Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Cause and Effect Music and Media - 1222 Words
Music Our Culture Have you ever had such a terrible day you just want to completely forget it happened? You want to unwind by taking a late night cruise in your car and jam out to your favorite CD, or sitting on your couch watching music videos. I am a strong believer in the power of good music. The right song can set any desired mood and cause your thoughts to melt away. Music causes people to sit down and study, get up and dance, and it might even make them angry or sad. It has such a bearing on our lives and affects our moods and actions more than we think. Music is much more than just songs on the radio; it has a way of controlling what people do, how they dress, how they act, how they feel, and what they say. It is weird to†¦show more content†¦Now cartoons come out that cuss more than sailor. If this trend continues they might go as far as to come out with cartoon reality shows. Cable companies even had to place ratings on every show because there are things so outrag eous on television that most people should not watch. Shows about drinking, sex, and crime are projected threw television in virtually ever AmericanShow MoreRelatedEng 1011630 Words  | 7 PagesViolence in Music Videos and Music Lyrics has a negative impact on children. Music videos that expose profanity and sexuality are inappropriate and leave a negative impression on young children. Violence in music videos can cause health problem. Music videos that promote negative lyrics are affecting young children. Music lyrics with vulgar languages affect the development and well-being of young children. For example, the study author (Stone, 2009) found â€Å"that music with explicit referencesRead MoreThe Importance Of Censorship1199 Words  | 5 Pagescontext. Parents seem to appreciate censorship more when it shelters children from learning indecent things in the world that could cause danger to themselves or the others around them (Pillai, Prabhakar ). But censorship is not always good like when it is used in school’s or in books; but censorship can be helpful when it is used on the internet, social media, or in music. For instance censorship is favorable when it stops the epidemic of racism, but when censorship stops an individual from saying whatRead MoreMedia Violenca and Its Effects1668 Words  | 7 PagesMedia Violence It’s Effects The lives of our youth are being ruined because of the violence in today’s media. This is the view held by many people in our society today. Many psychologists believe that violence on television, movies and other forms of media have a negative effect on children, while others believe media violence has no effect on children. The reality is that children tend to emulate the behavior that they see in the media they are exposed too. The media can have a powerful influenceRead MoreMedia And Its Effects On Society1709 Words  | 7 Pagesago, which is mostly caused by technological advances. As technology expanded, so did our generation’s tendency for violence. With all the breakthroughs in social interaction using technology, the media has become a large contributor to society. Coinciding with the first amendment to free speech, the media is a very valuable and powerful tool in spreading information when used for important purposes. However, many people abuse this powe r and sometimes spread the wrong message. Due to the vast amountRead MoreVideo Games And Its Effects On Society1463 Words  | 6 Pages Movies, video games, music and television shows come in different genres. However, depending on age in regards to youth not just anyone is allowed to: watch certain movies, buy just any video game, listen to any music or watch any tv show. Sometimes they can see certain movies with a parent or guardian. Seeing violence in excess causes violent acts to take place in society because it gives ideas to viewers or listeners especially those who are young. This the reason there are ratings for mediaRead MoreThe Effects Of Media On Children s Body Image, Self Esteem, And The Internet1369 Words  | 6 PagesOver the past decade, media has become a major part of day to day life for the average person living in the United States of America. Media finds its way into your household in a wide variety of ways, including television, movies, music, and the internet. With society’s growing obsession with media, it is easy to see how it plays a role on impacting the lives of children, wome n, and men. 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The article was released under the CWA, which is an organizationRead MoreThe Benefits of Music Education Essay990 Words  | 4 PagesT he Benefits of Music Education Due to budget cuts, students all across America are missing an opportunity that could benefit them greatly. Many changes all across America are cutting the fine arts program out of schools. The fine arts program is incredibly important for a child. Children should be exposed to music at a young age to help them succeed as an adult. Music education should be properly funded so they can gain important knowledge and life skills in school. Music benefits kids in multiple
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
A Research Study On Anthropology And Sociology - 1308 Words
Ethnography is a strategy of analysis coming from anthropology and sociology where the researcher studies the common forms of a person’s actions,vocabulary, and movements of a complete social cluster in an ordinary location over a lengthy period of time. Documents gathering often includes clarifications and dialogues(Creswell, 2014).A qualitative researcher uses ordinary locations, they are the main mechanism, collects numerous origin of evidence, uses inductive and deductive statistics study, put emphasis on contributors’ significance, has a developing strategy, reflexivity, and develop a complete explanation. The researcher’s role in qualitative research is to gather information in the arena at the location where contributors practice the matter or difficult under revision. They do not bring persons into a laboratory with (an unnatural condition), nor do they characteristically refer out devices for persons to complete (Creswell, 2014). This up close evi dence collected by actually speaking straight to individuals and seeing them conduct them self and performance inside their situation is a chief representative of qualitative research. In the normal location, the researchers have direct communication, frequently over a period. Qualitative researchers are the main mechanism of the research. They gather information themselves over investigative brochures, detecting performance, or questioning contributors. They might use a procedure for gatheringShow MoreRelatedAsdfghjkl894 Words  | 4 PagesSociology Research Area * * Aging and the Life Course * Alcohol and Substance Abuse * Asia amp; Asian America * Collective Behavior and Social Movements * Community and Urban Sociology * Comparative and Historical Sociology * Sociology and Computers * Crime, Law amp; Deviance * Economic Sociology * Environment amp; Technology * Family amp; Marriage * History of Sociology * International Migration * Latino/aRead MoreWhy An Independent Variable Affects A Dependent Variable888 Words  | 4 Pages Surveys and Experiments, Longitudinal studies, are two significant methods of research used in Sociology. First, the Survey method, a primary research method, studies a larger, broader population of sociology (Bryant, L. (2014), (Census). For this survey method, experimenter choose the subject and questions needed for the collection of data. The advantage of this method involves a faster evaluation period and is inexpensive. However, the disadvantage of this method is the interviewers inabilityRead MoreGlt1 Task 4 Essay946 Words  | 4 PagesResearch Methods in Sociology and Anthropology By Western Governors University Abstract Sociology and Anthropology rely upon investigational and research techniques. While some of these may be similar they also differ. Each discipline has its own philosophical justification for their method but any and all approaches to study the society’s culture require some degree of fieldwork. Read More Sociology vs. Cultural Anthropology Essay939 Words  | 4 Pages The research methods in sociology and anthropology are similar yet follow a specific set of guidelines for each. Each field approaches research in a similar fashion but the methodology and intentions can differ. The differences reflect the distinct differences that are present in sociology and anthropology. The way that an anthropologist approaches a problem and attempts to solve it is different than a sociologist because of the discerning basis of their knowledge. Some of the research methodsRead MoreWhat is Psychology?925 Words  | 4 PagesIn 1929, psychology was defined as the study of consciousness. From about 1930 to1970, the definition of psychology changed with dealing more with the scientific study of behavior. From about 1970 on, psychology was defined as the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. However, according to nowadays definition of psychology, it could be defined as the study of the behavior and human mind. Factors which influencing our behavior include physical, emotions, thoughts and social. It can helpRead MoreAnthropology : A Study Of Humanity1202 Words  | 5 PagesGenerally, anthropology can be defined as the study of humanity. This includes every aspect of the human condition: language, history, culture, biology, past and present. Anthropology is all encompassing and due to its breadth, it can be considered both a study in humanities and science. However, anthropology is easily distinguishable from both hard sciences and humanities. The aspects that distinguish anthropology lie mostly in the methodology that anthropologists use to study human beings. MethodologyRead MoreJohn Gibbs s Better Know As St. Clair Drake1056 Words  | 5 PagesOrleans. In 1935 he joined an anthropological research group lead by Allison Davis which explored the caste system in the south. In an interview with George Clement Bond, Drake explains that he was init ially drawn to anthropology because he felt it could â€Å"aid in dissipating stereotypes about black people and and in eliminating errors based on confusion between biological and environmental factors in accounting for observed racial differences.†The research group went on to publish a book of their findingsRead MoreOrganizational Behaviour1633 Words  | 7 Pagesbehaviour (actions) of individuals and groups within organizations and the interaction between organizations and their external environment. It constitutes a behavioural science field of study that borrows its core concepts from other disciplines, principally psychology, sociology, social psychology, anthropology and political science (Coffey, Cole and Hunsaker, 1996). The Goals of Organizational Behaviour For organizations to be effective (doing the right things) and efficient (doing things right)Read MoreEthics And The Entire Code Of Ethics938 Words  | 4 PagesDr. Lind believes that there are many ethical issues that involved in anthropology and the entire Code of Ethics is of importance. However, he believes it is key for practicing Anthropologist’s to understand not only their own Code of Ethics but any Code of Ethics that may be relevant in their currently work place. In addition, he placed a lot of emphasis of informed consent and not harming your subjects during research studies. Dr. Lind believes that being an applied anthropologist requires a numberRead MoreScience Which Deals With The Establishment And Development Of Human Societies Essay1589 Words  | 7 PagesBut not as it should be, as well as, the study of societies should be considered analogous to the objects of the animated world. Is it history natural of them corporations human. 3.-the sociology can define is as the study scientific of the life group of them humans, since frequently is gives a use incorrect to them terms sociology and sociologist, would be worth the penalty mention here something of what not is sociology, as field of knowledge, the sociology not is a philosophy social. II. approaches
Monday, December 9, 2019
African Americans Reconstruction And Beyond Essay Sample free essay sample
There are a great many myths and misinterpretations about the Civil War and the Radical Reconstruction Era. While most are familiar with these disruptive times in American History. there are many facts that people are non familiar. Furthermore. the deficiency of acquaintance is exacerbated when the deficiency of acquaintance revolves around the particulars of the abolition of bondage and. more specifically. the new universe African-Americans found themselves in the five decennaries after the war ended. a universe that had more than a few analogues to the current state of affairs with Mexican immigrants in America today. In 1865. instantly after the Civil War ended and the Reconstruction Era was established. the Bureau of Refugees. Freedmen. and Abandoned Lands was formed as a agency of assisting the freshly freed slaves passage into a new life. This agency was among the first authorities bureaus designed to set up a federally back societal plans. These societal plans included wellness attention. nutrient distribution and public schooling. Unfortunately. this agency did non stay funded for longer than eight old ages and ended up being dissolved. It is of import to observe that the agency existed at a clip when authorities backed establishments were scarce and it offered a positive method of transitioning the freshly freed African-Americans into American society by doing some minor reparation for anterior unfairnesss. Reconstruction. nevertheless. was barely a societal fantasyland in the South as one of the most baleful presences to emerge from the Reconstruction epoch was the rise of the Ku Klux Klan. Playing to the frights of the white constitution. the Klan was formed as a manner of â€Å"preserving†the old ways by repressing inkinesss by agencies of a drawn-out. violent run of panic. To name the Klan terrorists. nevertheless. is to marginalise what the organisation truly was. The KKK was non a fringe extremist group. It was a powerful political force that amassed a general rank in surplus of one million dues paying members and countless more 1000000s in sympathisers. In fact. many elected functionaries were Klansmans and they played a major factor in developing the segregation system that was a constituent of the cloth of life in the South. To intensify this state of affairs confronting African-Americans even further. in the early 1900’s. KKK sympathiser Woodrow Wilson was elect ed to the office of the President. The authorities that one time freed the slaves was now looking to smother and command those who were freed from one for of subjugation and so transferred to another subjugation. The south white oligarchy used its economic power to form the Ku Klux Klan and other terrorist groups. Northern politicians began to weigh the advantage of the political support of destitute blacks†¦ against the more stable state of affairs of a South returned to white domination. accepting Republican laterality and concern statute law. It was merely a affair of clip before inkinesss would be reduced one time once more non excessively far from bondage. ( Zinn ) In other words. in order to avoid another struggle. the North and the South reached a via media where the North would keep economic laterality whereas the South would retain its societal construction. The concerns of the African-Americans were marginalized and brush off under the rug. The North. it must be recalled. did non hold to undergo a revolution in its thought to accept the subordination of the Negro. When the Civil War ended. 