Wednesday, July 31, 2019
International and Transnational Crimes
International/Transnational Crimes Saphia Christopher Strayer University CRJ 330 Professor Ackerman International crimes can be described as â€Å"crimes against the peace and security of mankind†. International crimes are based on international agreements between countries or on legal precedents developed through history, and include offenses such as such as genocide, torture, and enslavement of populations. These are among the acts identified by consensus among nations as being illegal everywhere. Dammer & Albanese, 2011). The Foca rape case verdict in February 2001 was the first time that individuals were convicted for rape as a crime against humanity. The Foca rape case was prosecuted by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (the ICTY) in an effort to bring to justice those responsible for crimes against humanity in the war in Bosnia. Prior to the Foca rape case no one had ever been convicted of rape as a crime against humanity.Rape causes serious b odily or mental harm and international criminal tribunals have indicated that rape can constitute genocide when it is directed toward destroying a national, ethnic, racial or religious group. Under international law the crime of rape is a physical invasion of a sexual nature, which is not limited to a physical invasion of the body and may involve acts where there is no penetration or even physical contact (Parker, 2010). The prosecution in the Foca rape case argued the use of rape in attacks on civilians was widespread and systematic.To support this allegation the prosecution worked to show that the tactic was repeated and continuous (systematic) and that what had happened in Foca was a representative sample of Serbian methods of ethnic cleansing in Bosnia (widespread). The court ruled that these acts of rape were recognized as crimes against humanity because they were part of a systematic and widespread campaign and the acts included elements of enslavement (Parker, 2010). Transnat ional crimes are offenses whose inception, acts, and impact involve more than one country.These crimes usually involve the provision of illicit goods or illicit services, or the infiltration of business or government (Dammer & Albanese, 2011). Transnational organized crime is not stagnant, but is an ever-changing industry, adapting to markets and creating new forms of crime. In short, it is an illicit business that transcends cultural, social, linguistic and geographical boundaries and one that knows no borders or rules. Drug trafficking continues to be the most lucrative form of business for criminals, with an estimated annual value of $320 billion.In 2009, UNODC placed the approximate annual worth of the global cocaine and opiate markets alone at $85 billion and $68 billion, respectively (UNODC, 2012). Jacob Saul Stuart, 39, pleaded guilty in November 2011 to conspiracy to distribute controlled substances and conspiracy to commit money laundering. DEA and HSI special agents, using court authorized wiretaps, determined Stuart's smuggling ring was transporting and distributing up to 2,000 pounds of marijuana and as much as 440 pounds of cocaine every month. The operation involved smuggling marijuana into the U. S. rom Canada, where it was distributed across the country to California, Illinois, Missouri, Georgia and New Jersey, among other locations. Proceeds from the marijuana sales were then used to purchase cocaine in Southern California. The cocaine was delivered to members of the outlaw motorcycle gang Hells Angels in British Columbia for distribution in Canada. Over the course of the investigation, officials seized more than $2 million and 300 pounds of cocaine; and more than 2,200 pounds of marijuana from locations across the country. Jacob Stuart was subsequently sentenced to fifteen years in prison (DHS, 2012). ReferencesDammer, H. and Albanese, J. (2011). Comparative criminal justice systems. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning Parker, J. (2010). Rape as an I nternational Crime. Retrieved October 22, 2012 from: http://www. opednews. com/articles/1/RAPE-AS-AN-INTERNATIONAL-C-by-Janet-Parker-101204-241. html N. A. (2012) Transnational Drug Ring Leader: Department of Homeland Security. Retrieved October 22, 2012 from: http://www. ice. gov/news/releases/1210/121019seattle2. htm N. A. (2012) Transnational Organized Crime: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Retrieved October 22, 2012 from: http://www. unodc. org/toc/en/crimes/organized-crime. html
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Includes recommendations for banking in China Essay
The bank is progressively upgrading its services and is attempting to match the best practices in the banking industry. This is evident from its Factoring programme for businesses. This enables business people to assign receivables to Bank of China and in turn they are provided with all facilities for collection, finance of trade, risk control and ledger sales management. In addition there is easy finance on production of delivery of goods, provision of capital at low cost, protection of credit to the seller despite any financial difficulty of the buyer, thus in some cases it will be the buyer also who will be benefiting along with the seller in case Factoring is undertaken. The Factoring services include export and import factoring as well export and domestic invoice discounting and domestic full factoring. Being the first and the largest factoring services provider in China’s banking sector, it has build extensive experience in this field and therefore will provide assured services. (Factoring, 2006). BOC has developed partnerships with large state held Chinese corporations such as the oil and petroleum company China National Petroleum Corporation. This will add value to its global business and create partnerships for growth. Security and risk management in Bank of China is dependent on its corporate governance policy. This is determined and controlled by the board of directors which oversees the overall operation and administration. As per standard norms of banks, committees are appointed to supervise various banking functions which include those for strategic planning, audit, risk management, personnel and remuneration and transaction controls. (Governance, 2006). The various stake holders in the bank include apart from the state government, the share holders, a board of directors, in which the posts of Chairman and President are said to be separate, a board o f supervisors and senior management. (Governance, 2006). The large quantum of non performing assets and a state control however does not immediately contribute to confidence in this area. The Bank is prone to provide for areas which are determined by the Central government and to that extent its policies are not ruled by the needs of ensuring profitability and efficiency. The picture in China is however continuously changing and greater progress in this sphere is anticipated in the future. HSBC exploits it legacy of banking in China to effect as it has been present in the Middle Kingdom since 1865. (HSBC China, 2006). The Bank provides the customers the advantage of being a single banker for domestic as well as foreign banking services thereby providing it convenience, speed, security and assurance. (HSBC China, 2006). HSBC is seen to operate at an entirely different level. The products, services and processes for the customers have been well established by the bank. It is now marketing these facilities to provide growth both in the personal and business banking sectors. Modern banking as practiced by HSBC is not only creating facilities such as automated teller and cash machines but actually recognizing the benefits of customers using these. This leads banks as HSBC to sponsor various gift schemes for users who use cash machines or pay their bills online. This indicates that services are not mere conveniences but offers which enable the bank to actually increase its efficiency. Then there are services such as money managers for the business, high interest deposit bonds, money market account and clients deposit account which enables pooling of money in a single account. HSBC also manages pensions of employers for a business as well for individuals. For business there are other factilities that are being provided such as business internet banking as well as HSBCnet which provides larger companies with a complete range of services on the internet, invoice finance, Against the internal growth outlook of Bank of China, HSBC is seeking more challenges externally as the Worlds local bank and is investing in many developing countries such as Vietnam, Saudi Arabia and even Iraq. (Schuman, 2006). The low penetration of modern banking systems services for example credit cards in China which for a 1. 3 billion population has only 10 million card holders has promised greater possibility and scope for banks such as HSBC. While HSBC sees itself as the Worlds local bank, the BOC wants to seek primacy in Chinese banking by providing assistance in doing business globally. Thus there is a difference in the focus of both the banks. This also underlines an essential difference in the states of the Chinese banking industry vis a vis global banking conglomerates as HSBC. The Chinese banking industry is still in its nascence and thus sees itself as a provider of financial services to its domestic clientele be it personal or corporate to operate internationally. On the other hand HSBC sees itself as a bank for global banking regardless of the nationality of its clients. The Bank of China will have to face these challenges in the future in a very cohesive manner. Bank of China is well established domestically as well as globally. It can conduct sustained operations as it has adequate experience and exposure to varied political, economic and financial regimes. The global orientation of the bank is particularly favorable for its sustained growth and expansion in the future. It can thus provide the lead to other banks in China.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Marketing Essay
For any entrepreneur, marketing is an important component for the success of all businesses. Marketing can be identified as the process in which any business informs, satisfy and keep possessions of its customers. It is the main ingredient to bringing in customers to increase profits for a business. Many may think that marketing is as simple as advertisements and promotions but in the real business world to be successful, marketing is a bit more complex. A business needs a solid marketing plan to succeed and also to show the investors the company is able to return the investment the investors have given. For an entrepreneur to master the marketing skill the individual must understand the marketing mix. Marketing mix is the combination of the elements of marketing and what roles each element plays in promoting your products and services and delivering those products and services to your customers (about. com). Elements of Marketing Mix The marketing mix has four elements and until recently there have been a few new added elements which are referred to the 4 ps or the 7 ps of marketing mix. The 4 ps of marketing are product, place, price, and promotion and the additional p’s are process, people and physical evidence. When looking at it from a business sense of view it make a lot of sense because even though the added p’s can be explained in the original 4 ps, they each can stand alone. For instance process can be looked at as the protocol used by businesses for the marketing strategies and people can be seen as what they used to explain in debt the product or services. Last but not least physical evidence is what most consumers today go by which shows firsthand that a product or services does work. Product is the product and services offered to your customer, and how they are different from the competitors’ products. Businesses also have to make sure when offering a product to their customers it has to have the correct features meaning it must look good and work well and have enough to go around. Price is described as how you price your product or service so that your price remains competitive but still allows you to make a profit. In pricing businesses should also keep their targeted market in mind ensuring it is affordable to them and potential future customers. Place is describe as the distribution or where your business sells its products or services and how it gets those products or services to your customers. Place is very important because a business would want to make sure that their goods and services arrive when and where they are needed. For the promotion element it is the methods used to communicate the features and benefits of your products or services to your target customers. In today market promotion is made easier because your targeted consumer can be reached by the push of a button. With that being said businesses should keep technique and deliverance of the product and services offered into consideration also. The fifth p in marketing mix is described as people and is how your level of service and the expertise of the people who work for you can be used to set your business apart from the competitors. With the majority of products and services being offered by the click of a button, most consumers tend