months in the summer. †[4] From the front lawn the family had a view across a meadow to a line of alders that fringed the River Medway, beyond which the ground rose through more trees until finally â€Å"above them, in the faraway distance, crowning the view, was a bare hilltop. In the center of this hilltop was a clump of pines. †Most of his father's visits to the forest at this time were, he noted, family expeditions on foot â€Å"to make yet another attempt to count the pine trees on Gill's Lap or to search for the marsh gentian†. Christopher added that, inspired by Ashdown Forest, his father had made it â€Å"the setting for two of his books, finishing the second little over three years after his arrival†. Many locations in the stories can be linked to real places in and around the forest. As Christopher Milne wrote in his autobiography: â€Å"Pooh’s forest and Ashdown Forest are identical†. For example, the fictional â€Å"Hundred Acre Wood†was in reality Five Hundred Acre Wood; Galleon's Leap was inspired by the prominent hilltop of Gill's Lap, while a clump of trees just north of Gill's Lap became Christopher Robin's The Enchanted Place because no-one had ever been able to count whether there were sixty-three or sixty-four trees in the circle. [5] The landscapes depicted in E. H. Shepard’s illustrations for the Winnie-the-Pooh books are directly inspired by the distinctive landscape of Ashdown Forest, with its high, open heathlands of heather, gorse, bracken and silver birch punctuated by hilltop clumps of pine trees. In many cases Shepard's illustrations can be matched to actual views, allowing for a degree of artistic license. Shepard's sketches of pine trees and other forest scenes are on display at the V&A Museum in London. The game of Poohsticks was originally played by Christopher Milne on a footbridge across a tributary of the River Medway in Posingford Wood, close to Cotchford Farm. It is traditional to play the game there using sticks gathered in nearby woodland. When the footbridge required replacement in recent times the engineer designed a new structure based closely on the drawings by E. H. Shepard of the bridge in the original books, as the bridge did not originally appear as the artist drew it. An information board at the bridge describes how to play the game. First publication Winnie-the-Pooh's debut in the 24 December 1925 London Evening News There are three claimants, depending on the precise question posed. Christopher Robin's teddy bear, Edward, made his character debut in a poem called â€Å"Teddy Bear†in Milne's book of children's verse When We Were Very Young (6 November 1924) although his true first appearance was within the 13 February 1924 edition of Punch magazine which contained the same poem along with other stories by Milne and Shepard. Winnie-the-Pooh first appeared by name on 24 December 1925, in a Christmas story commissioned and published by the London newspaper The Evening News. It was illustrated by J. H. Dowd. [6] The first collection of Pooh stories appeared in the book Winnie-the-Pooh. The Evening News Christmas story reappeared as the first chapter of the book, and at the very beginning it explained that Pooh was in fact Christopher Robin's Edward Bear, who had simply been renamed by the boy. The book was published in October 1926 by the publisher of Milne's earlier children's work, Methuen, in England, and E. P. Dutton in the United States.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Capital Budgeting of Pevensey PLC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Capital Budgeting of Pevensey PLC - Essay Example The present research has identified that Capital Budgeting is an important process for any organization. No organization can make good use of their money, unless they plan, decide and assess the best use of money. Good investment decisions maximize the earning potential of an organization and help boost the firm’s overall financial position and financial health. Good financial decisions are not intuitive. They require a lot of effort and financial planning. Many firms employ people with excellent financial knowledge and skills just to enhance the use of money. These people often lie at an important level of organizational hierarchy and given a title of CFO or Chief Financial Officers. Many firms, over the years, have realized the importance having people with good financial skills and have given these people more power and authority than the CEOs. As a result, these people are consulted every time a need arises for an organization to make a good financial decision. This good f inancial decision regarding the best machine is going to improve the asset earning potential for the firm and it is also going to improve the asset turnover and return on assets ratios. Pevensey PLC is a growing company. It needs to decide on the best option of a machine purchase. Currently, the company has four different options to ponder upon. It is good for the company to use financial tools of capital budgeting to appraise each of the four options before making the purchase. This will reduce the chances of a bad decision, and will put the company in a win-win direction. Hence, the company has done the right thing by consulting someone with the financial knowledge to look at the available options and deciding the best option for the purchase (Brigham & Ehrhardt 2010). This would ensure that the best purchase is made in the given budget. The best purchase will not only be the cheapest method, but the best purchase is also going to improve the overall financial position of the orga nization in the long-run. ASSESMENT METHODS: Capital budgeting is considered to be a specialist field. The methods used that are used to determine the best option to purchase are net cash flow method, discounted cash flow method, Payback period, NPV and IRR. No one method can alone be a good guide for the company for the best decisions. All of these methods have to be studied and used in congregation for giving the best answer to the company. This would ensure the best purchase is made in terms of returns, time value of money and cost of capital. The company can raise capital at a rate of 8 percent. This means that any of the option chosen must provide a return of at least 8 percent for the company to break-even. If this is not the case, the company will be losing money in real terms. It might be making money in nominal terms. Nominal and real returns are different. Nominal returns do not take into account the inflation rate and the cost of the capital to the company. Real returns t ake into account the cost of the capital that the company has to pay for obtaining the finance needed to make a purchase. The methods used in the report would help us calculate both the nominal returns and real returns to decide the best Machine to purchase that would maximize not only the firm’s cash flow, but will also the allow the firm to earn decent rates of return. The first method used to calculate the
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Euthanasia in the United States Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Euthanasia in the United States - Essay Example It is vital that the health professionals understand the cultural, legal, and ethical climate that may allow, forbid, or dictate the use of what is commonly called euthanasia. For the purposes of this discussion, euthanasia is in context with patients that are terminally ill, have a poor prognosis, a very limited life span, in palliative care, and are suffering due to a low quality of life or intense pain. While euthanasia is a generic term often used by the public, it requires further definition. Voluntary euthanasia is done at the patient's request, while non-voluntary is committed when the patient may be incompetent to make the decision or in a comatose state and the decision is made by a surrogate (Cohen et al. 1099). Withholding treatment that could sustain life is a form of euthanasia, and may come at the request of a patient, a surrogate, a physician, or a medical review board (Cohen et al 1099). Terminal sedation is, "the practice of sedating a terminally ill competent patient to the point of unconsciousness, then allowing the patient to die of her disease, starvation, or dehydration" (Braddock and Tonelli). Physician assisted suicide (PSA) is the prescribing of a lethal dose of drugs with the knowledge that the patient intends to commit suicide (Cohen et al. 1099). Each form of euthanasia carries its own legal ramifications and is governed by its own set of ethical considerations. While Belgium and the Netherlands in the European Union have enacted laws that permit euthanasia in a well-regulated setting, in the United States it is generally forbidden. From a legal standpoint, voluntary euthanasia (suicide) is allowed in only four states due to "neither statutory nor common law prohibitions against suicide" (Darr Part II 33-34). Non-voluntary euthanasia is outlawed in all fifty states and would fall under the statutes that prohibit murder (Cohen et al. 1099). While these forms of euthanasia are against the law in most US jurisdictions, other forms may be permitted in special situations. Physician assisted suicide (PAS) is a topic that has gained wider discussion in recent years as medical treatments may prolong a person's life, but are unable to add to the quality of life. PAS came to the public's attention when Dr. Kervorkian admitted to assisting suicide in as many as 130 separate cases (Darr Part II 32). According to Darr Part II, "All his assisted suicides occurred in Michigan, which initially had no law banning it" (31). Michigan subsequently passed a law, but Dr Kervorkian continued the practice. He was eventually sentenced for murder and after exhausting his appeals the US Supreme Court denied his writ for certiorari in 2002 (Darr Part II 32). However, these actions opened the door for states to create legislation that would permit PAS. Currently only Oregon has a law that permits PAS. In Texas, PAS is governed under section 22.08 of the state penal code that states if, "the actor's conduct causes suicide or attempted suicide that results in serious bodily in jury" it is considered a jail felony (Chapter 22). The argument over PAS has been, and continues to be, controversial. Kervorkian's argument was predicated upon Roe v. Wade on the basis of individual autonomy and the right