19 of the 24 Northern provinces did non allows Nefroes to vote. By 1900. all the southern provinces. in a new fundamental law and new legislative acts. had written into jurisprudence the disenfranchisement and segregation of Negroes. and aNew York Timescolumn said: â€Å"Northern men†¦no longer denounce the of the Negro vote†¦The necessity of it under the supreme jurisprudence of self- saving is honestly recognized. ( Zinn ) While liberating the slaves was surely a immense measure frontward for American civilisation and a played a major function in extinguishing bondage on a world-wide footing ( unhappily. bondage still existed in other countries of the universe such as Brazil where the volume of people sold into bondage increased and did so for several old ages ) . to merely fade out bondage. transfuse an apartheid system of segregation where basic civil rights are denied is merely a more elusive signifier of bondage. Deducing from the economic and societal via media was the dashing of the hopes of many African-Americans who saw their emancipation hopes dashed and replaced with a subjugation government in the signifier of the same authorities that had one time claimed to be assisting them. In the early 20Thursdaycentury. 40 old ages had passed since bondage was abolished in the United States. yet between 1900 and 1965 there was a lower limit of 3. 000 incidents of lynching of black citizens in the South. This is to state nil of other signifiers of force perpetrated on inkinesss that resulted in decease such as bombardments. whippings and shots that occurred in both the South and the North. Furthermore. there were important cases of physical force and assaults that did non ensue in human deaths that have neer been recorded. While bondage had ended. there was still a violent system of subjugation in topographic point designed to make a subsystem of American society that would subsequently be referred to as a system of internal colonisation. Sing that the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act would non go jurisprudence until the mid-1960’s ( Lyndon Johnson. fearing a re-election loss. did non desire to go through the Voting Rights Act excessively near to the C ivil Rights Act ) . and that even AFTER these Acts became jurisprudence the National Guard had to be called in to implement it speaks volumes. The inquiry that comes out of this is. was there any period of hope for African-Americans in the first few decennaries after the decision of the Civil War? Similar to the function that many illegal Mexican immigrants play today. African-Americans played the function of inexpensive labour. While the power construction of the South maintained an economic substructure of low cost labour driving the cost of good down which allows â€Å"everyone†to profit. However. African americans were non integrated into society on an equal degree. nor were they provided with economic advantages or civil rights and this played a major axial rotation in African-Americans migrated to the North. While life in the North was barely perfect. it was better than what existed in the South. Similarly. Mexican immigrants might non hold the greatest chances in America. America offers far more chance that the economic and offense ridden catastrophe country Mexico has devolved into. The period of old ages between 1910 and 1920 was dubbed the epoch of â€Å"The Great Migration. †as during this clip frame at that place saw a important addition in Afro-american resettlement from the southern provinces to the industrialised North. The ground for this mass hegira was to seek economic prosperity. as there was a important demand to make full occupations in northern mills as the both voluntary and conscripted soldiers from the white communities in the north sent to contend in the barbarous trenches of World War One had left important vacancies in the highly of import mill industry. Facilitating this migration was the prostration of the Southern economic system: The war opened a period of difficult times†¦Businesses throughout the state were depressed. farm monetary values were deflated. unemployment were serious. heavy industries were working far below capacity and Bankss were cleared off. ( Zinn ) The economic jobs in the South that coincided with the demand for mill occupations in the North eventually allowed the opportunity for an hegira from segregation and a new life for many African-Americans. The modest prosperity derived from employment chances was the footing of an emerging cultural individuality for African-Americans who migrated every bit good as supplying a symbol of hope for those who remained in the south all of which is paralleled in the new migration of immigrants from Mexico who portion a commonalty with the African americans of the early 20Thursdaycentury. Similar to the African-Americans of the Great Migration. Mexican immigrants fill an employment nothingness created by Americans disinterested in arduous work that pays ill. Sadly. in a inexorable analogue of the anti-immigration sentiment that exists today. there besides existed an anti-African American migration during the early portion of the 20Thursdaycentury every bit good. This was apparent one time the Great War came to a decision. â€Å"Race public violences occurred in Northern provinces. as some Whites feared that they would lose occupations to the migrators. who normally were willing to work for less than other people. †( Anon ) From this unfortunate event. many freshly imported African-Americans found themselves in a enormously economically disadvantageous place that they would non emerge from until recent old ages. The history of African-Americans in the United States between the old ages of 1865 and 1917 has been a disruptive 1. The sad. assorted message of the hope of the Emancipation Proclamation being undermined by the establishment of segregation. an establishment that was enforced by the Ku Klux Klan in a violent. barbarous method of repression. While non a perfect solution. the ability to migrate to the North during the period of World War One for the promise of occupations did supply a new hope. one parralleled by Mexican migrate workers today. albeit a hope that was brief. Plants Cited Anonymous. 02 February 2005.Great Migration08 October 2006. URL hypertext transfer protocol: //www. ohiohistorycentral. org/entry. php? rec=502 Howard Zinn. ( 1999 ) A People’s History of the United States. New York: Harper’s Collins.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Tips for New High School Users
For many people, applying to college can be an intimidating and worrisome process. Where you attend college can shape not only your next few years, but much of your life afterwards. That’s where comes in. With you can make better decisions about college applications using data - check out applicants at your dream school, see college students similar to you and discover schools you maybe weren’t even considering! Below are a few ways you can make the most out of your free account: Search for applicants most like you has detailed profiles of college applicants, including actual test scores, grades, essays and advice. Target your search to students similar to you to see the range of schools they got accepted and rejected from. It’s a great way to assess what you have to do in order to get into the school of your choice, as well as to open up your prospective list of schools. Curated lists of profiles Are you an international student? Have an interesting hobby? Family challenges? If you have no idea how to tackle writing about a particular subject, you can take a look at our packages page. Our curated packages consist of profiles sorted by topic, expert or school. These profiles are hand-selected by the staff, as well as highly regarded experts in the admissions space, and they can help you to develop a plan of attack to craft the best application possible! Exclusive data insights Want to know what percentage of students on got into both Stanford and Duke? Want to see what the lowest SAT score of someone admitted to Yale? What about majors University of Texas at Austin admits chose to study? Enjoy access to our exclusive data insights with your account. Applying to college isn’t easy, but a large part of it is having as data available to make informed decisions. We at understand and want to help. If you haven’t already, sign up for free today!
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Potash Corp Analysis
Potash Corp Analysis The Share Price of the Company Potash Corp is one of the leading companies in the sector of global fertilizers production (Shmuel n.p.). It is believed that the â€Å"long-term demand outlook†for fertilizers is â€Å"robust†(Shmuel n.p.). At present the share price of the company is rather high. For instance, it reached 46.27 USD during the latest trading date at NYSE (â€Å"Share Price Lookup†).Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Potash Corp Analysis specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, it is necessary to note that the price has changed slightly. It is possible to trace steady growth. For instance, the share price in the beginning of the year (January 3, 2012) was 43.73 USD, but it reached 45.48 USD on January 17, 2012 (â€Å"Share Price Lookup†). In the beginning of February 2012 (February, 3) the price reached the mark of 46.93 USD, but it went down several days after that and reac hed only 45.99 USD. On February, 28 it went as low as 47.13 USD. It went down and on March 15, it reached 42.87 USD. After that there was no such a decline. Since March there is a steady growth. However, the price did not reach the mark of 46.93 USD, the share price is now 46.27 USD. Therefore, the share price is not that stable at present. Changes in Prices Over Time Notably, the last year share price in this period of the year (April, 4 2011) reached as high as 61.44 USD (â€Å"Share Price Lookup†). In the beginning of 2011 the share price reached only 52.21 USD. On April, 1 2010 the share price was rather low as it reached the mark of 39.17 USD. Interestingly, in 2007 (on March, 30) the share price was 17.77 USD. In 2000 the share price was only 2.74 USD. Notably, in the beginning of the company’s history (in 1990) the share price was 0.69 USD (April, 2). Thus, it is possible to trace the growth of the share price of the company. Admittedly, there were some periods of slow growth, and there were periods of certain decline. Nonetheless, the share price of the company has been growing steadily since 1989. Ownership and Investment The company was founded by the government of the province of Saskatchewan. Investment of some American businesses was also used. The company obtained numerous subsidies from the government. In early 1980s it was decided to make the company partially public owned. At present according to the company’s 2011 Annual Report in the beginning of 2012 (on February 21) â€Å"there were 1,563 holders of record of the company’s common shares†(PotashCorp 2011 Annual Report 156).Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The company also invests in several companies worldwide. For instance, Potash Corp. owns 22% of shares of Sinofert Holdings Limited. It is also important to mention the company’ s 32% ownership of Sociedad Quimica y Minera de Chile S.A., and the company’s 28%ownership of Arab Potash Company Ltd (PotashCorp 2011 Annual Report 101). Thus, the company has invested in some businesses in Jordan, Israel and China. For instance, the company owns 14% of shares of ICL (Israel). The company has subsidiaries in Ethiopia as well. Basically, the company intends to develop the business of fertilizers production across the world. Interestingly, American companies have been also interested in investing into Potash Corp. However, Canadian government tends to ban any attempts on the part of non-Canadian companies to invest into such strategic companies as Potash Corp (Brent n.p.). The Company’s Strategic Plan for Expansion The company has not got particular strategic plan where all stages and steps are highlighted. Nonetheless, the company is going to follow the plan of development and further integrity. The company is planning to co-operate with and develop po tash-related businesses in Asia, the Middle East and South America (PotashCorp 2011 Annual Report 10). The company has recently announced its intention to develop potash-related business in Ethiopia. Thus, Allana Potash Corp. has announced its advances in the field (â€Å"Allana Intersects Further Strong Potash Mineralization†). Allana announced that it achieved great results. At this point it is necessary to note that some subsidiaries of Potash Corp. are not that successful. For instance, Ethiopian Potash Corp. has faced severe financial constraints (Koven n.p.). In fact, some analysts claim that the situation is really dangerous for the company as it can go bankrupt if some urgent measures are not taken. Therefore, the company has to address these issues.