to rely on reviews to help them decide. If the business does not have the right people that look professional and have good ethics with the knowledge of the product or services they are selling it can hurt the business extremely. Which brings us to the saying a first impression last. Organization The Atlanta barber and beauty supply company or ABBS is an organization that supplies barber and beauty shops all around the country. They have been in business serving professional barber shops since 1946 with new, used and antique barber supplies and equipment. It is specifically marketed to the licensed barber or beautician shop owners. Just like any other organization ABBS has used the four elements of marketing mix to assist in the marketing strategy. For the product element the company has shown how each of their products are of great professional quality and last for years. Even though they sell top quality products, they also provide lower end products for those that maybe not willing or able to spend as much. They sell the same products as their competitors but they have a wider variety of clippers and shears in stock that are antiques. This allows them to provide their products to a larger consumer group from the older shops to the younger and ever changing shops. The company takes pride in having any kind of hair products in stock. Some barbers have specialty shops that only cater to an older market and likes nostalgic products and equipment to make their shop look and feel like the barber shops of the past, and ABBS has these products and items in stock and can ship them anywhere all around the world. This element does not affect the development of the company’s marketing strategy because it helps it by making sure the company keeps plenty of stock of their products. This element also gives the company a reason to look at other countries hair products to see what new products are being made and used in that country that can be sold to that market in the future. In the price element this affects the marketing strategy of the business by making the company decide how to price their products without making the price to expensive but attractive to customers to gain more customers than the competitors. The prices for the products are at competitive rates but lower than other barber supply companies because they give discounts to the owners of the barber shops. They also give a discount on shipping on all items purchased $60 and over. That is a strategy to bring in and keep more customers to use their internet website. The place element/distribution element for the ABBS is placed in 186 Mitchell St. S. W. Atlanta, GA that is the main building set for distribution of all barber and beauty products. The company utilizes its internet website by offering its products via e-commerce to a worldwide market. This affects the company’s marketing strategy and tactics in a good way by broadening their market to attract more customers. The more the clients they can generate worldwide the more the companies’ profits will increase. The internet is the best tool to advertise a business and its products these days, because of its power to reach a mass amount of people around the world in a matter of seconds. They also use catalogs to keep their existing customers updated on new products and price and can also be a good way of keeping them in the loop of new adventures to come. In past years the radio and TV ads were the top marketing tool for businesses, but it came with an expensive price to get a radio or TV ad spot it also only reached a local market so small businesses were stuck only doing business domestically. The internet made it easier and cheaper for mainly anyone to advertise anything to anyone all around the world. Now the company distributes its products from the main building in Atlanta to thousands of clients in many different countries. The ABBS Company has developed policies for its internet clients that are overseas; it also ships to APO/FPO addresses. In the promotion element the company communicates through the internet to advertise its products it also sends out catalog magazines to all new barbershops that are listed in the phone books of each city. The company is a top search when searched on Google. ABBS promotes the business in all forms of the marketing aspect, from newspaper ads, magazines, radio/TV ads, and the internet. Conclusion In conclusion new entrepreneurs understand that the marketing mix is a good tool to use when planning the marketing strategy of the business. It shows that these strategies are ever evolving with time and for a business to be and keep being successful their approach to cater to their consumer must also evolve. After identifying the four elements of marketing mix which are product, price, place, and promotion I was able to describe how each element affected the development of the company’s market strategy and tactics. I also described how each of the four elements was implemented for the business, and identified the industry in which ABBS exists.
Globalisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 4
Globalisation - Essay Example Lee & Tai (2006) too agree that liberal trade policies, incentives, growing foreign direct investment (FDI), advancement in information technology and communication have all stimulated the process of globalization. The major drivers of globalization according to Singer (2004) include social-demographic (regional, cultural), technological, which includes telecommunications, internet and transportation, economic factors like foreign direct investment, profit motives and market share, ecological and environmental factors like pollution and green laws, and political-legal factors like falling trade barriers, political stability and intellectual property. There is a connection between poverty and globalization and it is generally believed that without globalization inequality would have increased. Free trade would make the world prosperous and assist the poorer nations in coming up. Technological upgradation takes place in developing nations but evidence also suggests that technological change increases inequality between highly skilled workers and the unskilled workers (Singer). Trade and politics should be independent of each other. Globalization means differently to different people. While it provides opportunities to many people, it has also caused impoverishment to many groups and societies. Globalization has led to rapid and sudden changes in information and communications, which too has advantages and pitfalls. There are conflicting stands on this issue. Globalization is the concept of moving towards single-world society. In this effort there has been rising share of economic activity in the world. The aim was to open the world market to everybody and was thought to be a solution to social and economic disorder prevailing in the world. Globalization has brought about competition, liberalization, deregulation, and privatization and opened up capital markets but at the same time it has undermined the economic prospects for millions around
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Ethics In The Society In The Brothers Keeper Film Movie Review
Ethics In The Society In The Brothers Keeper Film - Movie Review Example From what we can see it is very unethical for one to kill anyone for any reason other than self-defense or other reasons that are lawful. However, we find that even when the suspect confesses to his crime, people still think that he is not capable of committing such a crime. They even rise together to defend him. For the brothers, they found it merciful to have one of the brother’s death to relieve him of his ailment and other pain. It is very acceptable to show mercy to those in need. However, it is good to be very watchful so as not to go beyond what is morally accepted. (Weiss, Jeffrey, and Craig Weiss 1998) However, now that the community can come together to aid one of their own, it is a very positive thing, and other community should do the same if one of them is somewhere very sensitive. The unity of a community shows strength and love (Weiss, Jeffrey, and Craig Weiss 1998). The film shows the difference between two groups of people; the one group is made up of people from the larger city while the other group is made up of people from rural areas. We find that the movie reveals two contradicting views about the Ward brothers. Some hold that the brothers are simple country folk and, on the other hand, the press have stereotypes for the two brothers as people who are not educated. The film has managed in a very successful way displayed how unity can help bring down a monstrous problem despite the level of literacy. (Weiss, Jeffrey, and Craig Weiss 1998)
Saturday, July 27, 2019
The negative impacts of internet on teenagers in the United States Essay
The negative impacts of internet on teenagers in the United States - Essay Example Risks associated with internet for teenagers are far more profound than with any other kind of media due to the ease of accessibility to the harmful content that the internet provides the children with. Based on the view of about 85 per cent of the parents, the National Altitudinal Poll identified the internet as the number one concern for the parents (Common Sense Media cited in Louge 2). Internet has provided the children with the opportunity to view and past whatever they feel like without having the parents realize it. Internet is frequently used by the American children to distribute sexually explicit material both their own and that of the others that they get to lay their hands on. Sex trafficking and various kinds of sex crimes have increased in number manifolds as the use of internet among the children has increased. â€Å"The Internet is transforming the experience of growing up in America. It is also transforming the job of being a parent in America. The Internet brings t he world  the good, the bad, and the ugly  to the American family’s doorstep. It brings the ruins of ancient Athens to that doorstep, but it also brings the red light district of Bangkok†(Third Way Culture Project). This paper identifies the various the negative impacts of internet on teenagers in United States. ... Thus, when they are away from the internet, they are depressed and their senses are revived only when they are using the internet. In this sense, they become addicted to the internet. They know that they ought to limit the time they spend on the internet and yet cannot help using the internet all day long because they experience unpleasant emotions when they are not using it. Internet remains in their conscious sense full time in one way or another. Either they are thinking what movie they would download next, which friend they would reply next or what statement they would place on their Facebook profiles. Excessive use of internet has become a very common thing among the young generation in the US. This behavior of unusually high association with the internet is commonly referred to in such terms as compulsive use of internet, pathological use of internet, problematic use of internet, computer addiction, internet dependence and net addiction. Declining academic performance Internet addiction has many unfavorable outcomes one of which happens to be the negative impact of it on an individual’s academic performance. Because of the excessive use of internet, the child is not able to concentrate upon the studies. Studies demand time and attention and yet are very boring. On the other hand, internet activities are very interesting and encourage one to indulge in them because they are also energizing and intellectual in many ways. Thus, the individual’s craving for knowledge and enhancing the skills is sufficiently satisfied by using internet. Thus, the time that the children should spend on their studies is wasted in playing online games, socializing on the social media websites and downloading and watching movies
Friday, July 26, 2019
Historical Systems of Power, Governance, and Authority Essay
Historical Systems of Power, Governance, and Authority - Essay Example The attitude of British rulers towards Indians fostered Hindu Muslim hatred. Indian nationalism was damaged by the discriminatory policy of British rulers. Undue favor to the Hindus at the start of British rule created lot of doubts and suspicions in Muslims’ mind. The situation changed when the British policy started favoring Muslims at the start of 20th Century. It resulted in fury and anger by Hindu population. Thus policy of British colonist helped them in extending their rule as the focus of Indian population was never on outside rulers instead they were focusing on each other. British rule also introduced political parties, which gave the impression of power and governance to the local population. This was a good tool to fool Indian population. The reality of political parties became evident when the proposed reforms by Indian political parties were hardly entertained by British parliament. Indian legislative assembly was not independent and could not make rules for itse lf. In fact all the legislation for India was done by British parliament. British rulers were aware of the fact that it would be difficult for them to rule a huge Indian population therefore they introduced some projects to indulge Indian population in those projects and made them subordinate.