Macro-prudential Policies Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Macro-prudential Policies - Coursework Example A long-term environmental and social impact forms a group of another driver. A series of related events straight from resource limitations and climatic variations in unmanageable debt levels has significant implications for a long-term economic pattern. Consequently, the factors are so crucial in the long-term savings, particularly, in available pension schemes as well in the insurance industry. The third driver is Technological innovation. The use of information technology in communication as well in the commerce sector. This has contributed to the revolution in a manner that the financial transactions are processed and leads to the provision of totally new services as well as business models. To this effect, there are two different connected and overlapping technological systems.This has led to the increase in volume and variety of big data as well regular network connection (Acharya, and Yorulmaze,2008, p.2017). Hence, these probably need some components of financial systems. The aspects are significant since they help in adjusting the latter in order to sustain the relevance and profitability in the future financial system. Besides, Innovations in economics and monetary policy is one o the key drivers that affect the financial system. The financial calamity has led to an analysis of earlier theories and policy instruments that are found in the sectors of macroeconomics and finance. Consequently, the theories help manage monetary policies and regulations of the financial system.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Neoliberalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Neoliberalism - Essay Example The citizens of Mexico are usually precluded from exercising their rights and inhibited from accessing justice in their system. The fact therefore that the people of Chiapas, who Speed uses in her study and who were involved in the Zapatista movement have in more ways than one framed their struggles in the context of enforcement of human rights. Human Rights and the Neoliberal Rule Interesting similarities could be drawn to the fact that the most controversial foreign policy decisions by the administration of the United States in the recent years usually get defense from unique quarters. These policies have always been defended on the basis that the government is spreading democracy and enforcing the realization of human rights. Most of these policies are considered neoliberal. One characteristic of neoliberalism is that it has a cultural system. This system focuses on the priority of the individual. Consequently, the values and discourse of individual freedoms and the notion of meri tocracy will lead to the establishment of neoliberal policies, governance and a rule that is neoliberal in nature. Mexico is one of the major traders under NAFTA. One significant factor of most of the transnational projects in the Latin America has focused on the tensions of development of neoliberal project. In the development of neoliberal rule therefore, strong attachments can be seen between the human rights movement and the explosion of a strong constitutional review that is more focus on bills and judicial reviews about the same time when there are developments in neoliberal reforms. Most of the works in neoliberal reforms and globalization embrace the idea that most administrations in the world try to adopt policies that are imposed upon them by the world. Most trading partners in the world on the other hand would not be willing to do trade with regimes that are oppressive and lack the respect for human rights. It is therefore clear that for such policies to be adopted there has to be a movement stimulating the recognition and realization of human rights and freedoms. Consequently, the recognition of such rights ultimately reproduces neoliberal rule and policies that come with it in several aspects of the administration. Human Rights as a Tool of Resistance to the Neoliberal State and the New Global Order Countries’ cultures, markets and politics no longer operate with the boundaries but also without and at international levels. One common and complimentary interest to the global order is the concept of neoliberal rule and policies that come with it. There are different stand points from which globalization is contested. During the cold war, it was characterized by localized global conflicts and national struggles became the proxies from which the United States and the Soviet Union fought their wars. Today, the resistance movements are framed, interpreted and attributed to grievances to neoliberal globalization and the institutions that govern it . This is because as the states develop and there is a stronger and higher recognition of human rights, most of the protests are influenced by the national economies and the administrative policies in the country but one way or the other, they are deflected by the new global order. This has seen the
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Individual assignment---report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Individual assignment---report - Essay Example The paper suggests use of trained technicians and enhancement in the quality of the products in order to increase the revenue of the company and to stimulate its acquired market share. Table of Contents Abstract 2 1.0.Introduction 4 2.0.Implementation of ICT in River Island 4 3.0.Issues at River Island 5 4.0.Literature Review on ICT 6 5.0.Utilisation of ICT to Solve the Matter 7 6.0.Conclusion 9 References 10 1.0. Introduction Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is universally identified as one of the most significant tools that are utilised for the purpose of social alterations as well as national development (Ministry of Human Resource Department, n.d.). In the current day phenomenon, ICT along with the internet are altering the human activities that have been dependent upon the information. It offers the individuals as well as the communities with an opportunity to be not only consumers of the goods and services, but also acts as active generators of the information. It is by means of media convergence that it becomes easier for ICTs to develop and coordinate the capacities of other Medias (FAO, 2000). ICTs are normally related with the issues of data processing as well as information management by means of large scale information systems. It is worth noting that it is not only the information technology itself which is a significant factor for the quality of work; rather, it can be regarded as the strategy that the company adopts so as to coordinate the aspect of technology with the changing requirements of the organisation (FAO, 2000). The company that has been chosen for the study is River Island. River Island is based in London and was initiated in the year 1948. The founders of the company were Andrew Hunt and Bernard Lewis. The company has more than 60 years of experience in fashion retailing and is considered as one of the successful companies in British High Street (River Island Style Insiders, n.d.). 2.0. Implementation of ICT in River Is land Information and Communication Technology facilitates in the smooth operations of the organisation and thus assists in many other ways such as stock control, keeping extra records, advancing the communication process, production as well as marketing. Through ICTs it is gradually becoming easier for the company to reduce its costs significantly (Business Studies Online, n.d.). It is to be mentioned that River Island also makes use of the ICT’s in order to improve its operation in an effective manner. River Island has worked with consultancy named Royal National Institute of Blind People Web Access Consultancy so that its new website offers high degree of accessibility ensuring that as far as possible it is reachable to all the users. It is worth mentioning that online shopping is a type of ICT used by the company for making its goods available to the consumers online. The company’s online services assist the consumers in purchasing clothes, shoes as well as accessor ies. Notably, River Island provides a wide on-line range of women’s as well as men’s fashion related clothing’s to the customers (River Island, 2012). The leading fashion retailer, River Island, demonstrated its plans to initiate stores that are mainly dedicated to accessories as well as shoes. It was noted that the company decided to bring certain alterations in its business’s in-store design policies and introduce numerous interactive technologies that can be utilised by the customers. It further planned to
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 3
Marketing - Essay Example Before product development, one needs to analyse the demand of that product in context of its supply, or needs to create a demand by creating marketing niche. Creation of a new marketing niche can be done through the creation of a brand. This means to create demand hype by convincing potential customers for buying and using that product, irrespective of its necessity. This is very common for luxurious goods and services. 2. Price It is the material amount that is paid by the customer for a product. According to Jed C. Jones ‘The price of any product has a direct impact on the marketability of that product. Pricing for offerings that are more commonly available in the market is more elastic, meaning that unit sales will go up or down more responsively in reply to price changes. By contrast, those products that have a generally more limited availability in the market (but with strong demand) are more inelastic, meaning that price changes will not affect their unit sales very much.’ (Jones, 2007) 3. Place It is one of the most important elements of marketing mix. It is the location from where a customer can purchase or obtain the product. It consist of various channels of distribution like retail or wholesale stores, outlets, promotional stalls, home delivery services, internet stores, online shopping cart facility, mail order and website order booking. 4. Promotion Product promotional activities serve as the directional factor for achieving marketing objective. They include marketing campaigns, promotional introductory trials, event sponsorships and incentives in form of special offers, discounts, gift and advertisements. Other promotional activities include recommendations, referrals, endorsements and promotion by using good will of the company. 5. People This element of extended marketing mix comprises of people involved in each and every step of product life cycle. The management of an organization plays a key role in development of this element. They collectively constitute the culture of an organization. People also are the target audience and market segment of a particular product. 6. Process This is primarily related to the organization which is providing any sort of service as its product. Secondarily, the production process, sales, after-sales and customer relationship management of a manufacturing concern forms the proces s. 7. Physical Evidence This element of extended marketing mix deals with the physical environmental evidences. Gaurav Garg explains it as: ’the importance of quality physical layout is important in a range of service providers, including: Students going to college or university have far higher expectations about the quality of their accommodation and learning environment than in the past. As a result colleges and