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Potash Corp Analysis specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Thus, instead of precisely outlined expansion Potash Corp is more concerned with the development of its subsidiaries. However, the company is still working on further development of businesses in such parts of the world as the Middle East, Asia and South America (PotashCorp 2011 Annual Report 28). Recent News The most recent news, concerning the company, can confirm its commitment to improve the living standards. The company is committed to develop the society. Thus, the company donates $500,000 to â€Å"support local medical education program in New Brunswick†(â€Å"PotashCorp Helps†). This program will help to develop health care services in the area. Apart from this, the company has launched another company to develop education in Saskatoon donating $375,000 to improve students’ nutrition. Thus, the company strives for development in different areas (â€Å"PotashCorp Feeding the Future†). The company provides financial support and helps communities to develop. This creates a positive image of the company which also pays a lot of attention to environment and sustainability. Apart from charity projects, the company also highlighted the new contract signed by Canpotex and Sinofert. The contract is a part of Memorandum of Understanding which was signed by the two companies in 2010 (â€Å"Canpotex and Sinofert†). This announcement suggests that Potash Corp is committed to develop the business in different parts of the world. It also verifies the company’s interest in Asian businesses as well. Human Resource Management According to â€Å"Core Values and Code of Conduct†the company invests in the development of its employees (5). The employees are trained and well informed. They have the necessary knowledge of the company’s values. The company sets numerous safety programs to ensure its employees’ safety. Remarkably, the company provides â€Å"science-based explanations of how†their products â€Å"contribute to global food security†(â€Å"Core Valu es and Code of Conduct†5). The company’s employees are encouraged to raise issues and concerns. This makes every employee involved and interested in the development of the company. The employees are also encouraged to make ethical decisions.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More These decisions should be made in interactions with other employees, executives, partners, etc. Thus, it is possible to state that the company pays a lot of attention to the development of its employees who are encouraged to self-develop and help to develop the company. Numerous programs (safety programs, training courses, etc.) increase the employees’ loyalty. Allana Intersects Further Strong Potash Mineralization and Extends Drilling Program. Market Watch. 3 Apr. 2012. Web. Brent, Paul. â€Å"Investment Pours into Energy Sector, Despite Challenges.†The Globe and Mail. 29 Mar. 2012. Web. Canpotex and Sinofert Sign New Contract. 20 Mar. 2012. Web. Core Values and Code of Condu ct. Dec. 2007. Web. Koven, Peter. â€Å"Ethiopian Potash on the Brink of Collapse.†Financial Post. 3 Apr. 2012. Web. PotashCorp 2011 Annual Report. 2011. Web. . PotashCorp Feeding the Future of Saskatoon Students. 28 Mar. 2012. Web. PotashCorp Helps Province Focus on Health Education. 2 Apr. 2012. Web. Share Price Lookup. n.d. Web. Shmuel, John. â€Å"Four Canadian-Listed Companies Exposed to Global Fertilizer Growth.†Financial Post. 29 Mar. 2012. Web.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Swiss Army Knife for Writers
Swiss Army Knife for Writers Swiss Army Knife for Writers Swiss Army Knife for Writers By Maeve Maddox Until now, the only Thesaurus on my shelves was Rogets, and it was gathering dust because I quit using it years ago. I found it more useful to look up a word in a regular dictionary and see what synonyms were offered. Not ideal, but it gave me more options than Rogets. Now, however, Ive found a reference that is a thesaurus and then some: Oxford American Writers Thesaurus. 2nd edition. Compiled by Chrstine A. Lindberg. The title says it all. Its a writers tool that, for practical versatility, compares to a campers Swiss Army Knife. The main section contains about a thousand pages of entries. Unlike Roget, the OAWT gives the word in context before offering synonyms. Do you ever have a word on the tip of your tongue, but you cannot think of it? You cant even remember what letter it begins with, but youd know it if you saw it? Theres a section for that. In the Word Finder section words are arranged in categories: animals, architecture, food, music, etc. Then there are sections for Archaic Words and Literary Words. Maybe you want to remind yourself what a dangling modifier is, or review how to punctuate titles. Go no further than the Language Guide, nearly 50 pages of clearly presented rules of grammar, spelling, punctuation, plus tips for avoiding common errors. And, wait, as they say on the infomercials, theres more! Scattered among the entries in the main section are boxes containing helpful and entertaining notes on usage and connotation. Theres so much good stuff in this reference book that Ill probably want to tell you more in a future post. For now, a comparison of one entry in the Oxford American Writers Thesaurus with the same word in Roget will explain some of my enthusiasm. Rogets II, The New Theaurus, 1980 (the one on my shelf) aback adverb without adequate preparation unawares Rogets 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright  © 2008 by the Philip Lief Group. (online) Main Entry: aback Part of Speech: adverb Definition: taken unawares Synonyms: confused, surprised, thrown off, thrown off guard Oxford American Writers Thesaurus, 2nd edition aback adverb -PHRASES take someone aback everyone in the church was taken aback when the grooms ex-wife stood up and objected to the marriage: surprise, shock, stun, stagger, astound, astonish, startle, take by surprise; dumbfound, stop someone in their tracks; shake (up), jolt, throw, unnerve, disconcert, unsettle, bewilder; informal flabbergast, floor, bowl over. Click here to check Oxford American Writers Thesaurus on Amazon. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Book Reviews category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:10 Rules for Writing Numbers and Numerals8 Types of Parenthetical PhrasesIs Your Novel "Mystery," "Thriller," or "Suspense"?
Thursday, November 21, 2019
British Airways Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
British Airways - Assignment Example Therefore one of the most important element of the marketing is the communication or promotion; along with the other elements such as product, price and place. Communication is a unique tool used by marketers in attempt persuades to target audience to act in a desired manner. The study looks to focus on the marketing and communications strategy of a British Airways. Over the course of the study marketing and strategic concepts such as the 4 P’s of marketing, SWOT analysis, Integrated Marketing Communication has been used. An overview of the marketing mix of the company has been provided. However, the study looks to focus on advertisement, and public relations strategy of the company. Also the social media marketing strategy of the company has been discusses as social media has emerged as a potent marketing and communications platform (Belch and Michael, 2005, p. 105). Company Overview British Airways happens to be the largest airline in the UK. The company sot privatized in th e year 1987. The company provides international and domestic carriage for mail, freight and ancillary services. In association with the franchisee partners and code share the company flies to over three hundred destinations. The company earnings are more than ?10 billion in revenue. The airline has carried more than 35 million passengers and has more than 42,000 employees. Marketing of British Airways: An overview Marketing mix is a set of elements which the company can control or manage to its advantage for marketing purpose. Neil Borden termed these manipulate elements as the ‘Marketing Mix’. The key elements of the marketing mix are product, place, price and promotion. The most integral part of the exchange process, without which there is no scope of marketing product covers the term both goods & services. To sell the product in the market the company must fix a price. Pricing of the product particularly pricing as compared to the competitors is a vital part of the m arketing. This part of the marketing mix is all about distribution of the products. The company must select the channels of distribution carefully to minimize distribution cost & get competitive advantage. The distribution network of the company includes wholesalers, retailers, franchisees, agents etc. Promotion is used by the marketers to generate demand for a product. Mainly the companies use the promotional mix to promote the product. The elements of the promotional mix are: advertisement, sales Promotion, public relation, personal selling, and direct marketing. The promotional mix happens to the core area of interest of the study. Among the elements of the promotional mix advertisement, sales promotion, public relations would be given special emphasis (Henry, 2008, p. 98). Product To be precise, British airways offers services, i.e. flights across different nations. The main USP of the product strategy is the quality of flights. The company has always been known for esteemed ser vices targeted towards the executive and business class. Pricing The pricing strategy has been derived by the company is such a way so that the consumers may book the seats based on their choice and budgets. For example, there may be some customers paying
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Control of Flux in the Glycolytic Pathway Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Control of Flux in the Glycolytic Pathway - Essay Example In glycolysis, all the reactions that are catalyzed by phosphofructokinase, hexokinase, and pyruvate kinase are considered being virtually irreversible. These enyzymes would easily be expected to have both the regulatory, and the catalyzing roles. The enzymes will serve as a controlling site. All their functions are controlled by some reversible allosteric effectors binding or through the covalent modification. More so, the quantities of these vital enzymes are variable by the control of the transcription of meeting the shifting and altering metabolic needs. The amount of time that would be needed for the control of the reversible allosteric and the regulation by transcriptional and phosphorylation, is considered to be in seconds, milliseconds, and hours. In the mammalian glycolytic pathway, for example, phosphofructokinase is one of the most vital elements of control. Increased ATP levels allosterically inhibit the enzymes within the liver, thus reducing affinity for the fructose 6- phosphate. When the concentration of ATP is high, the hyperbolic curve binding of the fructose 6-phosphate will be converted to the signoidal one. This effect is elicited by ATP though the binding towards a specific regulatory site that would be distinct from the catalyzing site. The inhibition role of ATP, is reversed by AMP implying that the rate of activity for the enzyme will increase after the ratio of ATP/AMP is lowered. In this case, glycolisis will be stimulated once the charges of the energy are reduced. A reduction in the pH value will also stop the activity of phosphofructokinase. Once Phosphofructosekinase is inhibited by the hydrogen ions, excess formation of lactic acid will be prevented leading to a precipitous drop in the pH of blood. Thi s process is referred to as acidosis. In this case, some of the ATP will be salvaged from the initial ADP.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Pricing Channels Essay Example for Free
Pricing Channels Essay Students come from a variety of backgrounds with a large and diverse base of knowledge and experience. Therefore, the primary role of the professor will be to acilitate discussions that bring out pertinent issues and to better frame the analyses of these issues. Required materials Case Packet: The case packet is available through www. study. net. Instructions to get materials from study. net are included in the last page of this syllabus, before the course schedule. Pricing Simulation Universal Rental Car Harvard Business School: Sign up instructions will be provided to you in early October. It will cost $12. 50. There will be a practice round available from Nov. 4-9. The official round will run from Nov. Other Readings: A number of readings for this class are available in full text (usually PDF) from Business Source Complete. For these articles, go to http:// www. lib. utexas. edu/, then to Research Tools* Databases Indexes to Articles †+ Databases by Subject* Business* Business Source Complete, and search on the title of the article (unless otherwise directed in the schedule). It works best if you put the title of the article in quotes. If you get a yellow box that says Find it at UT, click on the box and follow the links that have full text. Other Materials: Other materials, such as study questions for case studies, grading sheets, and lecture slides are available on Blackboard. Paperless Assignments: All assignments are to be submitted electronically rather than in hard copy and no later than 5 minutes prior to the start of class. Please send them directly to Dr. Mackie through Outlook as e-mail attachments using the following file name convention on the attachments themselves: File Name Convention [Class time]_[Your Last Name and First Initial_[Assignment name] Example: 930_SmithJ_Problem Set Example: 930_SmithJ_Brief_Case name Example: 930_TeamName_RtM Assignment Grading Blind Grading: MBA-student teaching assistants do the first round of grading on many assignments. Therefore all papers in this course are blind graded. Therefore: (a) Please do not submit assignments directly to the TA; and (b) Place your name *only* in the file name of the attachment.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
1950-1960 Essay -- Essays Papers