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Operations Managment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Operations Managment - Essay Example Through the utilization of new technological applications, the said process of recruiting shall be given the most important development it is expected to take to cater to the needs of the growing number of applicants. Computers and the benefits that it provides the society has made the present generation of humanity what it needs in terms of technological assistance. Along with this, several other supporting programs were then produced to be able to give answer to other demands of the society from computing operations. Yes, it just gets better every time. Some programs are created for individuals, while some are created especially for business companies, which are controlling the global economic stability of the society today. All these programs are considered assistance for users for them to be able to have better access to the technological innovations brought about by computing operations. According to an article entitled "Computer-Tool or Tyrant", Computers, through the history of mankind have provided the society with the necessary assistance at times even more than that as it continuously develop for better applications. This claim is especially true when the talk is all about companies who are dealing with multitasking in their daily activities. The storage of the files that are needed to be kept for record could not be done through the traditional file-shelves system. Hence, the introduction of programs and operating systems brought so much ease to this so called corporal responsibilities and duties. In this paper, a suggested process of operations management using the computer office operations shall be presented so as to assist in the process of shortening the time by which an institution approves the application of hopefuls who want to enroll in Marine Officer Programs offered by the organization. Through the said process to be suggested, it is expected that the process of application would become more efficient and the process of approval be less time consuming thus allowing the personnel of the organization to put their attention to more important things such as improving the whole program for the enrollees. The Importance of Knowing How OS Works Living in such a technologically driven world, it could not be denied that the interest of people in the developing systems of computing operations is also growing. As the computing operations and applications develop, the demands of the society from the benefits that it provides for the individuals and the large organizational companies also increases. The discussion that shall be presented herein Technology too, controls the present situation of the global economy. In fact, the internet applications have completely revolutionized the processes by which trade systems are operating in the current business industry. Certainly, it could be noticed that the production of operating systems that are ready to provide business entrepreneurs with the assistance that they need to be able to cope up with the global competition of industries, the global economy tends to grow even bigger and more stable. The discussion that would be presented in this paper then shall give a clear vision on how Linux is able to provide the said needs of companies worldwide. What is it that makes Linux one of the most reliable operating
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6
Art - Essay Example While in the additive process, the sculptor starts with a limited quantity of material but as the work proceeds, he adds material to give sculpture the desired shape. Modeling, construction and assembling of different materials are all examples of additive process. 2) Explain the difference between 'craft' and 'fine arts', giving examples of works that you would classify in these categories. Include in your answer examples that you think could be classified as both ‘craft’ and 'fine art' depending on one's viewpoint. Craft actually refers to any kind of artwork that requires a skilled use of a person’s hands. Woodworking, glassblowing and pottery are few examples of craft. Craft serves a utilitarian purpose because the product like basket, cup or bowl eventually ends up being used by the consumer. Fine arts on the other hand refer to a form of art meant only for aesthetics. Unlike craft it does not have any ‘practical’ application and is only for the pleasure of its viewers. A wide variety of arts come under the classification of fine arts. These include painting, drawing, sculpture, calligraphy, mosaics and many others. However there is objectivity in deciding whether certain forms of art should be considered craft or fine art. A beautiful hand-woven basket could be considered a craft as well as an art.
Poetry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Poetry - Essay Example The gloominess of the poems is enough to create a sense of hopelessness and human misery. This paper tends to analyze the two poems, and makes a comparison to comprehend the similarities and differences in them. Let’s start with the 14 line poem â€Å"For My Daughter†by Weldon Kees. The poet starts with a narration of his daughter, and describes the three kinds of miseries that she is going through, or is expected to go through. Lines 2-3 â€Å"Beneath the innocence of morning flesh/ Concealed, hintings of death she does not heed†reveal that the girl is suffering from some disease, and is near to death. The poem was written in a time when disease would go untreated, and this shows in the poem too. She is â€Å"fed on hate†(line 10), which means that her life is burdened with abhorrence. â€Å"Bride of a syphilitic or a fool†(line 12) shows that the girl has been married to a person who is sick with a sexually transmitted disease. He has infected her too which is why she is waiting for death to come to her. The essence of the poem is in the lines 13-14: â€Å"These speculations sour in the sun./ I have no daughter. I desire none.†These lines show the worthlessness of the life of a woman. First, it gets revealed that the poet is talking about a made-up character and has considered it as his daughter; and second, the poet shows hatred toward that character by stating that he does not want a daughter. We assume that he believes that if he had a daughter, she would have gone through a very miserable life, which is why he does not long for her existence anymore. He believes that it is better to have no daughter than to have one and leave her to face all the hurdles of life. This reveals the insignificance of a woman’s life that is stereotyped as despondent and bleak, so much so that it makes a daughter an unwanted being. The free-verse, three stanza poem â€Å"Grass†by Carl Sandburg is a depiction of death leading to worthlessness. The narrator of the poem is â€Å"grass†, which also implies â€Å"Nature†. The grass orders to pile up the bodies of soldiers at Austerlitz, Waterloo, Gettysburg, Ypres and Verdun. Soldiers that have died in wars have to be piled and buried at these places. â€Å"Shovel them under and let me work†is repeated twice, which stress upon the fact that the Nature is running its course no matter what happens. â€Å"I am the grass†and â€Å"let me work†also appear twice, which highlights the power of the Nature. This strength shows in line 3: â€Å"I am the grass; I cover all†because this depicts the fact that Nature has the power to cover the filthy work of humans, making them as clean and pure as they were born. The poem tells how soldiers are killed and buried, and how their sacrifices are easily forgotten by people. Time passes, and people even forget who they were and where they were buried. This shows the worthl essness of the lives of dead soldiers. â€Å"Two years, ten years, and passengers ask the conductor: What place is this? Where are we now?†shows how easily people forget what has happened in the past which enabled them to be what they are. Lessons of history are forgotten but repeated. Whatever happens, Nature continues its work. Putting it all together, it is seen that both the poems compared above are based on the same themes: death and worthlessness. Both the poems are based on different ideas, but talk about human misery, pain,
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Principles of marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Principles of marketing - Essay Example P&G has always tried to position their product differently according to the changing need and preferences of the people. In the detergent market, marketers are launching their detergents in small easy to handle containers at low price. In this way marketers wanted to prove that they were charging less for more. P&G reduced their commercialization and increase their perceived value by introducing Tide with bleach, cold water Tide, Tide with bounce, etc. So by this it could be clearly assumed that P&G has an excellent marketing team to plan out such marketing strategies, so that it always remains the market leader. Table of Contents PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING 14 1 4 Mission, Vision and Objectives of Procter & Gamble 5 Mission and Vision 5 Objectives 5 Market Overview 6 Competitors 6 Customer Expectations 7 Consumer Behavior 7 Cultural Factors 7 Social Factors 8 Psychological Factors 8 Personal Factors 8 SWOT Analysis 9 Strength 9 Weakness 9 Opportunity 9 Threat 9 Marketing Mix 10 Product 10 Price 10 Place 10 Promotion 11 Conclusion 11 References 13 Mission, Vision and Objectives of Procter & Gamble Mission and Vision Procter & Gamble is one of the largest packaged product companies in the world. This fact has always motivated the company for their purpose inspired growth. The company's mission is to improve the lives of the customers round the world. The long term visions of Procter & Gamble are: The company wants to use 100 percent renewable and recycled material for the products and packaging. The plants of the company should be powered by 100 percent renewable energy. They want zero manufacturing waste to go to landfills. The company wants to design the products for maximum customer delight and conserving the natural resource (P&G, 2012). Objectives The company wants to win the customers, and help its leading brands to grow and expand into different countries. It wanted to focus mainly on the core business and build is strong global market leaders. The company al so has the objective maintaining growth and sustainability in different parts of the world. Market Overview In this study we would see the different aspects of the marketing principles and strategies with regards to a very popular brand of Procter & Gamble known as Tide. It is one of the most famous detergent brands of Procter & Gamble. It is one of the flagship brands of P & G. The basic policy of the company is to boost the sales and stimulate the customers to buy the products. This popular detergent was first launched in the market in 1946. The logo of Tide that we see today was slightly modified in 1996. P & G enjoys a well-established recognition in the developed countries of the world like United States, and Europe. The CEO of the company Bob McDonald announced in 2010 that they wanted to expand their markets and penetrate more into Chinese and Indian markets. Their aim is to reach the target of 1 billion customer base in these parts of the world. The closest competitor of P & G is Unilever and Henkel. In Figure 1 we can see that Tide is the market leader in the US detergent market among all the other brands and products of other companies. In fact, the P & G has the greatest market share among all the companies producing detergent. P & G has all its detergent brands in the top list of the consumers. Tide captures about 45 percent of the market alone. The other detergent brands capture 13 percent of the ma