Friday, August 23, 2019
The Black Box Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Black Box - Essay Example The symbols she uses indirectly communicate the major theme of the work, in addition to the seemingly innocuous dialogue of the seemingly innocuous lottery happening in the town. One of the more potent symbols Jackson uses throughout her story is the black box, and, more generally, just the color black. Black, as it is traditionally interpreted, stands for death, decay, ignorance, and decline. The black box, of course, holds the lottery slips. While a similar ballot box would receive slips from voters in an election, this box only gives out slips, showing the lack of individual choice and freedom in this ritual. The blackness of the box gives off an ominous foreshadowing of events, and is itself a symbolic description of how the townspeople have sacrifice their individual wills to the social decree., as Jackson writes, â€Å"The black box grew shabbier each year: by now it was no longer completely black but splintered badly along one side to show the original wood color, and in some places faded or stained†. The keen reader recognizes that the box’s decay indicates not only the physical corrosion of the box but of the social and moral corrosion of what it represents: the lottery. As the process accelerates during the course of â€Å"The Lottery†, Jackson writes that the townspeople stay as far away from the box as possible. Once again, this description is clearly relating to physical distance; but it may also refer to the concept of responsibility, and the moral qualms people have about participating in the lottery. The townspeople avoid the black box as if it were some kind of evil spirit, and because of this endow the box with such great power. Jackson writes, â€Å"The villagers kept their distance, leaving a space between themselves and the stool†¦Ã¢â‚¬ What otherwise would be just some old dilapidated box is, as a result of the social order and status quo, is an
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Sir Francis Drake Essay Example for Free
Sir Francis Drake Essay Typically, Francis Drakes life begins with a mystery the date of his birth. 1540 is often mentioned, 1542 has been heard as has been 1538, and other years pop up here and there. Often the given date is based on a portrait which itself is dated and which includes the comment that it shows Drake at a particular age. The only safe conclusion is that he was born around 1540. His place of birth was Tavistock, in Devonshire, along the river Tavy (which eventually empties into the sea near Plymouth). Here his grandparents held a lease on about 180 acres of farmland and made what was probably a reasonably secure living as farmers. Here also Edmund Drake, who became Francis Drakes father, had been born. Some reports state that he was a sailor, but there are records that contradict this, and it seems likely that he too made his living from the land. Edmund Drakes wife, the mother of Francis, was of the Mylwaye family but her first name is unknown. The couple had twelve sons; Francis was the eldest. Papa Edmund had some difficulties, in part because he, not being an eldest son himself, did not inherit the bulk of the Tavistock lease. He also seems to have gotten into some legal trouble, perhaps involving petty crimes. Additionally, there have long been rumors that protestant Edmund was the victim of some sort of religious persecution. In any event, when Francis Drake was still a young boy the family left Tavistock and moved to Kent, nearer the sea, where they lived in the hulk of an old ship and where Edmund made a bare living as a preacher to the sailors of the navy. So, young Francis now was living (and learning) among the ships and seamen that would become the focus of his life. Francis Drake first went to sea sometime in the 1550s, as a young boy apprenticed to the elderly master of a small coastal freighter. He pparently did well both nautically and personally, because the old captain, having no family of his own, willed the little ship to Drake. This marks the beginning of Drakes nautical career, about which this brief sketch will say no more. Drake married Mary Newman, about whom little is known, in 1569 when he was still a young unknown sailor; they had no children and she died twelve years later, leaving the then-newly knighted Sir Francis Drake a widower. In 1585 the now-famous and wealthy Drake married Elizabeth Sydenham, some twenty years his junior, who unlike Mary Newman came from a wealthy and well-connected family. The couple moved into Drakes recently purchased estate, Buckland Abbey (which today is still a major monument to his memory). Again, there were no children. In 1596 Sir Francis Drake was stricken by a tropical disease the bloody flux (perhaps yellow fever) during a less-than-sucessful expedition against the Spanish in the Caribbean. On January 28, on board his flagship Defiance, in the pre-dawn hours and after rising from his sickbed intending to don his armor so that he would die as a soldier, Sir Francis Drake passed quietly from this world. He was buried at sea off Puerto Bello, Panama, in a lead coffin. there is not much known about sir francis drake as much of it was clouded by history and as one often chooses to remember the brighter side of things and not the true details of what happens in the world. the history of sir francis drake is not one to be sure of but the information that has been salvaged is enough to give us a clear picture of him at least and that counts for something. The sir francis drake died in 1569 and was buried at sea in a lead coffin probably to perserve his body as he was a great man in his own right.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Rebel Without a Cause Essay Example for Free
Rebel Without a Cause Essay In the late hours of the night Jim Stark, the main character of Nicholas Ray’s, Rebel Without a Cause, can be found resting his head against a piece of crumpled wrapping paper, lying on the cold pavement, droning out all his troubles with the sound of a toy monkey’s clamour. Throughout the entirety of the film Jim constantly seems to be droning out his problems, whether it be with a toy monkey of with a rebellious facade, which subconsciously distracts him from his true issues. Jim Stark’s defiant nature is rooted at his angst and eagerness in which he holds within himself. The only manner in which he feels he can accurately expose his emotions is through rebellion. In the beginning of the film when Jim shouts to his arguing parents in despair, â€Å"Youre tearing me apart! You say one thing, he says another, and everybody changes back again,†he is unleashing the built up confusion that is festering inside of him. Being that Jim is a somewhat complicated teenager his thoughts often seem to be consumed with questions. Jim questions his masculinity, his choices, the meaning of his life and his purpose. This confusion within him leads him to become desperate for answers and since his parents do not seem to offer him a solution he rebels in order to find one on his own. Jim chooses to rebel in various different manners. The most dramatic forms of rebellion involve his parents and his peers, Judy, Plato, Buzz and Buzz’s gang. With his parents Jim questions their roles, specifically his fathers feminine mannerisms. Being that Jim’s mother seems to play a more masculine role while Jim’s father plays a more feminine role, Jim becomes confused and attempts to correct this problem through rebellion. A clear depiction of this is when Jim encounters his father in a frilly yellow apron cleaning up a tray of spilled food. At the sight of this Jim becomes infuriated with his father and tells him to stand up and be a man. This scene is later repeated later in the film when Jim returns home after the death of Buzz. After asking his father for guidance as to whether of not he should go to the police Jim’s father is unable to offer him a straight answer and resorts to everything that Jim’s mother has to say. This leads Jim’s mother to contemplate moving again and Jim responds by saying, â€Å"Dad, stand up for me. †At this point Jim is practically begging his father to be more of a man and to stand up for him against his mother. Jim’s father does not respond, propelling Jim to yank him up shouting, â€Å"Stand up. †This scene is a clear representation of Jim’s rebellion against his father. Jim feels as if he is lacking a fatherly figure and will resort to being violent towards his father in order to â€Å"man him up. †Another moment in which Jim’s rebellion shines through is in the deadly chicken game with his rival Buzz. Wearing a bright red jacket, to represent his destructive nature, over his pristine white shirt, that represents his true purity, Jim heads out the cliff where him and Buzz will drive stolen cars close to the water and jump out beforehand, the winner being the one who jumps out last. Buzz, who sports a yellow shirt representing his true cowardly ways, seems to push Jim into doing this strange activity. When Jim asks, â€Å"Why do we do this? †Buzz says â€Å"You got to do something. †In this moment it becomes obvious that Jim feels that by rebelling through the participation in this chicken game, he is developing some sort of meaning to his life. This game will create a name for himself amongst his peers and this influences him to participate. Because Jim is vulnerable and wants to fit in he gives in. His rebellious nature in this scene is derived from the need to fit in, which all teenagers go through. Often adolescents will attempt to prove themselves to their friends by doing something risky in order to be one with the crowd. Even though Jim knows that this is wrong, he is rebelling against his uncertainties and the unanswered questions he has within him because he views rebellion as the only viable answer. His overpowering emotions and his desire to fit in create a wicked mutineer out of him. Film critic Leo Goldsmith from Reverse Shot says in reference to the film, â€Å"Under Rays dissecting eye, the suburban home itself becomes a battleground where parent and child must scream over each other to be heard. †The beginnings of all of Jim’s problems seem to rest on the warzone in which he is living at home. This angst, resentment and anger that he feels towards his father translate throughout everything his does in his life and lead him to rebel. Because Frank is unable to fulfill his role of guiding Jim, Jim feels that he must find his way on his own, making his a rebel with a very good cause.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Junk and Fast Food