1950-1960 During the 1950's, the United States experienced great change with the end of World War II, making it difficult to label the busy decade. America was the most powerful nation in the world and it was a time of complacency. The United States accepted two new states, Hawaii and Alaska ( The science world boomed with new inventions; televisions broadcast nationally; rock n' roll was popular; commercial hotel and fast food chains became common; the car industry exploded; vaccinations for measles and polio were discovered; and birth control pills were introduced (Layman VII). Another event in the 1950’s was the ratification of the 21st Amendment, which limited presidents to two terms in office. The 1950's "baby boom" was also an affect from World War II. The American population increased 19% throughout the 1950's. One-third of Americans was under the age of fifteen (Layman 262). Another issue for the United States in 1950 was the Civil Rights movement. There was one court case that changed history forever. On May 17, 1954 in Topeka, Kansas, a black third grade girl, Linda Brown, was denied admission to a school that was for white children. Schools stigmatized black children, thereby denying them the equal protection guaranteed by the 14th Amendment. The court finally agreed with Linda’s father and Thurgood Marshall. The United Sates was modernizing, however, discrimination was still a large problem ( If American was a growing society, it was also a society on the move. Life was progressively getting faster. Drive-in business and shopping malls were convenient. Mass culture brought material wealth to America, but many wondered at what cost. Poorer citizens were ignored, and the work et... ...ed States was once again beginning to modernize and grow. This not only affected American attitude, but it affected art and literature throughout the world. WORKS CITED Berman, David. "Pop Art: An analysis of English and American Styles." ( Candace. "Index Fifties Web". March 15, 2001 ( Ginsberg, Allen. "America." The American Tradition in Literature. Vol. 2. Ed. Perkins, George and Barbara. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1999. 1795. Hughes, Langston. "Feet Live Their Own Life." The American Tradition in Literature. Ed. Perkins, George and Barbara. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1999. 1604. IDA (15) University of Dayton Annual Reports. "Annual Reports of the President 1950." Layman, Richard. American Decades: 1950-1959. Detroit: Gale, 1994. Wehrle, William O. A History of the University of Dayton. Dayton, 1962.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
How successful was Lord Liverpool’s government Essay
How successful was Lord Liverpool’s government in responding to Popular Discontent in the years 1815 to 1820? Lord Liverpool’s government faced popular discontent in the years 1815 to 1820 due to various social, political and economic factors which led to the majority of the British Public wanting a change. A change in government, government policies and a change to overcome the mass unemployment they were suffering from as a direct result of the end of the Napoleonic War, industrialisation and urbanisation. However, despite the widely held view that amendments – in favour of the working class – were needed, no such change came about in the years 1815 to 1820. Lord Liverpool’s government was partly responsible for this as it introduced a number of repressive policies to prevent the people from revolting; however it is argued that the main reason for the lack of change was due to the disorganisation of the radical opposition. At the end of the Napoleonic War, Britain began trading with Europe once again. This worried the farmers who were afraid that the importation of foreign corn would lower prices. As a result, the British landowners put pressure on the House of Commons to take action and protect their profit and were successful, resulting in the Corn Law being introduced. This applied a tax to all foreign wheat imports unless they reached the domestic price of 80 shillings and was viewed by the industrial class as a way in which the government was protecting the rich landowners – and paying no regard to the working, industrial class majority. The introduction of this law made things incredibly hard for the poor who were already struggling to feed their families and suffering from unemployment, furthermore manufacturers were affected by this law as their workers began demanding higher wages. As well as strikes, the Corn Law led to food riots all over Britain and was the reason many middle class moderate reformers began joining in to the call for change. Therefore it can be viewed as one of the reasons Lord Liverpool’s government was unsuccessful in dealing with popular discontent as rather than introducing reforms in favour of the radicals, it did the opposite and intensified their outcry for change. The Corn Law was followed by the abolition of income tax in 1816 to protect the wages of the landowners once again. As a result, indirect taxes were added to everyday items such as tea, sugar, tobacco, beer and salt. The abolition of Income Tax was a tax which benefited the rich more than the poor, however the indirect added taxes harmed the poor more than the rich, as they were victims of unemployment and low wages. This therefore created further popular discontent and was once again viewed as another policy to favour the rich, landowning class and is hence seen as a reason the government was unsuccessful in dealing with popular discontent. Having said that, from 1817 to 1820 various repressive measures were introduced to control popular discontent and ensure that the government of Lord Liverpool was not overthrown. The first of these was the suspension of the Habeas Corpus act; this meant that the government could hold political prisoners for an indefinite period of time and therefore intimidated people from opposing Liverpool and his government. Despite this act creating internal popular discontent it was successful as people were now angered by the government – arguably even more so than before – however were too intimidated by the idea of transportation or being arrested for an indefinite period of time to react in protest. Furthermore, in 1819 the Six Acts were introduced. The first of these gave local magistrates extensive powers to restrict public meetings and therefore prevented people from planning any forms of riot or protest. The Seizure of Arms Act gave local magistrates the right to search for and seize arms, making it virtually impossible for the radicals to up rise using violent methods. The Blasphemous and Seditious Libels Act prevented the opposition to generate support through propaganda and raising awareness, as any publications unapproved by local magistrates could be seized. The fifth of the six acts introduced a four pence stamp duty on newspapers to ensure that the price of the radical newspapers was beyond the means of most members of the working class, this further prevented support through propaganda. And finally the Misdemeanours Act sped up procedures for bringing treason to trial, its impact led to people being too afraid to protest in fear of being arrested and even transported. As mentioned above, these repressive policies made it practically impossible for the radicals to organise a mass uprising to overthrow the unjust government of Lord Liverpool as doing so required authorisation from their local magistrates – authorisation they obviously would not be granted. Therefore this is an example of how Lord Liverpool’s government was successful in dealing with popular discontent as instead of abolishing it by giving in, it was dealt with through prevention policies. However, despite these wonderful repressive policies introduced by his government to prevent popular discontent, it must be noted that this cannot be solely credited to Lord Liverpool. The radical opposition was far from organised, and was divided into groups consisting of people who advocated violence like the Spenceans in the Cato Street Conspiracy of 1820, and other non violent groups. This division weakened the development of a united working class response and gave the impression of protestors who were hopeful – but by no means forceful – for change. Furthermore, the radicals were not well equipped with weapons and perhaps this can be credited to the Six Acts, however even if the Seizure of Arms Act had not been introduced, the working class radicals would most likely not have had the means to acquire sophisticated forms of weaponry. Therefore it can be concluded that the government of Lord Liverpool’s reactionary acts played an important role in preventing popular discontent as despite being harsh enough to provoke opposition, were repressive enough to prevent it taking place. However, in my opinion, the lack of change in favour of the working class was far more due to a failure on their part, than a success for the government of Lord Liverpool.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Nathaniel Hawthorns use of symbolism in The Hollow of Three Hills Essay
Nathaniel Hawthorne turns the perhaps often ignored topic of adultery into a compelling story that keeps the reader enthralled by using various literary techniques. He focuses on using colour and sound as a way to activate the audience’s imagination and create a somewhat magical picture that only the mind could produce. He describes certain things and places in a precise manner, using symbolism that can foreshadow the themes of the story. In the introductory paragraph, he describes the Hollow as being â€Å"†¦almost mathematically circular,†this allows the reader to deduce that an aura of the supernatural can be seen in the story. Hawthorne uses colour not only to create an image in the readers mind about what they are reading, but also to create a mood and tone to the story. For instance, he describes the hollow as a place full of dark greens and browns, setting a rather dark and gloomy mood. He describes the scene at the bottom of the hollow, â€Å"One of these masses of decaying wood, formerly a majestic Oak, rested close beside a pool of green and sluggish water at the bottom of the basin.†The greens and browns described in this sentence, along with the description of the rotting wood and stagnant water creates a picture of mould, death and decay, an overall miserable colour scheme, creating a miserable mood. This miserable mood is then expanded on when it is mentioned that the old woman has grey hair, a rather drab colour. The first vision is also set in darkness with the only colour being mentioned being the grey ashes and orange embers, however, these oranges seem to create a feeling of fright rather than warmth. The second vision also brings on a notion of fear and resentment, the grey colour of the chains lingers on the readers mind. The third vision seems to be the darkest of all, the theme of a funeral immediately focusing the readers mind to the colour black. The darkness throughout the story seems to flow into this third vision, encompassing the readers mind, creating a black space for the reader to focus solely on the sounds being created in the story, yet another technique used to grab the emotions of the reader. Hawthorne carries the feelings of the adulteress; sorrow, grief, despair and suffering throughout the story by using various sound devices and excessive descriptive techniques. A feeling of fear is brought into the readers mind as they imagine the intimidating voice of the aged crone as the story is introduced. The sound of a prayer being uttered under her breath and the voices of the vision begin to take over the readers mind as well, and one is brought inside the head of the woman. One hears the crackling of dying embers and the voices of the woman’s parents, as well as the old crone’s prayers, almost as if there is a merging of two dimensions. We then break away and are brought back to the deathly calm of the Hollow. As one reads on, the mind is forced to enter the second dimension again. Here Hawthorne uses strong onomatopoeic words to elaborate on the intensity of the sounds being created. â€Å"Shrieks pierce through the obscurity of sound†. Through this sentence, Hawthorne is able to derive a bloodcurdlingly pitched scream inside one’s mind. The voice of insanity is encroaching upon her. Calm is one again brought on by the sound of singing, often associated with calm due to the fact that an infant is calmed by lullaby. The voice of her husband becomes the dominant voice, indicating his feelings of absolute betrayal. The third vision contains perhaps the least noise, but in turn, speaks the loudest. The funeral bells tolls the sound of death, and the tread of the coffin bearers create an ominous miser, however it is the deathly sound of silence that follows, that echoes loudest in the readers mind. Nathaniel Hawthorn also uses symbols throughout the story to accentuate the miserable tone, and the severity of the adulteress’s crimes. He uses three hills, and three visions to show reference to the Holy Trinity, which was sinned against when the woman committed adultery. A funeral sermon was given by a priest, extending the Christian connotations. A large religious role is also given to the use of the power of the super natural, and black magic. The ‘‘almost mathematically circular’’ hollow bears reference to the use of the circle in witchcraft. The woman also places her head upon the crone’s knees, a power that was not god, an evil deed that would have sold her soul to Satan. They stood around â€Å"†¦ a mantling pool, disturbing its putrid waters in the performance of an impious baptismal rite.†This sentence creates an uneasy feeling that they were standing in the areas of hell, or belonging to the devil. The use of the sound and colour in the story create a vivid layout and deeply emotionally stirring images in one’s mind that remain in the sub conscious for further thought, this impact could not have been achieved without such extensive use of these devices. The symbolism added understanding to this emotionally stirring story, and created an undertone of resentment for the adulteress, as one was able to realise the crimes that she had committed in relation to religion. Overall, the use of black magic, and the miserable light, as well as the impeding sound of death in the story, allowed Hawthorn to create a work of literature that excellently portrays the critical consequences of this woman’s tragic mistake and her deep feeling of regret are echoed in the sound of her silence at the end of the story.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Strategies of Emirates Airlines Marketing