Monday, July 22, 2019
Intro University Studies Syllabus Essay Example for Free
Intro University Studies Syllabus Essay The essential information, skills, tools, and techniques necessary for academic success and personal effectiveness at University of Phoenix are introduced in this course. The course develops and applies practical knowledge and skills immediately relevant to first-year university students. Course topics include goal setting and working with personal motivation, understanding and using university resources, developing efficient study habits, making the most of personal learning styles, and how best to manage time and reduce personal stress levels. Policies Faculty and students/learners will be held responsible for understanding and adhering to all policies contained within the following two documents: University policies: You must be logged into the student website to view this document. Instructor policies: This document is posted in the Course Materials forum. University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently changed modalities, read the policies governing your current class modality. Course Materials Gardner, J. N. , Jewler, A. J. , Barefoot, B. O. (2011). Your college experience: Strategies for success (9th ed. ). Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin’s. All electronic materials are available on the student website. Week One: Academic Success Details Due Points Objectives 1. 1 Differentiate between academic and casual communication. 1. 2 Identify university resources required for student success. Reading Read Ch. 1 of Your College Experience. Reading Read the â€Å"Choosing the Best Way to Communicate with Your Audience†section in Ch. 10 of Your College Experience. Participation/ Discussion Questions. Participate in class discussion by posting at least two substantive messages on four of the seven days during the week. Messages must be at least 50 words. Respond to at least three of the five discussion questions. Responses must be substantive and contain 150 – 300 words. Discussion question responses will count toward participation. Ongoing four of seven days 30 Activities and Preparation University of Phoenix Resources Watch the â€Å"Center for Writing Excellence (CWE)†video on the student website. View the Microsoft ® PowerPoint ® presentation, Center for Mathematics Excellence, on the student website. Access the Toolwire ® Learnscape: Finding. Information at the University Library by clicking the link located on the student website. Complete the Learnscape activities. Post completed assessment page to the thread in the Main Forum for participation credit. Activities and Preparation Communication Watch the information presentation, Academic vs. Casual Written Communication, located on the student website. Activities and Preparation MyFoundations Lab Click the MyFoundationsLab link on the student website. Click the Browser Check link to ensure you can access materials. Click the Take a Tour link for an orientation to MyFoundationsLab. Activities and Preparation Punctuation. Take the Skills Check for Punctuation, Mechanics, and Spelling. Access the following components in MyFoundationsLab: Writing: Punctuation, Mechanics, and Spelling Commas Final Punctuation Complete the following activities for each unit: Overview Animation Practice the Skills 1 Post-Test Note. If you achieved the Mastery Score on the Skills Check, you do not need to complete the activities. Individual Communication Styles Resource: Academic vs. Casual Written Communication information presentation Complete Appendix A located on the student website. Day 7 Sunday 70 Week Two: Personal Responsibility Details Due Points Objectives. 2 2. 1 Recognize the importance of personal responsibility. 2. 2 Evaluate goals using SMART criteria. Reading Read Ch. 2 of Your College Experience. Reading Read the following sections in Ch. 16 of Your College Experience: â€Å"Managing Stress†â€Å"Mental Health†Participation/ Discussion Questions Participate in class discussion by posting at least two substantive messages on four of the seven days during the week. Messages must be at least 50 words. Respond to at least three of the five discussion questions. Responses must be substantive and contain 150 – 300 words. Discussion question responses will count toward participation. Ongoing four of seven days 30 Activities and Preparation Ethical Lens Inventory Complete the Ethical Lens Inventory located on the student website. Note: The Ethical Lens Inventory will be used in Individual Assignments in Weeks Six and Nine. Activities and Preparation Punctuation Access the following components in MyFoundationsLab: Writing: Punctuation, Mechanics, and Spelling Quotation Marks Other Punctuation Apostrophes Complete the following activities for each unit: Overview Animation Practice the Skills 1 Post-Test Note. If you achieved the Mastery Score on the Skills Check, you do not need to complete the activities. Individual Goal Evaluation Resource: Appendix B Read Appendix C located on the student website. Choose five of the scenarios. Evaluate the goal action plan included with each of the chosen scenarios. Complete Appendix D located on the student website for the chosen scenarios. Day 7 Sunday 70 Week Three: Collaboration Details Due Points Objectives 3 3. 1 Describe methods of collaboration. 3. 2 Describe various learning styles. Reading Read Ch. 3 of Your College Experience. Reading Read Ch. 4 of Your College Experience. Reading Read the â€Å"How Collaboration Fosters Critical Thinking†section in Ch. 5 of Your College Experience. Reading Read the following sections in Ch. 15 of Your College Experience: â€Å"Confessions of a College Student†â€Å"Understanding Diversity and the Source of Our Beliefs†â€Å"Forms of Diversity†â€Å"Discrimination, Prejudice, and Insensitivity on College Campuses†â€Å"Challenging Yourself to Experience Diversity†Participation / Discussion Questions Participate in class discussion by posting at least two substantive messages on four of the seven days during the week. Messages must be at least 50 words. Respond to at least three of the five discussion questions. Responses must be substantive and contain 150 – 300 words. Discussion question responses will count toward participation. Ongoing four of seven days 30 Activities and Preparation Attitudes and Learning Complete the Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire in the â€Å"Assessing Your Emotional Intelligence†section in Ch. 3 of the text. Complete the Multiple Intelligences Inventory in the â€Å"Multiple Intelligences†section in Ch. 4 of the text. Activities and Preparation Mechanics Access the following components in MyFoundationsLab: Writing: Punctuation, Mechanics, and Spelling Abbreviations and Numbers Capitalization. Complete the following activities for each unit: Overview Animation Practice the Skills 1 Post-Test Note. If you achieved the Mastery Score on the Skills Check, you do not need to complete the activities. Activities and Preparation Sentence Skills Take the Skills Check for Sentence Skills. Access the following components in MyFoundationsLab: Writing: Sentence Skills Sentence Structure Fragments Run-ons Complete the following activities for each unit: Overview Animation Practice the Skills 1 Post-Test Note. If you achieved the Mastery Score on the Skills Check, you do not need to complete the activities. Individual Collaboration Resources: Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire and the Multiple Intelligences Inventory Complete Appendix E located on the student website. Day 7 Sunday 70 Week Four: Academic Reading Strategies Details Due Points Objectives 4 4. 1 Explain effective textbook reading. 4. 2 Recognize strategies for improving reading comprehension. Reading Read Ch. 7 of Your College Experience. Participation / Discussion Questions Participate in class discussion by posting at least two substantive messages on four of the seven days during the week. Messages must be at least 50 words. Respond to at least three of the five discussion questions. Responses must be substantive and contain 150 – 300 words. Discussion question responses will count toward participation. Ongoing four of seven days 30 Activities and Preparation Reading Strategies and Media Utilization Access the Toolwire ® Learnscape: Reading Strategies and Media Utilization by clicking the link located on the student website. Complete the Learnscape activities. Post completed assessment page to the thread in the Main Forum for participation credit. Activities and Preparation Reading. Access the following components in MyFoundationsLab: Study Skills Concentrating When You Read and Study Getting the Most from Your Reading Complete the following activities for each unit: Overview Interactive Activity Self Check Activities and Preparation Spelling Access the following components in MyFoundationsLab: Writing: Punctuation, Mechanics, and Spelling Complete the following activities for the Spelling unit: Overview Animation Practice the Skills 1 Post-Test Note. If you achieved the Mastery Score on the Skills Check, you do not need to complete the activities. Individual Reading Strategies. Resources: Toolwire ® Learnscape: Reading Strategies and Media Utilization; MyFoundationsLab: Concentrating When You Read and Study; MyFoundationsLab: Getting the Most from Your Reading; Ch. 7 of the text Complete Appendix F located on the student website. Day 7 Sunday 70 Week Five: Effective Study Habits Details Due Points Objectives 5 5. 1 Identify effective study strategies and techniques. Reading Read Ch. 8 of Your College Experience. Participation / Discussion Questions Participate in class discussion by posting at least two substantive messages on four of the seven days during the week. Messages must be at least 50 words. Respond to at least three of the five discussion questions. Responses must be substantive and contain 150 – 300 words. Discussion question responses will count toward participation. Ongoing four of seven days 30 Activities and Preparation Study Strategies Access the following components in MyFoundationsLab: Study Skills Rehearsal Strategies Effective Note Taking Complete the following activities for each unit: Overview Interactive Activity Self Check Activities and Preparation Writing Take the Skills Check for The Craft of Writing. Access the following components in MyFoundationsLab: Writing: The Craft of Writing Getting Started The Writing Process Prewriting Complete the following activities for each unit: Overview Animation Practice the Skills 1 Post-Test Note. If you achieved the Mastery Score on the Skills Check, you do not need to complete the activities. Individual Ethical Actions Complete the Ethics Exercises: Student Code of Conduct and Academic Integrity located on the student website. Complete Appendix G located on the student website. Day 7 Sunday 70 Week Six: Academic Writing Details Due Points Objectives 6 6. 1 Demonstrate the key elements of the writing process. Reading. Read the following sections in Ch. 10 of Your College Experience: â€Å"Confessions of a College Student†â€Å"Writing†â€Å"Using Freewriting to Discover What You Want to Say†â€Å"The Writing Process†Participation / Discussion Questions Participate in class discussion by posting at least two substantive messages on four of the seven days during the week. Messages must be at least 50 words. Respond to at least three of the five discussion questions. Responses must be substantive and contain 150 – 300 words. Discussion question responses will count toward participation. Ongoing four of seven days 30 Activities and Preparation. Writing Access the following components in MyFoundationsLab: Writing: The Craft of Writing Recognizing a Paragraph The Topic Sentence Complete the following activities for each unit: Overview Animation Practice the Skills 1 Post-Test Note. If you achieved the Mastery Score on the Skills Check, you do not need to complete the activities. Individual Personal Ethics Statement: Topic Sentence and Outline Resources: Ethical Lens Inventory; Ethics Exercises; MyFoundationsLab: Recognizing a Paragraph; MyFoundationsLab: The Topic Sentence; Sample Outline in the CWE Complete Appendix H located on the student website. Create a topic sentence and informal outline for your Personal Ethics Statement due in Week Nine. Day 7 Sunday 70 Week Seven: Critical Thinking Details Due Points Objectives 7 7. 