Junk and Fast Food Junk and fast food sale should be limited or banned in public schools as these food items have no nutritional value. Regular intake of junk food causes obesity and many other health related problems for children in the future. The main cause for the increase in sales of snacks and junk food is its increased availability and misguidance of nutritional value. Vending machines are installed in public schools which has given a boost to the sales of junk food. This junk food not only lacks in nutrition, but also it is the main cause of obesity in the young population and rise in heart problems in the adolescents. Nutritional Quality of Junk and Fast Food There is a conflict between the education of healthy diets at childs home and classroom and the availability of junk and fast food at lunch such as burgers and chips (Hoerr, 386). Not only the children consume the junk food available but also they consume soft drinks which are an added unhealthy intake. Young teenagers studying in public schools are the heaviest consumers of junk and fast food. They obtain around 25 to 40 percent of their total energy from junk and fast food (Hoerr, 386). The vended junk and fast foods are the least dense in Vitamins, fiber, protein and iron (Hoerr, 386). Type of items that are usually available for sale at the public schools is bakery sweets, candies, chips, biscuits and burgers. All these items are calorie filled with little or no nutrition. Nutritious food helps the child in school to gain energy as well as nutrients such as iron, calcium, vitamins and proteins. These nutrients are good for health of the child and keep the child active. A proper meal in the school allows the child to obtain these nutrients that are necessary for a healthy body and brain. Rise in Demand for Junk and Fast Food The total sale of vended snacks and other fast food available at the public schools increases continually every year (Hoerr, 386). Since the 1990s the sale of junk food and snacks has been predicted to rise every year by the food marketers. Marketers of the fast food and junk items have got a new market to focus on which is the adolescents in public schools. Fast food and vended snacks have become a popular choice for the youngsters, who need readily available food, when they feel hungry, and food which can be consumed easily and quickly (Hoerr, 386). This increasingly popular fast foods and snack items are the main factors which lead to obesity in the young people attending schools. Regular intake of this type of junk food with no nutrients causes obesity in children and other health related problems. According to a survey in New York and Atlanta, of the total 18% of daily fat calorie intake, the junk food contributed to almost half of the fat intake in adolescents (Hoerr, 386). Therefore half of the daily fat intake can be avoided by stopping the intake of junk food and fast food. The snacks marketers are now targeting public schools as their new target markets for increasing their sales of their junk and fast food items. Through the installation of unrefrigerated vending machines in public schools, the marketers were able to increase the sale of junk food products. Not only this, but through the misinterpretation of nutritional value of their products, they are able to make the adolescents consume junk food in place of breakfast. 6% of the youngsters (Hoerr, 386) who were surveyed in New York and Atlanta said they took junk food in place of breakfast. Obesity and Other Health Issues The availability of junk and fast food in public schools allows more calories for each meal (S.B Communications, 95) for the children and youngsters. Physical exercise has been diminished in the schools because of the introduction of new activities such as computer studies and gaming. Our lifestyle has become more and more dependent upon technology. Technology and innovation has given birth to new transport methods which are faster and require less walking to get to your destination. Children used to go out and play for fun and entertainment. The adolescents had other outdoor activities which helped in burning their fat intake, but nowadays the youngsters have other replacements such as computer games, internet and television. These platforms require no physical activity and therefore the fat intake from junk food does not get utilize. These were some of the reasons because of which the youngsters are getting more obese and gaining fat in their bodies. However, the main reason for the increased number of cases in obesity is the rising trend of having junk and fast food in replacement of meals. In the 1970s, a typical child used to watch television for an hour daily but nowadays a child watches television for three hours (S.B Communications, 95). This caloric intake of junk and fast food combined with no physical activities, has caused an increase in obesity rate to 20% from 5% (S.B Communications, 95) since the 1970s. The rate for African American adolescents is even higher and has reached 35% (S.B Communications, 95). The only way to reduce these rates is to restrict or completely ban the sale of junk and fast food in public schools. The regular intake of junk and fast food does not only increase a persons weight but also causes other health concerns. Especially in young adults, the regular consumption of fast food can reduce the ability of the body to fight the germs as there is very less nutritional intake. This causes the bodys defenses to be weak against any germs attacks. Other health issues that the regular consumers of fast food and junk food can experience are cardiac unrest, Coronary Artery Risk Development, increased waist circumference, lower insulin resistance and imbalance between the developments of High-Density Cholesterols and Low-Density Cholesterols in body. Although obesity causes some of the above mentioned diseases and health issues, but the person consuming junk food regularly is bound to have some or all of these health problems. Most of the junk foods have high sugar contents, which reduce the resistance of insulin to produce controlled sugar for the body. The adolescents and children in public schools can develop these diseases at a very early stage because of junk food intake. Hence junk and fast food items sale should be banned or at least restricted in all the public schools to protect the youngsters from developing these diseases and falling prey to obesity. Junk Food and Education on Nutrition According to a faculty member of Department of Nutrition, University of Nevada, the children and youngsters should be taught the basics of nutrition and how important it is to get involved in physical exercise (Omaye, 108). According to this member of faculty, labeling food as junk and trying to get it out of the schools is not important (Omaye, 108) as education on basic nutrition and exercise is. I would strongly disagree to the view point of this faculty member and would support the suggestion of US Dept. of Agriculture which has defined â€Å"competitive foods to be those other than the ones served in the school lunch/breakfast program and offered at schools†(Omaye, 108). The US Dept. of Agriculture has suggested that alternatives to the current fast food should be developed and offered at public schools. This competitive food will be more nutritious and healthy than the junk and fast foods available for sale at the public schools nowadays. On the other hand, the faculty member in University of Nevada, Department of Nutrition, has suggested not to restrict the sale of junk food in public schools instead the children should be taught about the nutritious foods and importance of exercise. This is very similar to suggesting that drugs should be available for sale to the children but they should be taught about the adverse affects of abusing drugs. We should understand that most of the children and the adolescents are not mature enough to think about the adverse affects of the junk food and fast food. They like the taste of the junk food and the convenience of having fast food whenever they feel hungry. Trends towards Nutritious Snacks According to the research conducted by Hoerr and Louden in 1993, there is a demand for healthy and nutritious snacks in public schools (Hoerr, 389). In their research, they placed vending machines labeled ‘healthy snacks near to the junk food vending machines in a number of public schools. They recorded more sales from the vending machines selling healthy and nutritional snacks than the one selling junk food. This clearly shows that the youngsters have a preference for nutritious snacks over junk and fast food. Although some nutritious snacks are available in the market, but they have not been able to eye the competent junk and fast food brands in the market. One reason for the poor success of nutritional snacks is the unavailability of vending machines at the places where junk food vending machines are placed. Another reason for their failure is that not many nutritious snacks have been developed for unrefrigerated vending machines (Hoerr, 389). Conclusion According to a study conducted by Marcia Dadds, almost one third of the school children in New York are overweight (Dadds, S63). Most of the students did not like the lunch offered at school and spent $3 to $7 (Dadds, S63) on fast food meals. Although most of the students know about the health, appearance and weight problems that the junk and fast food cause but still they are unable to give it up because of the established taste. Because of the problems the fast food and junk food cause to the health of children and because of no nutritional value, it should be available in a restricted manner or completely banned from public schools. Other alternatives such as nutritious snacks should be embraced by the public schools for the betterment of health and future of the children.