Strategies of Emirates Airlines Marketing Advertising We will write a custom proposal sample on Strategies of Emirates Airlines Marketing specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Abstract/Summary Emirates Airline is currently the largest airline company in the Middle East. This company was founded in the year 1985 (â€Å"Emirates Airline Profile†, 2012). The company is the â€Å"flagship and national airline of Dubai, United Arab Emirates†(â€Å"Emirates Airline Profile†, 2012, p.1). It is based outside the Dubai International Airport. Emirates Airline Company undertakes the operation of the four known longest flights across the globe and has â€Å"the largest order of A380 aircrafts†(â€Å"Emirates Airline Profile†, 2012). In the present day, this airline has more than one hundred destinations in over seventy nations across the world and has a fleet of over one hundred and eighty aircrafts (â€Å"The Emirates Story†, 2012). The company has been realizing constant expansion of its network even if it is fully owned by the state. Its growth has been realized through competition and not through state protection (â€Å"Emirates Airline Profile†, 2012). The company has been engaging in competition with the constantly increasing number of international airlines which capitalize on the â€Å"open-skies†policy that Dubai has put in place (â€Å"The Emirates Story†, 2012). The company’s success can be attributed to its effective marketing that enables it to win the competitive advantage and make profits (â€Å"The Emirates Story†, 2012). Putting place effective marketing strategies and methods have enabled the Emirates Airline Company to be very successful in the global market. Although the company has not been in business for a long time like most of its competitors, it has witnessed constant growth which has enabled it to become the leading airline in the Middle East and having destination s in all the continents of the world. Beginning from the time the company started its operations, it has been working hard to improve on its marketing in order to gain a higher market share.Advertising Looking for proposal on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The company has been using its innovative power to come up with the best marketing strategies that have enabled it to grow. However, with the ever advancing technology and coming up of new challenges with each coming day, there is need for the company to continue being innovative and keep on improving its marketing strategies to ensure they become the world’s leading airline and be able to remain at the top. This research will aim at identifying any loopholes that may be in the marketing methods and strategies that have been put in place by Emirates Airline and how to bridge them. Bridging these loopholes or gaps in the strategies will enable this company to improve its performance beyond the present state in order to meet the ever increasing challenges in the market. Relevant objectives as well as research objectives have been set up in this proposal which will serve to guide this research project. Objectives To investigate the Emirates airline’s advertisement and marketing methods and strategies that enable it to gain competitive advantages. To examine how Emirate Airline’s marketing affects its global success. To identify the marketing changes that have occured in the company beginning from the time the company was established to the present. Project Outcomes Emirates Airline Advertisements and Marketing Methods and Strategies It has been found out that this company engages in aggressive advertisement in order to increase its market share (Marketing strategy and customer satisfaction, 2012). As a way to realize customer attraction to the highest level possible, the company advertises itself by u sing a number of slogans. The strategies employed by this company are aimed at ensuring that there has been exploitation of a number of issues concerning the business environment. Among these company’s branding slogans has been â€Å"Fly Emirates†. Emirates Airline Company has been offered a quite unique environment to market its business operations by Dubai. Some of the other slogans that have been used by the company in the course of time include â€Å"’the Finest in the Sky’, ‘Be Good to Yourself by Fly Emirates’, Fly Emirates – Keep Flying’, and ‘When was the last time you did something for yourself’†(Kumar 2012, p.1). Basing on the researches that have been conducted in the past about the use of the slogans by business organizations, it has been found out that some of the slogans used contribute quite positively towards the business performance by these organizations (Marketing strategy and customer sat isfaction, 2012).Advertising We will write a custom proposal sample on Strategies of Emirates Airlines Marketing specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is pointed out that customers tend to abide by business slogans which seem to point out or deal with the needs that the company can meet (Marketing strategy and customer satisfaction, 2012). In the course of time, the Emirates Airline Company has been using the business slogans to hit back at other slogans used by the competitors which had exhibited themselves as being the best airline companies. Such business slogans as â€Å"’Be Good to yourself’ and ‘when was the last time you did something for yourself’ by the Emirates Airline ensure that customers feel treasured and cared for†(Marketing strategy and customer satisfaction, 2012, p.1). Just like most other airlines, Emirate Airline has engaged in diversifying the operations it carries out in various industries that are related. This approach has been used by the company in order to make sure that there is capitalizing on any other potential opportunity. It is reported that, in the past this company has utilized the â€Å"Flex-tracks program†with an intention of planning and fully optimizing the efficiency of a number of business routes as well as load factor (Marketing strategy and customer satisfaction, 2012). According to other reports, it has been found out that another strategy used by this company is the utilization of what is referred to as â€Å"tailored arrivals†and this strategy has been employed in putting the uplinks to aircrafts on route under control 9 Marketing strategy and customer satisfaction, 2012). For airline companies to bring up the level of their efficiencies of their operations, most of them in different parts of the world bring down the level of costs by making use of aircrafts like Boeing 777-3000ER. Such an aircraft makes use of one en gine â€Å"to taxi aircraft engine thus increasing the efficiency of the whole process†(Marketing strategy and customer satisfaction, 2012, p.1).Advertising Looking for proposal on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It is true to point out that the Emirates Airline Company has actually been able to put itself in a quite strategic position within the industry. The constant flourishing of the business market in Dubai and this nation’s constant cooperation with the rest of the world has gone on contributing towards Emirates airline’s improved performance. However, according to the researches that have been conducted, it has been clear that customer satisfaction levels in a large number of the airline companies have remained low (Marketing strategy and customer satisfaction, 2012). As a result of this, customers across the world have turned out to be â€Å"switchers†; moving their loyalties from one company to the other, on a constant basis. They move with a hope that they would possibly come across an honest company that they could trust. In the airlines industry, customer satisfaction involves making sure that the clients are given the services about which they have expectati ons of obtaining from the company on the basis of the price they pay for these services. This also involves making sure that clients arrive at their respective destinations via the shortest route available in the shortest time and at a minimum cost possible. Emirates Airline has been making efforts to capitalize on the existing opportunities and this company has been doing this by ensuring that it positions itself as the excellent global carrier since this airline by-passes some of the well-known hubs as it moves to various other destinations across the world (Marketing strategy and customer satisfaction, 2012) Another strategy that can be employed in order to realize customer satisfaction has involved finding out from the customers in a direct manner in order to be in a position of getting to know what the actual needs of these customers may be. The use of technology has as well been implemented to a high level to make sure there is integration of the needs of the customers into th e business operations in the shortest time and at a lowest cost possible (Marketing strategy and customer satisfaction, 2012, p.1). A number of measures have been taken to make sure that there is receiving by the company’s management of the feedbacks that are given by the clients. These feedbacks may be in line with a number of issues that arise in the company which may be linked to the customer satisfaction either in a direct manner or an indirect one (Marketing strategy and customer satisfaction, 2012). As another strategy, this company engaged in launching a global campaign referred to as â€Å"Kids Go for Free†which has been very successful. Under this campaign the two parents can travel with two kids who are below the age 16 years without paying for them. A discount is also given to these families at the biggest shopping malls within Dubai (Emirates Airline, 2010). From this initiative, it can be seen that children are turning out to be most vital client groups i n a number of industries. It is reported that the â€Å"Kids Go Free†promotion was quite successful in 2009 and served to attract more than twenty thousand travelers originating from seventy countries having Dubai as their destination. Basing on a particular survey in relation to this campaign, it was found that â€Å"the average family of four from Europe could save as much as 3000 pounds by taking advantage of the offer†(Bundhun, 2010). Other than the campaign enabling this company to increase its profitability, it also enabled the families to save large amounts of money. It is reported that, it was not only Emirates Airline that had knowledge about how important the kids market can be but an increasing number of companies also engaged in launching this campaign in order to increase their performance level as well the â€Å"customer awareness index†(McNeal, 1999). The campaign served in assisting Emirates Airline specifically and Dubai in general, to distin guish themselves as â€Å"cost-competitive alternative to other destinations†(Kotler, Bowen, Makens, 2010). This promotion left a great impact in that the companies in the airlines industry came to a realization of the way to utilize the products of kids in order to draw the attention of families and give encouragement to the parents to engage in purchasing. This campaign is healthy for the domestic tourism and in the year 2008, it made a direct contribution of nineteen percent to the GDP of Dubai (Bundhun, 2010). How Emirates Airline Marketing affects their Global Success Over eight hundred Emirates aircrafts leave Dubai every week to other destinations across the world (Calleja, 2009). It is reported that this company’s flight form about forty percent of the total number of flight movements from and into Dubai and at some point, the Emirates Airline, was targeting to bring up their market share to about seventy percent by the year 2010 without having to compromise their standing for quality (Calleja, 2009, p.3). It is also important to point out that value creation and goal achievement are very vital strategic principles in the process of globalization. This company has been constantly undertaking its operation with an aim of making their services better in the global market. In the recent past, this company realized a fresh milestone as â€Å"it touched down to vibrant beats of African drums at Cape Town – its 100th global destination in South Africa and also launched a new service to Brazil; a daily non-stop Dubai-Sao Paulo operation effective 1st July 2008†(Travel Daily News, 2008, p.1). According to Calleja (2009), â€Å"attracting customers is the major strategic global principle†( p.3). This company has all the time been seeking fresh ways to innovate. The company engaged in opening innovative lounge at the â€Å"Brisbane International Airport†thus â€Å"unveiling the facility that offers a stunning 360 de gree view and is the first airline lounge in Australia capable of boarding passengers directly to the aircraft, including the upper deck of the Airbus A380†(Travel Daily News,2008, p.1). This brings in convenience to the clients and therefore it is a great achievement especially in regard to offering quality and superior value attainment by the customers in comparison with other companies in the industry. In its marketing, Emirates Airline has also used what is referred to as â€Å"global aviation strategy†(Calleja, 2009, p.3). This marketing strategy has enabled the company to achieve success in the global market. In the course of the last one and a half decades, the â€Å"Dubai International Airport†has immensely grown to become among the greatest hubs in the global aviation. The strategy has been employed by the Emirates Airline Company basing on the fact that â€Å"its planes can reach any point on the globe nonstop from Dubai and can connect any two city pairs with just one stop in the Middle East†(International Herald Tribune, 2007, p.1). This company is reported to be having a geographic advantage over all other companies in the industry and â€Å"within eight thousand miles, they can reach something like 80% of the world†(Calleja, 2009, p.3). Marketing Changes in Emirates Airline Company from its Establishment until Now There has been integration of a number of strategies in this company’s marketing strategies in the course of time (Marketing strategy and customer satisfaction, 2012). There is a great correlation between marketing concepts within the airline industry and the marketing strategies which are chiefly utilized in such other industries as the hotel industry and tourism among others across the world. Just recently, Emirates Airline flourished after making sure the focus of their services is put on the â€Å"target market†(Marketing strategy and customer satisfaction, 2012, p.1). It is repo rted that at the time the year 2000 was ending, this company had plans to come up with a â€Å"very ultra-long-haul service†(Marketing strategy and customer satisfaction, 2012, p.1). The plan for this service is that it be situated in the â€Å"East coast and the West Coast part of the United States of America†(Marketing strategy and customer satisfaction, 2012, p.1). There were also plans to have more services in Argentina and Australia. It is also reported that â€Å"Fly Emirates business strategies employed in the recent past have seen the business organization overall output increase and the specific traffic flow rate increase to twenty percent from the year 1999 to the year 2000†(Marketing strategy and customer satisfaction, 2012, p.1). Seven years ago, in 2005, this company commenced on its operations of the airline to the New York City and this was on a continuous basis. Emirates Airline strategy put in place in this regard enabled the company to comme nce undertaking operation of A340-500 flight to JFK airport. In the course of time, the company has also realized creation of several partnerships with some airlines in the Delter airlines and in the U.S (Marketing strategy and customer satisfaction, 2012, p.1). The initiation of such operations was undertaken in 2001.The enhancement of the company’s growth has been realized through implementation of various strategies in the past. By the year 2007, Emirates Airline was able to mark its â€Å"new non-stop air operation services between most of its major destinations†(Marketing