1 Identify the process of critical thinking. 7. 2 Examine ethics issues. 7. 3 Identify personal bias and emotion. Reading Read Ch. 5 of Your College Experience. Participation / Discussion Questions Participate in class discussion by posting at least two substantive messages on four of the seven days during the week. Messages must be at least 50 words. Respond to at least three of the five discussion questions. Responses must be substantive and contain 150 – 300 words. Discussion question responses will count toward participation. Ongoing four of seven days 30 Activities and Preparation Writing Access the following components in MyFoundationsLab: Writing: The Craft of Writing Developing and Organizing a Paragraph Complete the following activities for the unit: Overview Animation Practice the Skills 1 Post-Test Note. If you achieved the Mastery Score on the Skills Check, you do not need to complete the activities. Activities and Preparation Personal Ethics Statement: Rough Draft Resource: Ethical Lens Inventory; Appendix H. Write a 200- to 300-word rough draft of your Personal Ethics Statement based on your topic sentence and informal outline. Include the following: Describe your ethical perspective as identified by the Ethical Lens Inventory, including your blind spot, strengths, weaknesses, and values. Define what personal ethics means to you. Explain how your personal ethics might help you determine a course of action in a situation. Note. APA formatting is not required for this assignment. Individual Critical Thinking Complete Appendix I located on the student website. Day 7 Sunday 70 Week Eight: Information Utilization. Details Due Points Objectives 8 8. 1 Perform research in the University Library. 8. 2 Evaluate sources of information. Reading Read Ch. 11 of Your College Experience. Participation / Discussion Questions Participate in class discussion by posting at least two substantive messages on four of the seven days during the week. Messages must be at least 50 words. Respond to at least three of the five discussion questions. Responses must be substantive and contain 150 – 300 words. Discussion question responses will count toward participation. Ongoing four of seven days 30 Activities and Preparation Research. Review the Toolwire ® Learnscape: Finding Information at the University Library by clicking the link located in Week One on the student website. Access the Toolwire ® Learnscape: Utilizing Information from the University Library by clicking the link located on the student website. Complete the Learnscape activities. Post completed assessment page to the thread in the Main Forum for participation credit. Activities and Preparation Plagiarism Tutorial Complete the Plagiarism Guide in the Center for Writing Excellence. Activities and Preparation Writing Access the following components in MyFoundationsLab: Writing: The Craft of Writing Revising the Paragraph Editing the Paragraph Complete the following activities for each unit: Overview Animation Practice the Skills 1 Post-Test Note. If you achieved the Mastery Score on the Skills Check, you do not need to complete the activities. Activities and Preparation Personal Ethics Statement: Revision Resources: Facilitator feedback; WritePointSM Submit your paragraph to the WritePointSM reviewing service in the Center for Writing Excellence. Revise your paragraph based on your facilitator’s feedback and the WritePointSM report. Individual Reliable Sources. Resource: University Library research tutorial Locate two sources in the University Library on a topic of your choice. Complete Appendix J located on the student website. Day 7 Sunday 70 Week Nine: Communication Details Due Points Objectives 9 9. 1 Construct an academic paragraph. 9. 2 Create a short presentation. Reading Read the following sections in Ch. 10 of Your College Experience: â€Å"Speaking â€Å"Preparing a Speech†â€Å"Using Your Voice and Body Language†â€Å"The GUIDE Checklist†Reading Review the following sections in Ch. 10 of Your College Experience: â€Å"Confessions of a College Student†. â€Å"Writing†â€Å"Using Freewriting to Discover What You Want to Say†â€Å"The Writing Process†â€Å"Choosing the Best Way to Communicate with Your Audience†Participation/ Discussion Questions Participate in class discussion by posting at least two substantive messages on four of the seven days during the week. Messages must be at least 50 words. Respond to at least three of the five discussion questions. Responses must be substantive and contain 150 – 300 words. Discussion question responses will count toward participation. Ongoing four of seven days 30 Activities and Preparation Creating a Presentation. Complete the Microsoft ® PowerPoint ® tutorial on the student website. Access the Toolwire ® Learnscape: Making a Successful Presentation by clicking the link located on the student website. Complete the Learnscape activities. Post completed assessment page to the thread in the Main Forum for participation credit. Individual Personal Ethics Statement Resources: Ethical Lens Inventory; Personal Ethics Statement draft; WritePointSM report; facilitator feedback Write a 350-word reflection that defines your personal ethical viewpoint. Include what you learned through the Ethical Lens Inventory: Your preferred ethical lens. Your blind spot Your strengths and weaknesses Your values and the resultant behaviors Answer the following question: How might you use your personal ethics to determine a course of action? Day 6 Saturday 120 Individual Resources Presentation Resources: Microsoft ® PowerPoint ® tutorial; Toolwire ® Learnscape: Making a Successful Presentation Create a 5-slide Microsoft ® PowerPoint ® presentation with speaker notes on your experience in this course. Include the following: The importance of personal responsibility Upholding academic honesty Improving reading and study skills Developing writing skills Five tips for new students. Note. Oral presentations are not required for this assignment. Day 7 Sunday 50 Copyright University of Phoenix ® is a registered trademark of Apollo Group, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft ®, Windows ®, and Windows NT ® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other company and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Use of these marks is not intended to imply endorsement, sponsorship, or affiliation. Edited in accordance with University of Phoenix ® editorial standards and practices.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
HR Practices: Mergers and Acquisitions
HR Practices: Mergers and Acquisitions The purpose of this research is to recapitulate and discuss whether the contribution of a HR is effective in the success of cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions. This paper will discuss the common reasons for the success and failures of mergers and acquisitions, HR practices critical to successful combination and their role. Mergers and Acquisitions have become an unaccountable fact in recent years and it is a part of big business. In the early years, mergers and acquisitions researches are focussed on the financial and strategic issues. But the recent literature focuses on the Human Resources aspect of mergers and acquisitions. Merger can be defined as the combination of two or more companies merge or forming a new company. Whereas, Acquisitions are the process of purchasing one or more companies with no new companies are formed. This proposal will focus on a particular question (i.e.) whether the HR role is an effective tool for a company in cross-border mergers and acquisitions. The earlier research paper which focussed on this topic has marked their fulfilment. HR function is becoming a strategic player in business. 2. LITERATURE REVIEW: The Human Resources issues are handled in a unique way during the acquisition process which is essential for the successful outcome. In more, the management of the acquiring companies realizes the early need for incorporating human resources in their acquisition strategy. Making mergers and acquisitions in other countries is one way in which firms can absorb expertise and new practices, but many firms are not successfully tapping the diversity of practice that international mergers and acquisitions bring. This has a clear implication on the performance of organizations growing in this way. The Conference Board (1997) report states failure to recognize that HR issues are capable of derailing alliances that have all the prospects of financial success. In cross-border mergers and acquisitions, information regarding the merging or acquiring company is imposed and their impact on employees is more urgent for the acquired firm in order to understand the goals or ideas and the philosophy of the foreign acquiring company. Moreover, for the acquiring or merging company, should understand the local workforce, work conditions, national and organizational cultures and customs which is important in managing the integration process more effectively. In one cross-border merger or acquisition, the employees are not used in communication from top management, and consequently, communication after the merging or acquisition is an indication of weakness on the part of the acquiring company [Schweiger et al (1993, p.64)]. Therefore, in cross-border mergers and acquisitions the management team has an additional difficulty of understanding cultural issues, customs and incorporating them in the design of the integration process. Nowadays, mergers and acquisitions are a growing trend, and analysts in this field dont see any downturn over the next 10 years. Therefore, the need is to look at how human resources professionals can be effective in the success of an acquisition or merger. In the long run successful mergers and acquisitions occur when both sides are open to new possibilities. Merger and Acquisition activity presents a different and unique set of challenge for the human resource managers in both acquiring and acquired firms. This activity is found to have serious impact on the performance of the employees during the period of transition. The different practices in human resources, cultural differences, and differ Certain key issues that HR needs to address if the chances of success are to be effective includes: understanding, prior situation on acquisition, the strategic rationale underpinning the deal, opportunities to identify the cultural differences prior to a deal, so that effective integration programmes can be implemented immediately post-deal, the appointment of new management teams at all levels in the business, and exercising caution in estimating both the timeframe and the potential cost of redundancies and the costs of pragmatism are factored into the deal establishing early a flexible project management process, and ensuring that it has the necessary time, resources and processes to manage the transition communicating consistently, truthfully and when necessary. 