Essay example --
BUSINESS MODEL The business model of an organization is its means of earning revenues and recovering costs. It is the mode of value creation, value delivery and value capture followed by the organization. Its essence is the value proposition to consumers that allows the company to make money from its business. The Fast Retailing Group is a holding company with specialty retailer UNIQLO as its mainstay operation. The SPA business model (Specialty Store Retailer of Private Label Apparel) of core UNIQLO operations is the key to its rapid growth and profitability, integrating and controlling all stages of the supply process, from product planning, through design and manufacture, inventory control and production adjustment, to distribution, marketing and final sales. UNIQLO’s business model enables it to balance relatively low price of its products with high quality. This relative product value is unparalleled even by the world’s leading apparel retailers, offering world-class quality clothing in world-class quality stores. By continuously refining its SPA model, UNIQLO differentiates itself with its unique, original products and low costs. Its consolidated supply chain facilitates quick alteration in production, rapid response to changes in the sales environment, and minimizes store-operation costs. UNIQLO’s business model also upturned the trend with large-scale stores in the apparel industry. Typically, with increase in sales floor area, sales and profitability per square meter decreases. However, UNIQLO is able to promote sales and reduce costs with its rich product mix, particularly for women. Rivals like Zara and H&M offer latest fashions to the masses, entailing multiple ordering of new lines to match the ongoing ‘fast-fash... ...REAMS: The Company’s sales revenue results from sale of merchandise to customers. Marginal revenue also comes from leasing of real estate. KEY RESOURCES: Management, Infrastructure (financial resources, Group know-how, etc.), Personnel, Foreign (avail of manufacturing capacity and marketing capabilities through strategic alliances). KEY ACTIVITIES: M&A activities, CSR activities, Overseas activities, Monitoring activities, UNIQLO Japan. KEY PARTNERSHIPS: †¢ Partner factories in China, †¢ Partnerships with material manufacturers, †¢ Strategic partnership between TORAY and UNIQLO since June 2006, resulting in successful product innovation, HEATTECH, †¢ Feb 2011: Global Partnership Agreement with UNHCR COST STRUCTURE: Purchasing costs, Store-operation costs (personnel costs and rent), Promotional costs, Procurement costs, Acquisition costs, Costs of opening new stores. Essay example -- BUSINESS MODEL The business model of an organization is its means of earning revenues and recovering costs. It is the mode of value creation, value delivery and value capture followed by the organization. Its essence is the value proposition to consumers that allows the company to make money from its business. The Fast Retailing Group is a holding company with specialty retailer UNIQLO as its mainstay operation. The SPA business model (Specialty Store Retailer of Private Label Apparel) of core UNIQLO operations is the key to its rapid growth and profitability, integrating and controlling all stages of the supply process, from product planning, through design and manufacture, inventory control and production adjustment, to distribution, marketing and final sales. UNIQLO’s business model enables it to balance relatively low price of its products with high quality. This relative product value is unparalleled even by the world’s leading apparel retailers, offering world-class quality clothing in world-class quality stores. By continuously refining its SPA model, UNIQLO differentiates itself with its unique, original products and low costs. Its consolidated supply chain facilitates quick alteration in production, rapid response to changes in the sales environment, and minimizes store-operation costs. UNIQLO’s business model also upturned the trend with large-scale stores in the apparel industry. Typically, with increase in sales floor area, sales and profitability per square meter decreases. However, UNIQLO is able to promote sales and reduce costs with its rich product mix, particularly for women. Rivals like Zara and H&M offer latest fashions to the masses, entailing multiple ordering of new lines to match the ongoing ‘fast-fash... ...REAMS: The Company’s sales revenue results from sale of merchandise to customers. Marginal revenue also comes from leasing of real estate. KEY RESOURCES: Management, Infrastructure (financial resources, Group know-how, etc.), Personnel, Foreign (avail of manufacturing capacity and marketing capabilities through strategic alliances). KEY ACTIVITIES: M&A activities, CSR activities, Overseas activities, Monitoring activities, UNIQLO Japan. KEY PARTNERSHIPS: †¢ Partner factories in China, †¢ Partnerships with material manufacturers, †¢ Strategic partnership between TORAY and UNIQLO since June 2006, resulting in successful product innovation, HEATTECH, †¢ Feb 2011: Global Partnership Agreement with UNHCR COST STRUCTURE: Purchasing costs, Store-operation costs (personnel costs and rent), Promotional costs, Procurement costs, Acquisition costs, Costs of opening new stores.
Monday, August 19, 2019
performance apraisal critique Essay -- essays research papers
The performance appraisal system used by our organization is done annually. The purpose of the review is for employee as well as manager, to aptitude performance from the past year relating to the specific responsibilities and objective of that employee. This gives the opportunity for managers to give feedback on the strengths and development areas that are summarized from that previous year. Employees must also use this opportunity to give feedback on how they can best perform and develop themselves. This Annual review period is an opportunity to communicate and work together to build unity in the workplace. Realistic plans may be made for the employee’s development and growth.      The supervisor and the employee review the job description standards and compare the employee’s accomplishments against the standards set. The data comes from established performance metrics, employee self-assessment and customer or coworker feedback from daily activities.      There are five levels of the performance rating. Outstanding is the highest rating. To get an outstanding rating means the employees contribution to the business far exceeds requirements. The employee is personally committed to the company’s mission, values and goals at a consistent level. The employee takes the initiative to identify challenging work goals and tries to find solutions. The employee’s quality is never a question, even under challenging situations.      The next rating is an excellent rating. The employee who receives an excellent rating produces more than required. The employee takes the initiative in developing and finding challenging work goals. Each responsibility is finished with quality and on time. That employee needs little direction or supervision. The employee thinks beyond the details of the job and contributes to the objectives of the department. All of the employee’s decisions and actions are higher than expectations.      The next level of rating is commendable. This employee performs what is expected of an experienced individual in the department. The employee’s errors are minimal and they have learned from their mistakes, some improvements from them are expected. They schedule projects and work on problems in an orderly manner. They understand suggestions and recommendatio... ...sp;These conditions do not empower employees. Employees are told what to do and they have a small amount of insight on what their actions are contributing to. Employees feel powerless; we are reluctant to take the initiative for fear of doing the wrong thing. We do our jobs as told, and have little sense of personal responsibility or commitment. Our goals are set for what is measurable rather than what goals are important. We have very few interactions with our manager over the course of the year to discuss how things our going. Employees have lack of information about the company’s goals. We are discouraged from asking for help or coaching assistance from our supervisor. Our goals are assigned to us without mutual agreement.      We must change the organization to give employees the understanding for how our work contributes to the organization. Employee’s goals are achieved by our freedom to choose the best way to take on these goals. Supervisors must be supportive and actively coach employees. There must be minimum supervisor control and interests of discovering better ways of working. When employees discover this, it will be reflected in our reviews.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Veterans Essay -- Post-traumatic st