strategy and customer satisfaction, 2012, p.1). The company has also been able to continuously capture traffic to Southern Asia as well as North America. By the company introducing Airbus A380-800, this served as a great move towards making sure it has a better performance within the business market. The strategy put in place in order to ensure creation of additional space in flights played a bi g role in enabling the company to achieve significantly higher profits resulting from the flights between Bangkok and Dubai 9 Marketing strategy and customer satisfaction, 2012). Why the Interest in the Project Considering that there is continued complication as well as competition witnessed in the airline industry, it is important that the marketing methods and strategies that have been and are currently used by the Emirates Airline Company be examined in order for any gaps that are there in these strategies be established and necessary changes which need to be carried out be implemented and submissions of proposals be made to the management. Indeed, this research will be beneficial not only to the Emirates Airline Company but also to the investors into the industry as well as shareholders and stakeholders in making sure that they receive maximum gains from this company. I am also interested in this research project because it will offer very important information that relate to th e present situation of the business market in which airlines carry out their operations. This information that will be obtained will also be helpful in the optimization of real performance of the small as well as big businesses. Questions to be answered What are the Emirates airline’s greatest competitive advantages? What are the biggest challenges that Emirates Airline encounter in their operations both in the local and global market in relation to their marketing strategies? In what ways do the Emirate Airline’s present marketing methods and strategies give a reflection of its future targets within the market? Research Methods The methods that will be used in this research will involve the use of primary data as well as secondary data collection. Considering primary data, this will be dependent of data collection from the company regarding the strategies they use with the objective of winning the competitive advantage through customer satisfaction. The opinion of t he clients and the potential clients will be collected. A number of opinions of various stakeholders will be put into consideration. The administering of questionnaires will play a big role in making sure that the different respondents who might be in different locations and those that cannot be reached physically can still take part in this research. Research design Since the Emirates airline is a multinational company that serves wide array of clients across the globe, it is imperative to note that it has numerous employees and clients from various locations across the globe. Therefore, a suitable research design will be required as part of methodology in order to address this kind of diversity (Creswell 1994, p. 76). Therefore, a well designed and suitable research methodology will have to incorporate a thorough research study in order to understand how employees are motivated at the Emirates Airlines. Therefore, the research design that will be applied will take into considerati on the number of employees in the company and how employees are represented in the company both regionally and continentally. In addition, the research design to be employed will address all the major international airports and offices of the company that can be used to facilitate communication. This kind of information will be useful as part of the research design because it will enhance gathering of primary data and subsequent analyses. Due to the complex nature of the ethical and cultural practices experienced at the Emirates Airlines, a qualitative research design will be utilized in order to map out expenses to be incurred in the process of conducting this research study (Doganis 2002, p.54). Besides, more focus will be laid on the descriptive research method so that the acquired data can be understood. It is important to reiterate that this kind of research design is highly suitable for the study because it gives more emphasis on the much needed information when the actual res earch study will be conducted. In addition, the qualitative approach will be used to carry out the methodology part of this research study. As a matter of fact, there will be a well defined method of collecting data from the field. Data collection Data collection is an integral part when conducting any research study. This study aims to collect the much needed data using various methods. However, the mode of data collection will have to be compatible with the research design that was chosen above (Hiatt Creasey 2003, p.163). Therefore, the aforementioned descriptive research design will employ survey as one of the methods of data collection. The use of survey method in data collection will be made possible through well designed questionnaires. The latter will save both time and expenses needed to collect raw data from the field. Some of the suggested interview questions that will be contained in the questionnaire include: Are you satisfied as an employee at Emirates Airlines? Woul d you move away from the Emirates Airlines if you secure another job opportunity? What are the outstanding attributes of this company? Kindly enlist them. Do you feel like working with Emirates Airlines on every single day? What motivates you at workplace? Primary and Secondary Data Sources That are Intended to Be Used in This Project The primary data collection will involve obtaining information about the strategies that are employed by this company in order to realize customer satisfaction. A direct response from the interviewees through the use of the questionnaires will make it possible for the researcher to formulate, in sufficient manner, a perfect understanding of how efforts geared towards realizing customer satisfaction can be carried out. Moreover, primary data will make it possible for the researcher to be in a position of obtaining the up-to-date information that will assist in comparing between the past data sources and the sources which are the most recent. The second ary data sources will include journals, websites and information in books and sources written on Emirates airline. This information will be very important in the identification of a number of roles that have been played by a number of stakeholders in dealing with all concerns that are linked to different marketing strategies used within the airline industry. There will be availing of a number of issues concerned with the most effective marketing strategies, which have formerly been used and their success patterns through comprehensive studying of the sources which are available, containing the secondary data. Gantt Chart Task Person(s) Responsible Start Date End Date Questionnaire Drafting Researcher (Myself) 01 Oct 10thOct Data Collection Researcher (Myself) 11thOct 18thOct Data Analysis Researcher (Myself) 19stOct 30 Oct Dissertation Writing Researcher (Myself) 01 Nov 10 Nov References Bundhun, R., 2010. Double the â€Å"Kids go free†on holidays to Dubai. Web . Calleja, J., 2009. Global business – case study: Emirates Airline. Web. Emirates Airline Profile, 2012. Web. Creswell, J. W. 1994. Research design: qualitative quantitative approaches, Sage Publications, New York. Doganis, R. 2002. Flying off course: the economics of international airlines, Routledge, New York. Emirates Airline, 2010. Family focus for Dubai and Emirate airline this summer. Web. Hiatt, J. Creasey, T. J. 2003. Change management: the people side of change, Prosci Learning Center, Madison. International Herald Tribune, 2007. As other airline suffer, Emirate Airline prospers. Web. Kotler, P., Bowen, T. B., Makens, C. J., 2010. Marketing for hospitality and tourism, Pearson Education Inc., New Jersey. Kumar, C., 2012. Emirates. Web. Marketing strategy and customer satisfaction, 2012. Web. McNeal, J. U., 1999. The kids market: myths and realities, Paramount Market Publishing, New York. The Emirates Story, 2012. Web. Travel Daily News, 2008. Emirates increases B razil service to daily. Web.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Phrasal Verbs and Phrasal Nouns
Phrasal Verbs and Phrasal Nouns Phrasal Verbs and Phrasal Nouns Phrasal Verbs and Phrasal Nouns By Mark Nichol A phrasal verb is a verb consisting of two or more words- a verb and (usually) a preposition or a particle- that, when combined, describe an action. When formed into a closed or hyphenated compound, however, a phrasal verb is transformed into a phrasal noun, which can, alternatively, be employed as an adjective. This post explains the distinction, with examples. Forming Phrasal Verbs Take just about any basic verb, and it can likely be paired with one or more words to form a phrasal verb. (A phrasal verb is also called a compound verb, or a prepositional verb or a particle verb, depending on the function of the word following the verb, along with other names.) Consider walk, for example. One can walk in a line, out a door, through a tunnel, up a flight of stairs, down a street, on a rug, near a park, by a shop, off a cliff, or away from a fight. In many cases, however, a writer can name the action by combining the verb and the preposition or particle into a compound. Walk-in, for example, describes someone who arrives at a location without an appointment, or it serves as a truncation of â€Å"walk-in refrigerator†or functions as an adjective in â€Å"walk-in closet†or â€Å"walk-in apartment.†A walkout, by contrast, is a labor strike or an action in which a number of people leave a meeting or a location to express disapproval. (Notice the inconsistency of treatment; the former word is hyphenated, while the latter is closed.) A walk-through is an inspection or a rehearsal, and a walk-up is a building with no elevator to the upper floors. (As an adjective, the word might refer to a window where a customer can be served without entering a business location.) â€Å"Walk down†can also refer to an act of walking to help oneself recover from illness or poisoning or to wear someone down to exhaustion (â€Å"wear down†is also a phrasal verb), but- so far, at least- English-language speakers and writers have not felt a need for a corresponding phrasal noun. (That is the case with a couple of other phrasal verbs in this list.) But a walk-on is a small theatrical role (from the fact that such parts often involve an actor simply walking onstage, perhaps to deliver a message to a main character, for example) or a person who attempts to join an athletic team without an invitation or a scholarship offer. Walk-off, meanwhile, describes a final winning play in a baseball game. Note that with any of the phrasal verbs listed, at best, a sentence’s meaning will differ if the preposition or particle is omitted; at worst, it won’t make sense. One can, for example, walk a line, but that means something different than a reference to walking in a line, while â€Å"walk a door†is meaningless. However, some phrasal verbs are redundant, though they are often used colloquially. Such phrases, which often unnecessarily pair a verb with up or down, include â€Å"climb up,†â€Å"meet up,†â€Å"rest up,†â€Å"sit down,†â€Å"stand up,†and â€Å"write down.†(One may climb down, but descend is a better alternative for that phrase.) Note, though, that some of these redundant phrases can be legitimately repurposed as phrasal nouns or adjectives when hyphenated. For example, meet-up is an informal synonym for gathering, and a sit-down is a work stoppage or protest or a meeting convened to resolve a conflict or problem. (As an adjective, the term also pertains to a meal or a restaurant at which one is seated.) Meanwhile, a stand-up comic is one who performs while standing, though the term may also informally denote the quality of integrity (â€Å"He’s a real stand-up guy†) or simply refer to something literally upright. The term alone can also refer to the entertainment form or a television broadcast with a similar setup- there’s another phrasal verb transformed into a compound verb- or to the performer. â€Å"Write down†does not have a corresponding noun. However, the words write and up, though they do not form a phrasal verb (â€Å"write it up†comes close), are used, linked with a hyphen, to describe a report, review, or summary, as in â€Å"Did you see the write-up about the game in today’s paper?†Numerous other examples exist. Note, however, that as in the case of walk-in and walkout, treatment of two words with a common verb may differ: One performs a turnaround but comes up with a work-around. A blow-up is not the same as a blowout, and the compounds are not styled the same. And though hand-down is not (yet) a word- it might someday be coined to describe an edict or pronouncement- a hand-me-down is something passed on (such as an article of clothing given to a child when an older sibling outgrows it). When contemplating using a phrasal noun (or a phrasal adjective), first, use a dictionary to determine 1) whether the term exists and 2) whether the phrasal noun is hyphenated or closed. (And double-check that the adjectival form is the same as the phrasal noun. Exceptions exist, including the noun/adjective pairs castoff/cast-off and takeout/take-out.) For example, when one calls out, it is a callout, but when one logs in, it is (usually) a log-in. (Login is also employed; the correct form is the one that appears in the dictionary or style guide you consult.) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Grammar Test 1Cannot or Can Not?10 Types of Hyphenation Errors