3. METHODOLOGY: This proposal is to deliver the importance and need of human resources practices in mergers and acquisitions. In the early business the knowledge of human resources are very low and hence there is no chance of using it. But nowadays, it has been viewed a dramatic development among the organizations. Thus its essential to use these human resources professionals to be much more successful in mergers and acquisitions especially in cross-borders. This research proposal also showcase the handling of HR issues during international mergers and acquisitions is highly political which means that a lot of key issues reflect the competing interests of different groups within the merged firm. Hence, lot of issues are resolved in the way of negotiations and compromises between the two parties of the merger. The dynamics of cross-border mergers and acquisitions are relatively similar to those of domestic MAs. But, due to their international nature, they also involve typical challenges, as countries have different economic and cultural structures. Cross-border merger and acquisitions can be used to access nw markets, as well as expand the market for a firms current goods. THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES ON CROSS-BORDER MAS AS A DYNAMIC LEARNING PROCESS: *The due diligence process in cross-border MA: To identify appropriate acquisition targets and to negotiate and effectively complete acquisitions requires a thorough due diligence process. This process has features similar to the due diligence for domestic MAs. However, it is complicated by a few elements such as different institutional environments between the two firms and their two different cultures that appear even more crucial in cross-border MAs (Angwin, 2001). * The negotiation process in cross-border MA: Once the target firm has been selected and the initial due diligence process has been completed, the acquiring firm often has to settle the transaction to conclude the deal. Thus, the negotiation process becomes important. * The integration process in cross-border MA: The integration process is highly critical and important process for the success of the most acquisitions whether it is a domestic or international. While research on post MA integration, especially in cross-border MA, is very limited. DIFFRERNT METHODS OR APPROCHES IN MA: *Three Phase Approach: The human resource issues in the mergers and acquisitions (MA) can be classified in three phases. The literature source [e.g. Jansen 2000; Haspeslagh/Jemison 1991] provides ample evidence of difference in between the human resource activities in the two stages: the Pre-MA phase and Post MA phase. The first stage consists of preparation phase and transaction phase and the second stage has integration phase. The preparation phase diagram explains the need for a merger or acquisitions, which have been given by the companies objectives. There are many Human Resource issues along with other issues in the first phase. The preparation phase involves in the valuation of the cultural and organizational differences, which will include the organizational cultures, role of leaders in the organization, life cycle of the organization, and the management styles. The mergers often prove to be awful for the employees of acquired firms and their impact can range from anger to depression. The Transaction phase includes the search for an appropriate target company, the valuation, legal and financial negotiation. The last phase, integration, consists of fusing the two companies into one. The main idea for the merger and acquisition are similar, e.g. a respond to revolutionary change in the industry, the asset of funds to spare, the increase of shareholder value, the exploitation of economy of scale and scope [Haspeslagh/Jemison 1991; Gerpott 1993; von Krogh, et al. 1994]. *Multistage Approach: Factors affecting pre-merger planning and cross-border MA implementation processes are due diligence processes, and ultimately premium paid, influence the post-acquisition integration approach choice, speed of implementation process, transition management structure and cross-border MA. *Multidisciplinary Studies: The influence of strategic factors vary in MA in different countries, industries (high-tech vs. traditional). Insights can perspectives from strategy, organisational behaviour, international management, psychology, sociology, anthropology and other disciplines provide to our understanding of the nature, antecedents and cross-border merger and acquisition. *Multilevel Approach: This approach explains about the influence of the strategic factors, such as related vs. unrelated MA, which affect individuals stress, attitudes, and turnover in cross-border merger and acquisitions. Various human resources practices influence the effectiveness of post-acquisition integration and finally the overall merger and acquisition performance measures in cross-border MA. ETHICAL ISSUES: Mergers and Acquisitions are always involved in a wide range of questions. When two companies are merging with each other, a mismatch between them can sometimes lead to very serious problems such as when one firm invests heavily on the labour and another firm focuses on share holders and customers. In cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions these issues can happen because of their cultural and legal differences. In the case of such differences, the human resources professionals of merging companies should fight with the differences and indentify the fair sets of issues between them and what help them to build a cohesive organization with a single set of ethical standards. The specific aim of this research proposal is to review the current literature and some research by very reputable researchers to identify a best practise for human resource professionals in the cross-border mergers and acquisitions. The earlier research also suggests that up to 65% of mergers and acquisitions are failed due to the human resources which results n poor productivity. This proposal will deeply concentrate on the cultural and legal differences in the cross border mergers and acquisitions which can be solved by the effective human resources. TIMEFRAME and FEASIBLITY: There are three stages or elements of cross-border acquisition process anywhere around the world are Identification and valuation stage, Settlement of the transaction stage, Post acquisition management. *Identification and Valuation: To identify the target firm by entering a highly developed market which offers the widest choice of publicly traded firms with relatively well-defined markets. Once the identification of target firm is finished then the valuation process starts immediately. In todays global business a variety of valuation techniques are used with its relative merits. *Settlement of the transaction: Once the acquisition target company has been identified and valued, there comes the settlement stage which is time consuming and complex. This stage has three steps such as, tender process, regulatory approval, compensation settlement. Post acquisition management is the most critical of the three stages in determining an acquisitions success or failure. An acquiring firm can pay too little or too much, but if the post transaction is not managed effectively, the entire return on the investment is wasted. In this stage the motivations for the transaction must be realized. 4. RESEARCH CONTEXT: The purpose of this research is to recapitulate and discuss whether the contribution of a HR is effective in the success of cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions. In the early years, mergers and acquisitions researches are focussed on the financial and strategic issues. But the recent literature focuses on the Human Resources aspect of mergers and acquisitions. Merger can be defined as the combination of two or more companies merge or forming a new company. Whereas, Acquisitions are the process of purchasing one or more companies with no new companies are formed. The specific aim of this research proposal is to review the current literature and some research by very reputable researchers to identify a best practise for human resource professionals in the cross-border mergers and acquisitions. Previous research paper from CIPD had demonstrated the way these issues are handled is strongly conditioned by the national systems. One feature of this is that the nationality of the dominant firm in a merger or acquisition leads to a country of origin effect, while another feature is the unique institutions and the culture of each national system that creates a host country effect. In cross-border mergers and acquisitions, information regarding the merging or acquiring company is imposed and their impact on employees is more urgent for the acquired firm in order to understand the goals or ideas and the philosophy of the foreign acquiring company. Merger and Acquisition activity presents a different and unique set of challenge for the human resource managers in both acquiring and acquired firms. This activity is found to have serious impact on the performance of the employees during the period of transition. Research on post-acquisition activities is limited and the study of post-acquisition and merger change has been rather fragmented. 5. FINDINGS: Human Resources role in Merger and Acquisition transactions can have a critical impact on deal outcomes. Factors such as the success and failure rates of Merger and Acquisition, motives of merger and merger types and provide significant insight into the reasoning for the exceptional role of HR in MA deals. In spite of the literature supporting the critical importance of Human Resources involvement in all phases of a transaction for the execution of successful MA, the empirical evidence suggests that there is little actual participation of Human Resources at the strategic level. The overall findings of a study conducted by the London School of Business (Hunt et al 1987) found that the Human Resources function is a theory or hypothesis to have a minimal, if any, role to play in the Merger and Acquisition process []. Across the globe these finding results, are considered to be the whole Merger and Acquisition process or particular stages of the transaction such as identifying a target, negotiation, planning, implementation. 6. CONCLUSION: The challenges of HR is becoming much more difficult when it is compared with others in the business. Nowadays, HR functions are growing along with firms undergoing mergers and acquisitions. This proposal is the first stage of an ongoing research project. It has served two main purposes. The first has been to provide an authoritative picture of the nature of Cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions which shedding light on the nature of the HR function, the characteristics of HR policies and the process of organisational learning. The key to managing many integration issues successfully is an effective communication. This highlights the comprehensive communications strategy and implementing it with care and diligence. Thus the effective contribution of the Human Resources in the cross-border mergers and acquisitions are discussed and the key factors have been explained. Becoming an effective HR player adds the measurable economic value to firms in Cross-Border MA. REFERENCES: FAULKNER, D., PITKETHLY, R. and CHILD, J. (2002) International mergers and acquisitions in the UK 1985-94: a comparison of national HRM practices. International Journal of Human Resource Management. Vol 13, No 1. Pp106-122. CIPD. (2003) The HR role in international mergers and acquisitions. Research Report. London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. pp1-35. Bijlsma-Frankema K., 2001, On Managing Cultural Integration and Cultural Change Processes in Mergers and Acquisitions, Journal of European Industrial Training, pp. 192-207. Griffith, V., 2000, The People Factor in Post Merger Integration, Strategy Business, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 83-90.;col1 s-acquisitions/$FILE/DB48.pdf
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Strategies to Enhance Ecuadors Technological Industry