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), originally associated with combat, has always been around in some shape or form but it was not until 1980 that it was named Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and became an accredited diagnosis (Rothschild). The fact is PTSD is one of many names for an old problem; that war has always had a severe psychological impact on people in immediate and lasting ways. PTSD has a history that is as long and significant as the world’s war history - thousands of years. Although, the diagnosis has not been around for that long, different names and symptoms of PTSD always have been. Some physical symptoms include increased blood pressure, excessive heart rate, rapid breathing, muscle tension, nausea, diarrhea, problems with vision, speech, walking disorders, convulsive vomiting, cardiac palpitations, twitching or spasms, weakness and severe muscular cramps. The individual may also suffer from psychological symptoms, such as violent nightmares, flashbacks , melancholy, disturbed sleep or insomnia, loss of appetite, and anxieties when certain things remind them such as the anniversary date of the event (Peterson, 2009). Examples of PTSD can be found as early as in ancient Greek and Roman history, for example the Greek historian Herodotus mentions â€Å"an Athenian warrior who went permanently blind when the soldier standing next to him was killed, although the blinded soldier was wounded in no part of his body†when he wrote about the battle of Marathon in 490 B.C. He â€Å"also writes of the Spartan commander Leonidas, who, at the battle of Thermopylae Pass in 480 B.C., dismissed his men from joining the combat because he clearly recognized they were psychologically spent from previous battles.-They had no heart for ... gain economically (combined with veterans’ pride and distrust) accounts for the fact that of 830,000 Vietnam veterans with full-blown or partial PTSD, only 55,119 have filed claims, and the medical boards have only believed 28,411 (Triangle Institute study, July 1990) (Bentley, 2005)! Works Cited Bentley, S. (2005, March). Short History of PTSD. Retrieved 12 6, 2011, from Veteran: PBS. (n.d.). PBS Org. Retrieved 12 6, 2011, from The Soldier's Heart: Peterson, D. (2009). From Shell shock to PTSD. Retrieved 12 6, 2011, from Rothschild, B. (n.d.). Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder:. Retrieved 11 6, 20011, from
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Aims and Objectives Essay
Hypothesis: Shopping centres in the Central Business District area are better in the sense that they provide a higher level of quality and variety of goods than the shopping centres in the residential areas. Aims and objectives: * Our general objective is to compare and contrast two shopping centres in the Central Business District (CDB) against another two shopping centres in the residential areas. We are also keen to investigate the various factors that influence the people’s decision to patronise the particular shopping centres. For example, the shopping malls in the CDB areas might be a better place to shop in terms of shopping quality and variety but on the other hand, the shopping malls in the residential areas might appeal to the public better in terms of close proximity to their homes and convenience. Our studies will intend to find out the link that exists between the shopping centres of our choice, and uncover a pattern that we will be going in further detail in our results and findings according to public opinion through means like surveys and in addition, our own feelings on the contributing factors or reasons. Our main focus would be the quality of shopping provided by the shopping mall. This includes the services, accessibility and the facilities provided that improves the shopping experience for the patrons. We will be taking surveys of the patrons there to find out their feelings about the shopping mall and its quality. We would also go there and do general analysis of the mall ourselves. This is to give us a base of comparison between our ideas of good quality compared to the peoples’ idea of good quality observed in a shopping mall.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Bindge Drinking
We have all heard the terms boozing, drinking to get drunk, sloshed, tanked, tipsy, tooted, and hammered. But have you ever really thought about what you were saying when you used these terms. You were saying that all that you did the night before was binge drink. Binge drinking on college campuses is something that has grown to an all time high but who’s to blame? All too often we have heard the horror stories of how kids are getting behind the wheel of a car after a night of binge drinking, and end up killing everyone involved, but themselves. Binge drinking must be stopped, but it’s easier said than done. College administrators shouldn’t be held 100 percent accountable for students actions, the idea for colleges to crack down on binge drinking sounds unrealistic. In his essay â€Å"Binge Drinking must be stopped†director of the college alcohol studies program at the Harvard school of public health, Henery Wechsler states â€Å"An incoming freshman learns during the first week of school where the alcohol and parties and often has a binge drinking experience even before purchasing a textbook. If students can find it so easily so can college administrators it’s not that complicated†(32). It shouldn’t be the administrators responsibility to constantly hover over their Lee 2 students. We’re not talking about high school students here,we’re talking about college students! These are people who are 18 years old are older so it’s time for them to take on some responsibilities. I believe that if your caught intoxicated on campus and your under the age of 21 your parents shouldn’t be notified by an college administrator, you should be taken straight to jail until you sober up. I mean aren’t you considered an adult once you turn 18? (elaborate more) â€Å"if we know so much about the problem, why is it that we have not been able to do much about it†(33). Realistically speaking how are u going to be able to stop binge drinking? â€Å"Drunken parties are usually at certain frat houses and housing complexes. The heaviest drinking most likely takes place in a few bars near campus†(33). Why is it that administrators have to take on all the responsibilities? Do you really expect administrators to go around busting in frat houses or local bars like some type of Robocops? That would be stepping on students privacy , and everyone has a right to their privacy. Consequences and reprecutions should be enforced in order to make students think twice before they go out and binge drink. Students need to take on more responsibilities for themselves instead of being baby sitted by college administrators
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Ecosystem lesson plan
Students will be introduced to two new and different ecosystems and all of the elements that are found inside the ecosystems. As a category, pupils will build a Venn Diagram placing the distinguishable differences between the two ecosystems every bit good as any similarities. LESSON OBJECTIVE: Students will larn how the universe contains different ecosystems that possess similar and different elements. Students will besides be exposed to how workss and animate beings rely on one another in order to properly map. Last, pupils will detect the intense competition some animate beings and workss face in certain ecosystems. Students will larn this stuff through the use of synergistic direction. First, the pupils will listen, deduce, and callback earlier, during, and after the two books are read. Then, pupils will join forces to make a in writing organiser in the signifier of a Venn Diagram to expose their findings. A formative appraisal will be conducted by simple observation while the Venn Diagram is constructed. I will do mental note of lending pupils and guarantee that all pupils have had an chance to lend to the diagram or to the conversation. Materials: Tropical Rain Forests ( True Books- Ecosystems ) by Darlene R. Stille, Mountains ( True Books-Ecosystems ) by Larry Brimner, chalkboard or whiteboard. Concept: Ecosystems, animate being and works relationships Vocabulary: ecosystem, system, community, population, home ground, nutrient concatenation, manufacturers, consumers, decomposers, nutrient concatenation, nutrient web ( FlashcardExchange, 2010 ) MOTIVATION/INTRODUCTION TO THE LESSON: Today ‘s motive is reading two books. Students will hold merely completed a desert terrarium the twenty-four hours before and are go oning a hebdomad of merriment with ecosystems by listening to the teacher read two colourful and descriptive books!STRATEGIES/ACTIVITIES/PROCEDURES:Measure 1. Students ‘ attending is gathered.Measure 2: Students gather in a general seating country or stay quiet at their desks.Measure 3: The instructor informs the pupils that they will be listening carefully to 2 books about ecosystems. Each book contains similarities and differences and their occupation is to listen carefully or take notes in order to happen interesting facts! Following, I introduce today ‘s subject: comparison ecosystems and all it ‘s dwellers.Measure 4: Uncover the first book: Tropical Rain Forests. I identify all of the print constructs so begin reading page one. I allow pupils to inquire inquiries and do notes after each page.Measure 5: Have a brief treatment about the tropical rain forest ecosystem. Students make notes about what their fellow schoolmates have noticed.Measure 6: Uncover the 2nd book: Mountains. Identify all of the print constructs and get down reading page one. Students have the chance and are encouraged to inquire inquiries and do notes after