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Enlightenment Artwork Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Enlightenment Artwork - Essay Example For example, a little blood is seen on Watson’s right leg beneath the translucent green waves and a small amount is also shown on the shark’s teeth. Watson is also painted as bare and completely naked, meticulously highlighting his gleaming muscular body outstretched in stark contrast to the shark’s dark and leering form. He is literally shown as emerging and being rescued from the jaws of death, symbolizing his rebirth and entry into life. Copley produced this painting around the time of great political conflict and it also immediately brings to mind the Revolutionary War, skillfully highlighting a strong political message. For example, Watson, a British Tory, is heroically rescued and salvaged from the watery depths. Similarly, the two countries, America and Britain, had also recently emerged from a bloody war. Watson’s resurrection both physically and spiritually along with his political ascension, symbolizes the renewal and restoration of Britain and i ts power.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Community Health Nusing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Community Health Nusing - Essay Example I learnt to design and implement health education campaigns and diseases prevention activities such as immunization, sex education, abstinence and screenings. To do this, I had to monitor health trends by looking at students’ past health records in order to identify heath risk factors that were unique to Cesar Chavez High School. I believe a person’s health is affected by factors like environmental changes, lifestyle and genetic composition. Effective prevention measures would include health care education, proper nutrition, efficient safety practices, and early detection of common diseases (Appleby et al, 2005). I learnt how to identify and respond to potential health issues. I also learnt about the importance of patient-doctor confidentiality; hence I was able to encourage the students to come for medication irrespective of their medical conditions. Admittedly, the students have changed substantially since I got to Cesar Chavez High School. Most of them have dropped their bad habits. Usually, high school students are curious and tend to pursue satisfaction of their curiosity by experimenting on new things. Some of them were into drugs while others were just naughty and would fake sickness in order to avoid exams. Teen pregnancies were also rampant. Most of them did not take their health seriously because those who were sick would take up to a week before seeking medical attention. This delay was making treatment difficult for me as a nurse. In addition, cleaning the environment was perceived as a punishment to students. I set out to address these issues on the grounds that prevention was better than cure by educating both the staff and the students on the importance of getting rid of health prejudice. In addition, I stressed the importance of disease prevention. For instance, maintaining high hygienic conditions would lower the chances of contacting diseases such as dysentery.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Using Critical Thinking When Believing in Extrasensory Perception Essay
Using Critical Thinking When Believing in Extrasensory Perception (Psychology course) - Essay Example Mike used the success of a fortuitous prediction as a basis to ignore previous failures. Thus, this scenario demonstrates some of the features associated with the fallacy of positive instances. Mike has recalled and relied on a solitary event (the â€Å"hit†), in this case a phone call from his old sweetheart, to justify his assertion that he has extrasensory perception. There is no evidence that Mike can accomplish this feat regularly; indeed, there is no evidence that he has ever done this before. The analysis, therefore, must rest on this single occurrence. The second major characteristic of the fallacy of positive instances is also evident; in this case, for instance, Mike seems to ignore or assign as irrelevant the fact that he was incorrect in predicting the identity of many callers in the past (â€Å"misses†). In this way, Mike is relying on an extraordinarily selective event to assert a larger truth. In this case, his assertion is not justified because he relies on a single hit to the exclusion of many more misses. The romantic attractions of extrasensory perception are present in this scenario. That a psychic can appear in an educational setting, adorned with the trappings of intellectual discipline, and then successfully predict that two students will share the same birthday is impressive. A consequent sense of awe is natural. It is natural because of the statistical improbability of the psychic being correct. This scenario, because of this statistical characteristic, demonstrates the fallacy of innumeracy. The fallacy of innumeracy assumes that individuals may opt to believe that a chance occurrence cannot be explained through any rational means; more particularly, lacking an understanding of statistics or probabilities, people may choose to believe that an event is impossible absent some extrasensory power or insight. This type of fallacy can be applied to this scenario. In this case, there are twenty-four
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Essential Skills for Management and Business
Essential Skills for Management and Business Introduction Managerial skills are important attributes for employees, managers and executives to possess. Without several basic fundamental skills, a business will never achieve its objective. Skilful staff represents the capital of any successful business and are, and will always be an important reason for its success. This report discusses some of the essential managerial and business skills acquired by companies. Firstly, leaderships importance and significant role is well highlighted in this report, for the belief that, in addition to any other business skills that you possess, possessing leadership attributes is crucial, because it will benefit your associates, managers, staff and even customers. People in General are influenced by leaders and sometimes, unconditionally follow their thoughts. Leaders are the primary target for marketers for they know, for the reasons mentioned above those leaders are more likely capable of increasing their market segmentation more than any other average person. Besides leadership, critical and creative thinking is an important attribute that every successful manager has to have. Critical thinkers main role starts when there are no solutions in the horizon for certain problems. Their creativity and the experience they gained assist in this process. Moreover, another vital skill a manager wont survive without technology. Technology is the moderns world tool of communication and not having enough knowledge about it will not end up with good results for the company. Based on my studying in Kent University and doing two degrees in Electronics and Communication Engineering and Financial accounting, there are important skills that I learned attending these courses which I also think will be of much significance for my career. New product development guarantees more success for the company because it relies on market analyses and innovative ideas to produce something new. In addition, financial management is a fundamental skill for any type of profession a person might chose. Any type of business has to be organized and sources of money received and spent have to be kept, otherwise the company will just be performing randomly. Leadership as a concept Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it. Dwight D. Eisenhower Leadership is influencing peoples behaviors so that they become willingly prepared to work more towards achieving mutual objectives .consequently, an inspirational organizational culture will be created (Kotelnikov, 2001).The ability to inspire people to attain greater heights and dimensions of performance and consistent success is a skill acquired by Leaders in the new century. Passion and effective communicating are important attributes to make the leader inspirational, which will reflect on the organizations culture, making the employees more committed as we as turning the workplace into a thrilling environment (Heathfield, nd) Type of Leaders Leaders are the engine of a work, the motivation for employment, and the face of a company, thats why it is important t o choose the right leader into the right position. 3.1 Executive leaders (CEOs) shoulder the responsibility of clarifying the vision, mission and direction of the firm (Couler, 2010). CEOs participate in formal event; they also make speeches, but in fact have little impact on the daily business operation (Radcliffe, 2010). 3.2 Line leaders are the connections between low and top levels; especially in organizations with high hierarchy They have the power of presenting the executive leaders message to his/her staff. They are very influential in organizations, not only they can stop or alter any project, but also they can take a leadership position and promote change (Fletcher, 2010). 3.3 Network-leaders They are the invisible strength behind how the real firm operations. Whether they were Union Representatives or technical experts, These Leaders create a network of relationships that allow them to know much about the organization, and thus gain real knowledge about the organizations operations (Radcliffe, 2010). Creative and Inspirational Leadership In a survey that involved more than thousand and a half employees which asked those employees what attribute would they like to see most in their managers . More than half of the survey takers answered inspiration (DTI, nd). An inspired workforce is fundamental for any ambitious business that hopes to be ahead of its competitors. Inspiring people motivates them, makes them more objective oriented and enhance their creativity (Northouse, 2010). Our environment is shifting quickly and unpredictably. Creative employees are those who are capable of foreseeing future opportunities and are also able to change the workplace in which they work to a positive atmosphere (Northouse, 2010). Creative leaders are mostly needed in vital moments, where the organization cant find convenient solutions. They seek and find opportunities, bring in positive change and make huge efforts towards creating new products/services through new processes and innovative techniques (Kotelnikov, 2001). In addition creative thinkers have the capability to transform ambiguous problems to business opportunities. Besides their ability to analyse the environment, they also take part in building relationships, alliances and encouraging creativity (Fletcher, 2010). According to Jack Welch, the previous legendary CEO of General electric, a good leader is one who is capable of making people feel that they are real a contribution to the organization. Welch adds that working toward a shared and worthwhile goal can produce huge positive energy. In his Beginnings, Jack Welchs goal was to make General Electric the worlds most competitive multinational enterprise. He, therefore realised that only can revolutionary thoughts turn his dream to actual reality (Kotelnikov, 2001). The American corporate business model in the United States had not changed since 1980.Employees did their job, managers managed , and everybody knew his/her place. Those days were ruled by rules and forms and bureaucracy (Fletcher, 2010).. Welchs revolution meant changing the old ways of doing Business in the company and restructuring the company entirely. As a result of his inspirational influence and charismatic attributes, Today, General Electric stands as one of the worlds most admired and unique companies (Kotelnikov, 2001). Welchs successful techniques are applicable to small, growing and large companies. Those techniques mainly focus once again on articulating the companys vision, since creative managers inspire their employees with obvious visualizations of how things can be achieved better. Welch also recommends that the manager has to be simple. Simplifying things is a key factor of business (Kotelnikov, 2001). Simple messages travel faster, simpler designs reach the market faster and the elimination of clutter allows faster decision making., according to John Welch Clarifying and sampling things makes it easier for employees to know their position better, as a result they become more energized and focused on achieving objectives. Furthermore, Welch advices managers to always face reality, and act according to the actual situation. Ignoring reality means shifting away from long term objectives. Also, a company should seek any opportunity of change. Change is a big part of the reality in business, and readiness to change is a strength, even if it involves temporary confusion within the company, however in certain circumstances, it is a necessity. In addition Creative, Inspirational leaders are known as Risk Takers, they have a clear affinity to break the rule and take considerable risks, towards producing this change (DTI, nd). Critical Thinking Critical thinking is the procedure by which an individual comes arises with a new innovative idea (Powell, 2010). The process involves actively and proficiently gathering, analysing and evaluating information, based on an individuals observations, knowledge and past experiences. To be able to think creatively you have to be clear, precise, consistent and fair (The Critical Thinking Community, 2009) Critical thinking could involve integration of ideas which have not been combined before. Brainstorming is one significant form of creative thinking: it works by the unification of two or more peoples ideas in order to create a new innovative one (Powell, 2010). Besides the cooperative efforts taken to produce a new idea, however this process could sometimes be accidental (Brainstorming, 2006). This occurs when a certain circumstance arises and leads someone to start thinking about situations in a different manner, and sometimes leads to a valuable change(Powell, 2010). Nevertheless, new ideas are usually produced through pure use of mutual intelligence and logical sense to come up with something new, this is what could be referred to as a deliberate critical thinking situation. When a group of people share their knowledge and experiences, particularly if those people come from different cultures, new ideas start to appear in the horizon, because people from different cultural backgr ounds have experienced different situations and obstacles, hence, grouping the efforts in this manner will most likely produce this change (Brainstorming, 2006).Nevertheless, with continuous practice, (ongoing investigation, questioning and analysis) will develops an individuals general knowledge and understanding, resulting in a better perspective and forth seeing in sticky situations (Brainstorming, 2006). Critical thinking is the process in which of reasoned and disciplined thinking to a certain subject are implemented. In order to succeed in your studies future career you must be able to think critically about the things you have read, seen or heard. And in order to develop your critical thinking, there are certain levels (The Open University, 2009). Procession receiving information (i.e. in what you have read, heard, seen or done). Understanding Comprehend the key aspects, assumptions and evidence presented. Analyses Examining how those key aspects fit together and are related to each other. Comparison realizing the similarities and dissimilarities between the ideas you are developing. To Synthesise Bring together several sources of information to create an argument or an idea you are building. Also, it includes your ability to make logical associations between the various sources that help you outline and support your ideas. Evaluation Assessing the value of an idea in terms of how is it relevant its to your needs, the facts on which it is based and how it relates to other applicable ideas. Application Transforming the understanding you have gained from the evaluation level in order to use it in response to questions, assignments or projects. Justification Using critical thinking to develop your own arguments, draw conclusions and identify implications (The Open University, 2009). 