Strategies to Enhance Ecuadors Technological Industry Renny Alexander Amaguaya Llamuca Abstract Ecuador is a very diverse country, known worldwide for its gigantic capacity to generate raw material. However being a developing country many consider it as incapable of generating technology. Currently the implementation of innovation programs has allowed an interesting evolution, that is to say that the Ecuador based on the technology, processes of automation and changes the academician has the capacity to improve its economy and introduced in the field of the technological research. These ambitious projects have made the country start a technological revolution. All Ecuadorians are working hard in the training of creative students, as young minds will be in charge of generating resources and developing the country. At the same time, scientific research is becoming one of Ecuadors fortunes; the country is moving forward and has a promising future We can do it. Introduction There is no doubt that creativity is the most important human resource. Without creativity there is no progress and we would always be repeating the same patterns (Edward de Bono).It should be emphasized that the industrial revolution was a very important starting point, because a very creative mind decided to do something different and thus began the human evolution. Technology is a characteristic of the human ability to build, from raw materials; a wide variety of objects, machines and tools, as well as development. It uses the scientific knowledge in order to respond to human needs and applies at industry to obtain optimal solutions. Technological advances have become essential, just look around in every moment and place we are surrounded by it, it is always present to make the life simpler. In Ecuadorian industry, technology is indispensable. In fact, most scientific efforts focus on the creation of new technologies and raise the production. Ecuadorian universities are currently preparing young people with great skills and brilliant minds, who are focusing more on environmental innovation and on a change of the productive matrix. These universities have developed a new educational system, in which the main interest is to foster creativity and innovation. The use of technology is immeasurable and will continue to change, based on the demands of its citizens and the market. However, Ecuadors technology industry could be enhanced through a school curriculum based on creativity and innovation in these ways: 1, technological programs at schools, 2 places/vocational centers where youths can obtain practical knowledge and 3, improve automation. Technological Programs at Schools First of all, the technology industry can be enhanced in Ecuador by technological programs at schools. Schools have to strive to implement custom methods where students can increase their creativity. Those kinds of programs are planned and designed carefully to such an extent that they maintain an impeccable order so that the development of these technological activities are completely effective for a continuous learning. Activities to be carried out are structured according to the age of young people. This teaching process is very similar to that implemented at Ohio State University in Columbus. Colleges place greater emphasis on learning material [and] Jung fears that opportunities for thoughts to flow freely are fewer now than in the past(Ossola, 2014). These programs have as main component its curriculum based on creativity, which is made up of activities that can be widely developed. Those were created to be developed without previous technology experience, Rex Jung (Professor of neurosurgery at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque) said, creativity is innate, it needs to be cultivated. Inside this curriculum, students should confront flexible programs, too. A great example of this implementation is University in Columbus; Ted Clark has been working with a number of high schools throughout Ohio to integrate creative problem (flexible programs) solving into science classes(Ossola,2014). According to the article Technology, Innovation, and Education(Harvard, 2014) schools are planning to get the key to unlock the freedom of students minds, because youths use the regions of the brain involved in daydreaming and imagination(Ossola,2014) and schools want to use that imagination. According to Joe Blatt Director of TIE The Technology, Innovation, and Education Program is a proven gateway to rewarding leadership careers in creating, implementing, and evaluating educational media and technology. Technological program is a way to train creative leaders in education with a continuous and very close interaction midst faculty and students. Therefore, Ecuador has taken a similar strategy where the objective of its program is reach a high standard of education based on the correct development of the creative skills of the students. The leaders of this technological program take as an example the objectives of the Finnish education system; The Finnish system is built on trust: on autonomous learning, on the value of teacher work and on the overall quality of the proposal(The Finland Phenomenon, Compton, 2012).In short, this fact must be a huge evolution to the next generation of students whose ideas would mean an extreme change for the whole Ecuador. Places/vocational centers where youths can obtain practical knowledge. Second of all, Ecuador should create Places/vocational centers where youths can obtain practical knowledge to enhanced Industry Technology. Practical knowledge is closely related to the use of technology as a didactic learning medium, according to Scientists Are More Creative than You Might Imagine (Ossola, 2014) practical activities would appear to take the magic out of the creative process, like having to explain your own joke.It means that students are excited about the possibility of using technology and are therefore more apt to learn. In addition, during this process of up-to-date learning, not only is it possible to get more information, but also to develop skills that are exclusively developed in the practical field. Exclusively Skills from practical knowledge. According to the article Solve a Teaching Problem(Mellon University, 2015),today youths are bored of study because the old style of teaching cans their minds, students learn better with a practical knowledge so Ecuador needs places where enough technology elements are available to youths to use it freely and encourage the development of innovative technologies. When youths work for a purpose, goal or own dream, the effort will be minimal because they will be free to act. This freedom will allow you to develop your own skills such as: The opportunity to interact with peers The collaboration Student responsibility Allow to take more control over the learning process Learn to make important decisions Ecuadors technology industry needs such sites to promote the desire of young people or children to create new technologies without fear of innovation failure; It will allow a continuous innovation in the country. Improve automation. In other hand, Ecuadors technology can be enhanced by improved automation, some of the few industries still work with old technology, because their bosses still thinking that humans can do their job better than a new machine. Automation means a technological change in the industry where first of all the production will be improved in time, economy and quality. People that above all have so much creative and knowledge can change the process of production based on the imagination to solve any problem. For instance William Kamkwamba the builder of windmills in Malawi is currently working on a design for a windmill powerful enough to pump water from wells and provide lighting for Masitala, a cluster of buildings where about 60 families live (Childress, 2007). Ecuador would add a technological medium that offers a more effective production process that demonstrates the technological development of the country. In the last decade the developing countries have made a great effort to close the industrialization gap, out of a total of 142 countries analyzed in 2012, Ecuador is in the 96th position, rising twelve seats in relation to the previous year, date In which according to the 2011 WEF report, it was at 108. Today the Ecuadorian government is working on a program to attract scientists, but to achieve this, it is necessary to carry out a long-term financing policy for the development of science and technology. Ecuador wants to change the last productive matrix where it was based on buying technology, but why not create? This fact could boost to the creation of new industries, where technology and science research might enhance the Ecuadors industry. Conclusion Ecuador over the years has managed to acquire a minimal technological evolution, which has undoubtedly improved in the last decade, but is succeeding in maintaining a quality technology thanks to the small educational revolution that the country achieved. All this progress demonstrates that our culture has succeeded in improving learning and developing new skills. State-owned enterprises are currently looking for business development and better customer service, based on technologies that can provide satisfaction. Beyond importing the latest technology, the state seeks to improve the economic, social and technological structure. Ecuadorian industry should try to implement selected pilot programs to promote the environmental care, trying to be a pioneer country in technological development focused on environmental protection. Vocational centers and automation are technical keys to improving the innovation system in Ecuador. Innovative uses of technology, increasing the availability of information workstations and providing training in theoretical centers. Young people enjoyed training time to improve competition in innovation. New types of technology simulations should also be implemented in schools to improve basic curriculum training, which will make it easier to integrate technology with students. In addition, the relation between creativity and practical knowledge previously obtained will help to reduce the lack of automation in the Ecuadorian industry. Taking place to the true transformation of productive matrix. References
Censorship and Internet Essay -- essays research papers
Censorship and the Internet The Internet is the fastest growing and largest tool for mass communication and information distribution in the world. People use the Internet for communication, expressing their opinions, or obtaining unlimited information access. Nowadays, the issue of wether is it necessary to have censorship on the Internet is being argued all over the world. Censoring the Internet can protect children from strangers, filter unpleasant material and prevent young people imitating negative behaviour. However, it is apparent that filtering the Internet is against the freedom of information, anti-educational and it is difficult to develop people’s ideas and views. This essay aims to discuss the issue of restricted information on the Internet. It will be argued that censorship of the Internet interferes with people having a broad range of ideas, views and experiences. It could be argued that Internet censorship might protect children from interacting one-on-one with strangers on the Internet. Children are innocent, so they often trust stranger who they talk with via the Internet. According to National Opinion Poll (2000, cited in Allbon & Williams 2002:1), for the sake of receiving free samples, gifts or information or even to start up a friendship, one third of 7-16-year-old Internet users would give out their home address. Furthermore, a study by National Academic Press (2002:3) indicates that chatting with strangers is the potential harm to children becaus...