each page.Measure 7: Have a brief treatment about the mountain ecosystem. Students make notes about what their fellow schoolmates have noticed.Measure 8: I draw a Venn Diagram on the board and label the 3 subdivisions. I ask the pupils what a Venn Diagram is.Measure 9: Students take bends raising their custodies and coming to the board to put specific similarities and differences sing the ecosystems into the Venn Diagram.Measure 10: Students besides observe the works and carnal relationships and note them in the diagram.Measure 11: Appraisal is taking topographic point.Measure 12: I verbally review the Venn Diagram allowed for support.Closing : â€Å" Can you call some workss and animate beings that live in the tropical rain forest that could ne'er last in the mountains? Why is that so? †Students exchange replies with their desk spouse, come to a consensus and a few portion their response with the category. â€Å" How is competition for nutrient different between these two ecosystems? †Students think and respond. â€Å" Yesterday we created a desert planetarium to demo us what populating in that ecosystem would be like. Today we have experienced two new ecosystems: the mountains and the tropical rain forest. Tomorrow you will all see how black the affects of an oil spill can be on certain ecosystems and it ‘s dwellers. Keep in head all of the different ecosystems we have covered every bit good as what they have in common! †Alterations: All pupils have chances to inquire inquiries every bit good as discuss with a spouse. This should enable pupils that have a difficult clip hold oning the constructs to pass more clip on the specific country they are confused with. These pupils can talk one on one with their spouse and will hopefully derive a better apprehension of ecosystems. Second, 3 visuals are utilized in this exercising that should make repeat throughout the activity. I should hold a general thought of which pupils will get the hang this aim before the lesson begins. However, this peculiar lesson is an full class-interactive lesson. These pupils will non have alterations because it is imperative that they listen to the guided reading and take part in making the Venn Diagram.BeginningsBrimner, Larry. ( 2000 ) . Mountains ( True Books ) . Nutmeg state: Children ‘s Press.FlashcardExchange. ( 2001-2010 ) . 4th Grade Ecosystem Vocabulary. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //www.flashcarde, Darlene. ( 2000 ) .Tropical Rain Forests ( True Books ) . Nutmeg state: Children ‘s Press.Webb, Dr. Tim. ( 2007 ) . Curriculum Standards- TN Department of Education. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: //
Negative Effects of Classism
Negative Effects Of Classism Have you ever been judged by the way you look or act? How about just for your income? Social classes have existed for many centuries, whether you are rich or poor, there has always been a large group of people who share a similar economic and/or social position. In society, citizens are put into classes based upon their income, wealth, property ownership, and job status. When citizens are put into a â€Å"class†whether it is high or low, it affects their way of life.For example; when the working class feels like they’re not good enough, it might be because someone in the higher class is acting ignorant or superior towards the lower class. When citizens are not treated equally due to their social status, this is called â€Å"classism. †As you may know classism is professed throughout all classes whether you’re a working class, middle class, or even a higher class. For starters, in an American society, classism is usually pointed in the direction of the â€Å"working class†as having the disadvantage.The â€Å"working class†is the lowest social group of people. They are employed for only minimum wage in manual or industrial work. Although our system in the U. S. is designed to allow mobility between social classes, discrimination against the lower classes is still perceived by the higher class. The higher class considers the â€Å"working class†as unreliable or lethargic workers who don’t want to put any effort in achieving in their life goals. Believing this way might be because of their background or where they come from.Secondly, many underclass citizens tend to be the most hardworking of all because every day they make just enough money to get by and that’s it. When working these low income jobs, it’s difficult to support a family and live life without the struggle of â€Å"money problems. †Most people in the working class didn’t pursue their life long goals or promotions in their lives because of their lack of motivation or dedication to succeeding. Most importantly, if the higher class didn’t have such misleading judgments on the â€Å"working class†, then maybe there wouldn’t be as much wrongful thoughts towards them.The middle class is a set of workers who are quite educated, wise, and overall more successful than the working class. The middle class is considered the average or the suitable of the three main classes, mostly because they make a much higher salary than the working class but not enough to be considered the higher class. The middle class is the majority of people in the United States. Occasionally the middle class consider thoughts and assumptions that the sociability of this country towards them are true which leads them to believe it and as well as act it out towards others.The reimbursements or the â€Å"benefits†of being in the middle class provide access to health care benefits such as Medicare or medicate, a home that’s stable enough to live in, a great secure job, as well as retirement security for the seniors of this class and most importantly many chances of a good education which comprises a college education as well. Since million of the households in this country are in the middle class, it’s hard to discriminate or judge against a class where a majority of the United States citizens in are in or close too.The â€Å"higher class†in America consists of people who have mostly inherited their money. Historically in some cultures, members of an upper class often did not have to work for a living, as they were supported by earned or inherited investments. The main distinguishing feature of upper class in the US is the ability to derive enormous incomes from wealth through techniques such as investment and money management, rather than engaging in wage-labor or salaried employment.Secondly, many unprincipled behaviors across the social classes have delivered a withering verdict on the upper echelons of society, studies have shown that privileged people behave consistently worse than others. For instance, in a range of situations the upper class has a greater tendency to lie, cheat, take things meant for others, not stop for pedestrians on crossings, and endorse unethical behavior. Most importantly, the upper and lower class individuals do not necessarily differ in terms of their capacity for unethical behavior, but rather in terms of their default tendencies toward it.In conclusion, classism will consist in all social classes’ whether it’s the higher class or lower class, people will make generalizations or stereotypes about other people in different classes because of their personal background, arrogances, and actions. Although there will always be different forms of oppression and prejudice, classism’s drastic income and wealth inequality and basic human needs te nd to go unmet. | |
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Business Strategies And Analysis Of Starbucks Marketing Essay
Business Strategies And Analysis Of Starbucks Marketing Essay In this following report provides analysis of company mission, business strategy with Porter’s Generic Strategies (Michael, 1980), using Michael Porter’s five forces (Michael, 1979) to analyze specialty coffee industry, situation analysis with SWOT, Starbucks core competencies (C.K. customers whom share the same valued, required premium-level coffee, have spending ability; young urban professionals, teenage and trendy (Wikinvest, 2010) but not the pricing competition. Source: Generic Strategies – Michael Porter (1980), Starbucks’ business strategy (differentiation focus) has been used in all processes and all stakeholders; starting from suppliers and farmers that Starbucks made the different in the way of finding the source of materials (e.g. coffee bean) at the origin places not from the secondary sources and the most significant is tried to improve farmers’ quality of life in the same time also got the good qualit y of coffee beans. Secondly, they treat the employees differently from the others whom they called partners that hope to make the different in the way of service-minded and relations. Another most important and differentiate point is the global/environment/community responsibilities as their shared value as mention by Howard Schultz, Starbucks’ CEO, said â€Å"You don’t do these things for recognition, you do these things because they are the right thing to do†(Nancy, Marya, Katherine, 2008). Industry Structure As a different industry has different nature of business, competition or level of profitability (productivity and efficiency). So for better understanding in this coffee specialty industry, it could use a framework of Michael Porter, which influenced by the five forces (Michael, 1979).