6. Technology Skills Knowing only how to use basic technology skills such as internet browsing or e-mailing is not enough anymore. Possessing solid technological skills, on the other hand, will put you a step above your colleagues (Pavlina, 2006) In general, companies are extremely reliant on IT that they cant lay off the people who keep their data centre operations running, and neither they are willing let go of their developers, who will be familiar with the forthcoming technology. In general those are the most essential IT skills an employee, who is chasing a good career shall has: 1. Database Database expertise is an important skill that employers would love to see in their employees. Companies are looking for IT workers with experience, particularly in Microsoft SQL Server and the Oracle Developer Suite. According to a survey in 2008 which was conducted bye the Society for Information Management and was intended to know which skills do CIOs prefer for their job candidates. Expertise in databases was one of only four technological skills listed by CIOs, who besides, database also listed other attributes such as teamwork, problem solving and communication in hiring recent college graduates (Marcan, 2009). 2. Messaging/Communications Messaging and communications is one of few skills that experienced a pay raise in the fourth quarter of 2008. Firms are for the most part interested in hiring staff with experience in unified communications and messaging systems. Efficient communication saves time, expenses and energy. Also it promotes a cooperative environment where people can communicate easily (Turner, 2005). 3. Project management SIMs 2008 CIO survey listed project management as one of the top 10 skills needed for mid-level employees. Companies require project planning leaders. Someone who has the ability to plan, schedule, and gets the results done.Project management skills are going to be more important over the next few years, according to Henry Eckstein, senior vice president of strategic technology at York Insurance Services Group (Marcan, 2009). 4. Networking Every company plans to increase its profits. And that could be done more conveniently whenever the company has more customers, partners and friends. Furthermore, the individuals own circle of people contributes to the overall companys network. Therefore, an employee with networking capabilities is another attribute job employers seek while recruiting (Turner, 2005). 5. Security Its true that there are many benefits for technology, but also it has some other disadvantages that can sometimes cause real obstacles in the firms track towards development. Hacking, Spamming and data system crashes can sometimes be very costly. Hence, the security of your data is worth money (Turner, 2005). Financial Management Through the past few years, and exactly starting from the electronics department at Kent University, the idea of business was gradually crossing my mind, since business field is very important now days, and because I always wanted to study this subject and improve my knowledge about it, the idea came to specialize in this major and learn about the management techniques and strategies to be able to combine my engineering degree in electronics and communications with the business skills I earned through this year, which contains valuable information on how to manage my life style, how to deal with others and be successful in the practical life, and last but not least to connect everything to business. I really believe that business management is a priority subject to be taught, and in my case I can combine my business MSc degree with my previous degree, and look for more opportunities like the consulting field for example, rather than looking into one direction only. It has been concluded that management accounting is a crucial when it comes to a company making vital and well-timed management decisions about their business (Abraham, 2008). However, it is obvious that different types of businesses will acquire different management accounting requirements. Financial management is important when considering the following areas: The sales process: which includes distribution, debtors and pricing. The purchasing process: includes records of stock levels and creditors. Records regarding employees. A fixed asset registers (Collier, 2009). Financial management is a very important major as I mentioned before, but personally I prefer to be specialised in the accounting finance sector and risks, because I think the accounting field is a sensitive one, also managing risks as well, because it helps ordinary people to understand the market, especially stock exchange market, by using the income and financial statements anyone with a bit knowledge about accounting and finance will be able to figure out the real prices per shares, dividends, return risks and more readings, which will lead us to think more realistic about facts and how to deal with them. Financing risks also very important, it prevents from falling into business traps and circumstances related to it, as well as crisis which can happen anytime and cause big manufactures to collapse, so being aware from risks is a benefit itself; James porter once said avoiding risks is more valuable than the income earned by that risk. There is no legal obligation for companies to draw up management accounts; however, many companies find that it makes running the business much simpler if they do prepare the accounts. In fact, many companies produce account reports monthly, quarterly and yearly to keep track of the financial transaction (Abraham, 2008). Management accounts are useful for analysing the previous and present performances, in order to visualise future trends. This includes looking at profit forecasts, income and cash flow statements in addition to sales (Abraham, 2008). The actual numbers collected from the analysis shall be continuously compared against numbers that have been previously predicted while designing the budget. The information collected for the management accounting is usually broken down so that the performance of different departments of the company can all be measured individually to make sure that all these departments capabilities are exploited (Collier, 2009). A convenient plan to start with is to design a fitting budget, which represents a roadmap for managers to constantly know where their businesses are actually standing. In order to design the budget the financial team has to design income and expenses tables, which will assist financial managers to notice where does the money come from and where does it go, so they can afterwards focus on those products that are generating products for the company, at the same time, getting rid of extra expenses (BBB, 2009). For businesses who are engaged in selling a selection of products, they are advised to produce a financial breakdown for each of them. This will allow you to make sure that very gainful products are not subsidising those that are failing to sell as well. By organising the financial side of the company in this manner, managers will have the ability to supervise trends in the business, consequently indicating any variations in income and spending that may require alternation (Collier, 2009). ANT is a global packaging supplier that provides equipment to the food industry. The company developed a computer-numerically-controlled (CNC) machine for packaging. And even though it was two to three times more expensive than its competitors, but it operates twice as fast. Worthy to be note than 10% of ANTs annual sales are invested in research and development (Abraham, 2008).. The company has branches in US, Europe, Australia in addition to the Middle East. Normally, the manufacturing of the CNC project is outsourced to less expensive labour countries to reduce the capital investments (Abraham, 2008). 8. New Product Development Another skill I was able to develop during my studying in the University of Kent is the importance of new product development. Product development is the integrative process which includes the strategic organization, concept generation, product and marketing plan creation and estimation, and afterwards the commercialization of the new product (Ulrich, 2009).New product development is the energy that pumps the organizations innovation engine, and it is impossible for a firm to grow without developing new products (Ulrich, 2009). 8.1 LAUNCHING A NEW PRODUCT Once the product-line structure has been initiated and a new product is being developed, it is time for the company to consider how the product could be successfully launched to its target market (Reference for Business, 2010). This is the phase where an advertising or public relations agency can participate, especially for small businesses that lack the internal resources needed to handle such a job by them. However, when utilising an outside agency to launch a product, a company should firstly, have a well-defined product concept, also provide the agency with background information about its products and aims. Thirdly the firm has to have an official business plan. Lastly marketing and advertising plans should also be determined (Reference for Business, 2010). With annual sales that exceed  £4.5 billion, Kelloggs is the worlds leader of cereal products and convenience foods products, such as cookies, crackers and frozen waffles (The Times 100, 2010). Kelloggs is a multinational organisation. Its products are manufactured in 19 countries globally and sold in more than 180 countries. Kelloggs realize the importance of maintain positions in manufacturing products they are good at. However, the worldwide companys executives suggest that in such an uncertain world there is a continuous need for chance and production of new products. New product Development depends on the marketing mixture, so that the company analyses the products characteristics (The Times 100, 2010). 1, Product: This element is related to how the company offers meets the continuous shifting needs and wants of consumers. In this particular industry, the growth in healthier lifestyles creates opportunities for Kelloggs to increase the number of products for this segment. 2. Price: The sum a company charges for its product is imperative in influencing the sales number, and giving the firm an idea about it. Big Brands like Kelloggs can charge a premium because of the quality of its product and the fame of its brand. 3. Place: Where customers can find the product is also an essential factor in determining sales. Your products have to be available where customers are most likely willing to buy them. This depends on the market analyses (Ulrich, 2009). 4. Promotion: Kelloggs uses above the line promotion like TV advertising as well as below the line promotion like on-pack promotions and sampling. Managers can take a decision on when to make key changes to core products by analysing its position within the product life-cycle. Life-cycle analysis accepts that products have a limited life, and analysts makes charts for products performance through several phases, starting with its launch stage through various phases of growth until it finally reaches development maturity and ultimately decline. An average products life cycle may last for few months, for instance food products. Nevertheless for super products it could last for years like the car industry (The Times 100, 2010). 9. Conclusion: This report is a reflection of the managerial skills obtained from studying at the University of Kent in both the Engineering and the Business departments. Doing both degrees supplied me with a flow of very essential skills which i think about as a future investment. Firstly, this report discussed the role of leadership and critical thinking in taking the companys success to another dimension. Those two attributes are crucially important. Leadership implies seeing and being able to analyze circumstances before it arises so that you are always ready to face them. Critical thinking is the mechanism that you use to produce innovative solutions in complex situations. These two attributes require expertise and cannot be acquired easily. Furthermore, this report discussed the importance of Technology in our modern world. There is no doubt about the fact that technology has already and will have a more significant role within which people will communicate with each other. Technology facilitates the way we live and communicate. Technology, when used efficiently will be a huge assistance for the company. The benefit of technology doesnt only stop at facilitating communication within the organization, but also it has a significant role for new product development. To produce a new product you need to be innovative and you also need the required technology to be available so the process of new product development is formed. And even if sometimes the new product is more expensive, but if it has good quality it can still be sold. Finally, Financial Management and budgeting skills are required by both small firms and giant Multi National Enterprises. Cash flow is the actual capital of the organization. It is important to realize how this capital is built accurately, thats why you have to keep track of all the money you spend in addition to the money you received. Appropriate Financial Management keeps the company away or at least lessen the risks it may face in the future. Looking at previous years trends can sometimes, but not always be useful. Circumstances change regularly, thus a successful manager is one who analyzes the whole environment strategically before taking and business decision. Successfully and efficiently managing is an integrative process. It is true that nobody can be excellent in every skill, being good in some of them, however, and always working on developing the other skills you are not very familiar with will improve your attributes as an individual, an employee or a manager. As a result, possessing business skills and developing them will end you up with a better career and a better life.
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