Friday, July 19, 2019
Temporary Working Essay -- Business, Temporary Employees
Temporary employment is becoming increasingly popular within the UK, allowing organisations to manage when they encounter staff shortages, and external and competitive pressures. Temporary workers are individuals who are employed by organisations to fulfil job roles when they are in demand. Temporary employees may work full-time or part-time, for one week or several, depending on whether or not the organisation requires their labour. Temporary working contributes to the labour problem of low productivity and low performance, this essay will considered this employment form from a number of perspectives and discover solutions to this problem. The articles will be critically evaluated weighing up opinions and arguments made by each author. Firstly a brief introduction of the profiling of the temporary workers, followed by reasons for employing temporary staff, and the benefits and drawbacks to both the employer and employee. Following the evaluation will be an analysis of each management perspective and solutions for the temporary working labour problem. Profiling Temporary Workers Kirk and Belovics (2008) suggest that a large number of individuals comply with the key characteristics of temporary workers. The most common profile of temporary employees is those individuals who are looking for flexible working arrangements or low-skilled work; women, students and immigrants. Conley (2002) agrees with Kirks and Belovics (2008) profiling of temporary workers, as studies have revealed that higher numbers of temporary contracts are held by these individuals. However, in Burgess and Connell (2006) article, Hipple and Stewart (1996) argue that the nature of temporary work has changed and is continuing to chang... ...rary employees may feel disloyal to their work, lack commitment towards the company, and harm their market share, providing reasons for these predicaments. Moreover it is clear that with the adaption of management perspectives’ within an organisation, there are solutions. If Conley (2002) was to adapt the unitarism or the pluralism perspective into the UK public sector they may find that NQTs are more likely to stay within the industry and they would receive lower annual resignation figures. However, by taking these perspectives, managers may find themselves getting too attached to employees who are there to carry out tasks and lose their right to control them. Consequently, with the adaption of the correct management perspectives and techniques to individual employees, organisations should discover effective solutions to their employee relations issues.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Annotated Bibliography Lord of the Rings
Rutledge, Fleming. The Battle for Middle-earth: Tolkien's Divine Design in The Lord of the Rings. Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans. 2004. Fleming Rutledge takes a deep dive into the religious undertones behind Tolkien's masterpiece. This was especially written for Tolkien readers who look at The Lord of the Rings as pure fantasy, totally unaware of the religious dimensions of the story. The author accomplishes this by taking a parallel analysis of the events as they unfold in the book. With scholarly expertise, Rutledge shows the theological themes that drive every action in the story, thus proving the profound presence of religion in the sub-narrative. In his introduction, Rutledge writes the following: Nonetheless, because I have come to the work entirely without expectations, I am presumptuous enough to believe that my delayed, untaught encounter with the Ring saga – combined with my knowledge of Scripture, theology, and the Church – had afforded an opportune glimpse into Tolkien’s deepest intimations. (2) In another chapter, Rutledge writes about Bilbo’s behavior, If there were any doubts about the lasting effects of the ring even on the most innocuous individuals, the next sequence dispels it. †¦ In the great Hall of Fire after dinner, Frodo is reunited with Bilbo. Of course Frodo is overjoyed to see his beloved relative, mentor and friend once more; it has been the greatest desire of his heart. But when the subject of the ring comes up between them, an appalling change creeps over Bilbo. He asks, in a rather too sniveling a voice if he can see the Ring once more†¦ The change in Bilbo is revolting†¦ The implication is clear. One more close encounter with the Ring and dear, cuddly, beloved Bilbo will be on his way to becoming another Gollum. 2. West, John Garret, et al. Celebrating Middle-Earth: The Lord of the Rings As a Defense of Western Civilization. Inkling Books. 2002 This volume is a collaboration among six writers who each explores the place of The Lord of the Rings in the modern Western world. Each of the authors present In John West’s preface, he says, Tolkien was both a devout Christian and a dedicated scholar of the Western intellectual and literary traditions, and his love for Christianity and the West stand at the core of this narrative. Far from being simple escapism or blind nostalgia, Tolkien’s saga actually confronts many of the idols of modernism and post-modernism. (10) Another writer, Kerry Dearborn maintains, Tolkien’s faith was deeply important to him, and it is something woven into the fabric of his stories, but something which must be deduced or worked out†¦Although Tolkien reflects vivid belief in and experience of the world’s depravity, his faith correlates more closely to Christian traditions that would affirm a vestige of the divine in creation and the imago dei (the image of God) in humanity rather than total depravity. (95-96) Towards the end of the book, West writes, We are free to a point. We are free to accept our calling or reject it. The most inspiring thing about The Lord of the Rings, for me, is its heroes’ monumental struggle to fulfill the mission that fate had ordained for them†¦ Nothing could make them abandon their mission†¦ Whereas the good characters all submit to authority outside of them, the bad ones recognize no authority higher than their individual will. 3. Bassham, Gregory and Bronson, Eric. The Lord of the Rings and Philosophy: One Book to Rule Them All.  Open Court Publishing. 2003. The author of this book is chairman of the philosophy department at King's College. This book takes a philosophical view on the lessons on life and living that the Lord of the Rings presents. Particularly, the authors distill lessons about morality and ethics, the power of choice, and the corruptive nature of power. Bassham writes the following, †¦Gollum is the more fascinating character†¦ He represents the good gone bad, something which is always intriguing for those who are struggling to stay with the first. Sam represents the good that stays good even under temptation. Both Gollum and Sam want the same thing: to be happy. Both work hard at it. But only one of them succeeds: Sam reaches his goal and Gollum ends in disaster. Why? This is the momentous philosophical question, because it concerns the nature of the good life, the life of happiness. We need to answer it because in answering we can perhaps also learn something important about how to achieve happiness for ourselves. In the book, the authors make the following points, So St. Augustine and Tolkien agree that nothing is completely and utterly evil, because such a thing could not even exist because existence itself is good. (103) In another chapter, the authors further, In an epic tale of good and evil such as The Lord of the Rings, it is a virtual necessity that the characters representing good and evil can be identified as such by the reader. One way for them to be identified is through their actions. Another is though the character traits from which those actions proceed. There may be different literary reasons for preferring one approach to the other, but when the characters are given personalities that exhibit virtues or vices, the moral lesson is clearer. The lesson is clearer because right actions may be performed for wrong reasons, or, alternatively, wrongful acts may be performed for the right reasons. So just looking at what people do may be less morally instructive than considering who they are. (110) 4. Lobdell, Jared et al. A Tolkien Compass. Open Court Publishing. 2003. This book is basically a compilation of reflections to the places and characters in Middle-Earth. This book is intended to use Middle Earth as a guide to our own life’s journeys. This volume traces the journeys of some of the main characters in Tolkien’s story, their inner struggle and transformations, and cull lessons that we an use as we face life’s many uncertainties. Walter Schepes writes in his essay, It is important to note that most of the distinctions between good and evil in The Lord of the Rings are generic distinctions, and the forces of evil are often immediately recognizable as such from their place of origin, their color, or their manner of speech. (44) The author furthers, These major characters seem to fall into groups of three. First, there are three already wholly corrupted by the desire for power – Sauron, the Ringwraiths, and Gollum. Second, there are the three who belong to an earlier time and have removed themselves from the world to such a degree that the power of the Ring means nothing to them – Shelob, Fangorn, and Tom Bombadil. Third, there are three, The Great, who would have the strength to wield the power of the Ring if they did obtain it – Saruman, Gandalf, and Galadriel. Fourth, there are the three men of Gondor to whom the Ring offers special temptation in their threatened land – Boromir, Denethor, and Faramir. And fifth, there are the three who for differing reasons obtain heroic stature in the story – Frodo, Sam, and Aragorn. (57) 5. Curry, Patrick. Defending Middle-Earth: Tolkien, Myth and Modernity. Mariner Books. 2004 Curry focuses on the different social and political systems that existed in Middle Earth and how these various structure worked together to ward off an evil that threatens all of them. The author maintains that Tolkien’s masterpiece is a spiritual work meant to enlighten those who read it with an open heart. This book also analyzes the symbolic battle of nature against a highly mechanical, modern world and how Tolkien presents us with a cautionary tale about the abuses of technology. The following is an excerpt from the book: However, although Tolkien drew on the tiny corner of the world that is the West Midlands of England, readers from virtually everywhere else in the world connect the hobbits with a rustic people of their own, relatively untouched by modernity – if not still actually existing, then from the alternative reality of folk and fairy tale. 6. Chance, Jane. Tolkien the Medievalist. Routledge. 2003 This book puts Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings in the context of the Medieval Period. The book provides an in-depth analysis of the elements of Tolkien’s stories and relates them to the literary characteristics that were in effect during the Middle Ages. This book will be useful in studying how the elements of Catholic beliefs of good and evil influence Tolkien’s famed The Lord of the Rings trilogy. However, aside from the comparison with the literature of the Middle Ages, this volume offers an interesting perspective on how the trilogy came to be and to what extent did the existing circumstances, particularly the looming world war, affected Tolkien’s value system and how he wrote the book. A relevant quote from the book goes like this, In September of that year John Ronald Tolkien, then a 22-year old student at Oxford awaiting military call-up, wrote a fairy tale poem titled â€Å"The Voyage of Earendel,†about a celestial mariner who sails west to seek peace for Middle Earth. It was the beginning of his invented mythology. (26) 7. Isaacs, Neil David et al. Understanding The Lord Of The Rings: The Best Of Tolkien Criticism edited by Neil David Isaacs. Houghton Mifflin Books. 2005 This volume compiled and edited by Isaacs is the definitive collection of literary criticisms on The Lord of the Rings. The books compile essays from the time The Lord of the Rings was first published up until the renewed interest in Tolkien after the release of the Peter Jackson’s film. This book is valuable because it presents a variety of perspectives and arguments without diluting the beauty of Tolkien’s masterpiece. In Edmund Fuller’s essay, he makes a point about the theme of good and evil in The Lord of the Rings, As to the inherent meaning, we are confronted basically by a raw struggle between good and evil. This contest offers a challenge and demands decisions of several kinds. The power of evil is formidable and ruthless. The initial decision, in which many of the characters participate, is whether or not to attempt to resist at all†¦ So great and discouraging are the odds involved in resistance that the possibility of surrender, terrible than the fight – unless the deciding element is the moral choice of rejecting evil regardless of consequence. (19) 8. Porter, Lynette. Unsung Heroes of The Lord Of The Rings: From The Page To The Screen. Praeger/Greenwood. 2005 Porter’s book presents a fresh take on heroism as defined by the minor characters on the book. Most criticisms on The Lord of the Rings are about the central characters, often overlooking the fact that the ones in the background have struggles and heroism in their own lives as well. Here is Porter’s take on Pippin, Pippin’s value as a hero cannot truly be measured using the typical definitions of a literary hero. The importance of his character lies not in his ability to serve as a classic literary hero preordained for greatness, but in his ability to overcome his fear and self-doubt to grow up and into a heroic young adult. Pippin is truly the everyperson hero who, at least early in his life, might be voted least likely to do anything worthwhile for others, but who matures into a leader capable of heroic action in crises. (59)
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