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Management accounting and the challenge of strategic focus Essay
Management accounting and the challenge of strategic focus - Essay Example The study made use of qualitative analysis of secondary narrative data on the company subject of the case study. Through qualitative data analysis, the study employed the self-referential, â€Å"autopoietic†theory to explain the role of the firm’s management accounting system in providing control and guidance in relation to the firm’s â€Å"self-production.†The title is short and categorical, sufficient to capture the interest of a student who would be interested in an article on the general topics of either management accounting or strategic management, or the link between them. However, for one who is looking for a particular topic within the scope of either field, the title does not sufficiently convey the specific gist of what the paper is about. Either field is very broad, and the title should properly encapsulate what aspect of the link between the two subjects is discussed. Since the focus of the discussion is on autopoiesis, this single word, coupled with management accounting and strategic management, would have provided the a sufficiently concise yet informative title. The title we would suggest would be: â€Å"Application of Autopoiesis Theory in Organization Strategy†The abstract gives a concise yet informative summary of the study, identifying it immediately as a case study and therefore preparing the reader to address it as such. It also provides the reader with the theoretical underpinning of the work (autopoietic theory) as well as the eventual conclusion, which is beneficial to the reader who wants to know if the further perusal of the study would serve his purposes. Some of its vocabulary appears to be specialized and operational to the study (e.g. â€Å"self-production†), but these need not be explained in the abstract. Actually, the use of such words makes the abstract more effective in capturing the interest of the reader. Upon reading the introduction, one is immediately
Monday, August 12, 2019
Multimodles in Education Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Multimodles in Education - Research Paper Example their use of technological tools in their academics and a majority of the students, some 50% rated themselves as basic, while 22% and 27% rated themselves as professional and advanced respectively (Alawami). These statistics can be said to show that a large number of students are competent enough in the use of technological tools to ensure that their learning process and environment is as comfortable as possible. It is well known that life in the current age is highly influenced by the era of technology, and the latter has come to play an important role in today's human social development. Based on this fact, it has become obligatory to take advantage of the modern technological facilities in aiding the development of education because to do otherwise would mean that there would be a considerable loss in the productivity of students in the modern age. There are, however, other hi-tech implements that can be made the most of in academics besides computers and each of these tools has i ts specific benefits and application. But while this may be the case, in order for the students to use these tools successfully, they should be familiar with the use of all types of computers as well as the Internet, and be able to interact with the techniques needed for the use of these tools. This has been the case in many academic institutions because when asked whether they had used some form of technology in their academic institutions before, all of the respondents stated that they had indeed used it. One of the greatest ideals that have come to be widely appreciated in the world today has been the development of educational technologies whose purpose has been the intended uniting of students from different cultures. Students from diverse cultures tend to have different ideas... This paper approves that a lot of value should be placed in students through the development of technological empowerment programs, which ensure that they get the opportunity to advance in the use of the technology. This is the reason why students have to be taught in an environment that has multi-modals because those who study in such an environment are likely to know exactly how such technology works and will not need a lot of time to learn. It has been found that the students’ experience in the use of technology, which is likely to have been developed after years of using its different forms, tends to work in their favor when conducting their studies. In fact, it is very likely that such students will get work done faster than those who would have studied in an environment devoid of technology because technology, such as the internet, allows students to access the information that they desire almost instantly. The experience that students gain using technology in the classr oom ensures that they know what it lacks and what it has and this enables them to work towards strengthening the knowledge they have gained further while also working towards using even more advanced technology to enhance their learning process. This essay makes a conclusion that the increasing popularity of the use of multi-modals in education is because of the fact that it is most convenient since it enables individuals to easily access information at their own convenience. This is corroborated in a survey question asking students whether they had ever taken online classes before, and fully half of those who responded stated that they had indeed taken such classes.
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Strategic Intelligence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Strategic Intelligence - Essay Example The ability to formulate timely intelligence is vital to operational personnel in making proper decisions in the dynamic environment of intelligence characterized by a variety of constantly evolving criminal, terrorist and other security threats, and by technological, social and commercial environments that are both complex and variable2. Congressional role in Strategic Intelligence has so far been effective and have succeeded in achieving the objectives of its creation. The public is the largest economic unit affected by policies developed out of congressional intelligence at both national and private levels; over two thirds of government expenditure have foundations on the intelligence services provided by the oversight authority. This calls for the need of oversight intelligence authority in the formulation of government policies. Interest in oversight intelligence has been facing disputes in the recent past, mainly on reporting of highly delicate intelligence information including the peoples’ attitude on the Iraq wars. Peoples’ views in many cases tend to deviate from the congressional believes, as a result, it becomes much more difficult for the congress to protect a view that opposes their own2. Congress plays a strategic role in ensuring that the interest of the public is considered in making such decisions. The public has made it increasingly difficult for the congress to do what it was designed to accomplish, the most famous is the information disclosed by WikiLeaks, which have so far dispatched delicate intelligence information to the public without the knowledge of the oversight intelligence. The public sees this as a failure from the side of the congress to provide them with information in time of need3. With the help of congress role of keeping the public informed, information flow have been properly managed so that Strategic Intelligence is guarded. Concerning policy development and peoples’
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Principal Perspective from Coaching Teachers lessons Thesis
Principal Perspective from Coaching Teachers lessons - Thesis Example 2.0 Introduction Leadership in education has been defined in a plethora of ways over the last decades and this accumulation of varied definitions serves to make the immense differences in opinions and discernment about school leadership more apparent. Historically, educational leadership was considered a means of support for teaching staff by heads of department, school principals, lead or master teachers, social workers, supervisors and education specialists (Sparks, 2002; Sledge & Morehead, 2006). During the twentieth century the role of school leaders has changed significantly, and as Suskavcevic & Blake (2001, p.2) point out, it has been ‘highly transformative’. They further claim that in the 1930s the primary role for principals was as ‘scientific manager’; in the 1940s it was as ‘democratic leader’; in the 1970s it was as ‘humanistic facilitator’; in the 1980s it became as ‘instructional leader’ (p.2) and currentl y it is as ‘transformational leader’ (p.4). ... To understand the concept of coaching, particularly instructional coaching 4. To determine the role of principal in association with instructional coaching 5. To determine how principals perceive their role in association with instructional coaching 3.0 Literature Review 3.1 What is school leadership? As far back as 1954, Mackenzie & Stephen considered the principal of a school to be the leader in terms of instruction (cited in Greenfield, 1987). They considered leadership to be a ‘natural accompaniment of the goal-seeking behavior of human beings’ (p.4), and that any pursuits undertaken by one teacher that assists in another teacher achieving their goal is an example of leadership. They further purport that leadership can be assumed by anyone considered as ‘having control and means’ of what others want (p.9) and that the concept is dynamic and thus forever changing rather than being constant (p.10). Wasley (1991, p. 64), on the other hand, claims leadership is ‘the ability to encourage colleagues to change, to do things they wouldn't ordinarily consider without the influence of the leader ’; whereas Bolman & Deal (1994) consider that every teacher is a leader. Kowalski (1995) adds to their argument and considers teacher leaders to be teachers who are authorized and given the power to make pertinent decisions that impact on educational processes and educational outcomes. Katzenmeyer & Moller (2001) disillusioned with school leadership, and after a comprehensive review of literature, past experiences, and discussion with principals and other educational leaders, arrived at the conclusion that the definition of educational leadership is evolving and that teachers who are
Friday, August 9, 2019
How to make Good Decisions in Business or something like that Essay
How to make Good Decisions in Business or something like that - Essay Example The need to take action in time is testing the limits of the command-and-control model that has subjugated commercial and military leadership for generations. To maintain a bias for action and stay centered on the appropriate goals both realms are coalescing around and emerging leadership model that rebalances traditional attitudes toward two crucial decision factors: risk and control. (Garvin, 108-116) In the corporate world today, decision makers need to have a higher tolerance for, and comfort level with risk. Multi month task forces are the buggy whips of leadership. Today, failure to decide and act quickly can pre-empt options altogether. However, business decisions are frequently made on input information that are either biased or manipulated. Input bias is defined as the systematic misuse of input information in judgments of outcome quality. While researchers note that the quality of a decision is often "positively related" to the quantity of the inputs used to make that decision, the relationship between input quantity and output quality is not automatic. In many cases, inputs are misused, misrepresented or even negatively related to outcome quality. a) Poor Framing: This involves allowing a decision to be "framed" by the language or context in which it is presented. Often times, in making a decision, the whole system or situation surrounding the problem or opportunity needs to be carefully analyzed. (Andrew, 8) For example an opportunity that arose from a visit to ones village should not necessarily translate to the decision being centered only in that village. It may even be that the decision to provide a service in that village is transferred somewhere else since the success guarantee in higher in another location. b) Recent Effects: Making decisions based on recently seen information. It may also be known as availability bias. A careful analysis of that information may have eventually
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